Just something.

I literally found this on Archive of our own and posted it on this. XD XD

It is called "Shalnark nekkid" pleas enjoy, although it is not mine!

Shalnark was taking a fucking shower because he needed to, good grief the fucking Phantom Troupe never takes baths or change their clothes, they're all disgusting pieces of shit. so Shalnark was taking a fucking shower and then he decides, "Hey I wonder what would happen if I used my Black Voice to take nudes????" So he pulled his phone, Black Voice, out of his ass and he decided to take nudes while he showered.

Why is he taking nudes? because he's fucking gross, plus he has no man to give his body to anymore. Uvo is fucking dead ok!! So Shalnark took 300 nudes until he realized the water in the shower was still running, and cellphones are electronics so he was fucking shocked to death and he died. There was blood all over the shower room floors. The water was still running. It turned red, because blood. However, nobody fucking cared since nobody fucking showered, dirty ass Phantom Troupe, so nobody knew that he died?

"Wtf happened to Shalnark?" Shizuku asked nearly a month later. The Troupe was playing Grand Theft Auto 5 because that's their fucking game - they steal, rape strippers, and cars (yes rape cars !). Why? Because they're the Fantom Tr00p.

"Who the fuck cares?" Phinks asked rhetorically, he just stole a taxi.

Feitan found a jar of salsa on the ground but then Phinks ran over him with the taxi. lmfao hahahaha.

Chrollo was in the helicopter, he used a cheat i guess; he was making "soi soi soi soi soi soi soi" noises. His helicopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi. Then he said, "Yeah, who cares. You dumb women worry to fucking much."

that really pissed Shizuku off. Like really. Shizuku wanted 2 MURDER.

"Hey, does Shalnark's Black Voice really give you a black voice? Like the voice of a black man or something?" Kortopi asked.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Chrollo exclaimed.

Then Feitan added, "I always wanted a black voice."

They all stared at him.

"que pasa " he sighed.

Then Franklin bursts in the room, which is Chrollo's bedroom since he has a Big Bed, and he's fucking pissed.


"Who cares!" Machi answers, "we don't even pay no fucking bills!"

"haha true"

So Phinks sneezes on Paku's ashes, and that's the end of this fucking sad ass story

I loved it.
