Illumi X Teen!Reader {A start of something new}

    "Y/n, get down here! You're late for school again!"
    Y/n was always late. Late one day, late the next. Basically, her middle name was late. "Y/n, get down here!" She mocked her mother.
    Y/n had h/c hair, e/c eyes, and beautiful soft skin. She has had many boyfriends, all in which ended up cheating on her, but she didn't really care. She simply used them- manipulated them.
     Her mother constantly nagged her on, yelling, screaming at the top of her lungs, always which ended with a slam of a door. "Y/n! Get down here!"
      "Calm down, you dumbfuck. I'm leaving." y/n appeared at the top of the staircase and made her way towards the door.
    Her mother quickly left the room, in fear her daughter may slap her. "Bye mom! I hate you! Hope you die!" and with that, she was gone.


    After walking for about five minutes, Y/n sensed someone following her. "Quit it, already. What do you want?"
     "Nothing. I was captivated by your beauty." y/n turned around, only to face a tall, young looking, male. He had weird clothing, and long, silky black hair. You just wanted to reach out and touch it...
    "What is your name?" his voice was monotone, and his eyes spelled out 'DANGER'.
     "It's Y/n. What's yours?"

     Hmm, another toy to play with?

Finally got this one done. ;-; sorry for the long wait. I'm going to get more done, though. I also apologise that it's really short. ;;;
