Shalnark X Reader: Round two

I am so sorry. I just felt like adding to the "Shalnark X Reader lemon" cuz Shal is so innocent. (not really)
So if you enjoyed, please vote and comment.
If you didn't, please tell what was wrong!

The team had just arrived from a special mission, and immediately upon walking inside the hideout, they went their own ways. Chrollo went to his room to read, and Machi was knitting in the corner farthest from Shalnark's room, leaving him and Y/N to an advantage.

   Uvogin was chasing Kortopi, while Nobunga was watching his anime.

   "Y/N!" Shalnark hissed, loud enough for the girl to hear.

   She turned and met his stare. "Yes?" she asked, in front of the dirty blonde boy.

   "You still owe me, remember?" he smirked slightly, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her into the room.

   "Excuse me?"

   "You know what I mean. Last night...?"

   Her eyes widened and she started shaking. "O-of course..."

   "I just thought that this was the perfect moment." he was already hard.

   "Okay. As long as no one can hear."

   "Don't worry. Their all content in whatever they're doing."

   He sat down on his bed and patted the sheets gently, gesturing for her to sit down. She slowly went to sit down, but he quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her down, making her sit on his lap.

    She squealed in surprise, causing Shalnark to smirk. He chuckled at her reaction and she blushed.

   She wiggled a bit, and she felt his hard member rub on her private. He quietly moaned at the sudden touch.

   'he likes that, huh? Maybe this time I can be dominate...' she stood up, and grabbed his hardened member, squeezing it slightly but not too hard. His head rolled back and he moaned loudly.

    She took another step forward. She started placing kisses on his jawline and neck, and he grabbed her sides, eventually clawing her back. It did hurt her, but she didn't let it get to her.


   "Don't worry baby... I'll get there soon."

   He almost groaned in annoyance, but it was quickly replaced with a moan when Y/N squeezed his manhood harder.

    She took his short off and licked his chest, feeling his abs, stomach, and sides.

    "Y- Y/N... Get to it already..." he managed to get out before moaning louder than before.

    "No no no, babe. I owe you, so I'm going to make you feel good." she slowly, and painfully, pulled his pants and boxers down, revealing his erected member.

    Y/N grabbed the shaft, making Shalnark moan in ecstasy.

   Y/N rubbed his member slowly, gradually getting faster. He started dripping pre-cum and Y/N didn't want that to go to waste.

   She gently placed her tongue on the tip and Shalnark immediately tensed at the sudden feeling. He grabbed the back of her head and slightly pulled her hair, encouraging her to go farther.

   She took most of it in her mouth, and sucked. "Y/N!" his eyes were widened and he was shocked at the girls choice of actions.

   She soon took all of him in her mouth, and started bobbing her head up and down, with her nose touching his pelvic area every time she went down.

    "I-I'm close!" He moaned out.

    "Heh..." Y/N stopped what she was doing and stood up, leaning slightly on his chest. She stripped herself of her clothes and guided his member to her wet entrance. She sat down on him and he cried out. Who would have thought he was so sensitive?

    This time, She waited, only to tease him. He jerked his hips multiple times, hoping to cause some friction, but to no avail. "No, baby. Not until I want it." so she sat there silently. All she heard was Shalnark's calming breaths. Until he broke the silence. "C'mon, Y/N. Don't tease me."

   "I get to do it whenever I please. You can't stop me now, after all, you're the one on the bottom." she smirked as his face flushed. "You have to beg."

    He sighed. "Y/N... Please! I-i need you now, more than ever. Please! Just fuck me already. Oh God, I can't take it anymore..." He jerked one more time, this one the hardest, causing her to fall off onto the hard floor.

   "Ow..." she groaned in pain, her naked body sprawled on the floor.

    Shalnark quickly stood up and took this as an advantage. He got on top of her and inserted himself inside her.

   He pinned her arms down, and took one of her legs over his shoulder.

   "This is for teasing me..." He pounded himself in her. Tears threatened to fall in her eyes. He looked angry but at the same time he looked like he was enjoying himself. "Since you teased me, I get to hurt you..." his pounding became harder, and soon she began to cry to him.

   "S-Shalnark please!"

   He didn't stop.

   "Shalnark! I-i'm close!" her rolled in the back of her head as he pounded one last time, hard, making her climax. He climaxed, too.

   He pulled himself out and fell on the panting girl, his face burying in her chest.

   He was soon fast asleep, with Y/N slowly rubbing his hair. He would twitch every now and then, but never woke.

   Y/N smiled to herself and soon fell asleep."
