Leorio X Reader {To love a doctor}

You checked into the hospital early, because you got head splitting pains about 2 hours prior. Your mother didn't think much about it, but you thought differently.
You knew something was up, so checked in with a doctor.
.:earlier call:.
"Hunter Hospital, how may I help you?" a friendly female voice called into the phone.
"Um, hello. I've been feeling headaches that hurt so much that I can't hold any food down or I can't breathe." (sounds contagious)
"Would you like to set up an appointment?"
"Yes please. Can I come right now?"
"Let me ask a doctor if they are free."
The lady put you on hold as you fidgeted with your thumbs. Boy was this embarrassing.
"Hello?" the voice called once more.
"Still here."
"Dr. Paladnight can see you. What time will you be arriving?"
Y/N looked at the clock. 4:47.
"5:00 would be best."
"Alright. The doctor will be waiting." and with that she hung up.

A bell rung from the door as you opened it and stepped in. The lady at the front desk looked up from her paperwork and smiled happily. "May I help you?" you recognized her. The lady from the phone.
"I'm here to see Dr. Paladnight."
"Ah, yes, I see. He's in the back. Go straight and turn on the left at the end of the hall."
You did as you were told and knocked on the door that separated you and the room.
"Come on in." a male voice said from behind the door.
You opened it, and upon seeing who the doctor was, you blushed. Damn he was hot.
.:timeskip cause I'm lazy:.

"Well, it's not contagious and it's only a minor headache. You can go without a problem." he said.
"T- thank you, um, Leorio." you smiled and was about to step so when he caught hold of your wrist.
"D-do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asked you, blushing.
You nodded and walked out.

That was so terrible I think I need to burn my phone. Tell me what you think. And I desperately need a helper! I have one, CaptainLeviLover go follow them!

Thank you once more for reading this and I would love some creative criticism! It really helps!
