Meruem X Reader

   "Y/N-san! Komugi made a mess... Again. Clean it."

   "Y/N-san! Shaipouf got glitter all over the floor. Clean it!"

   "Y/N-san! What is that on the wall?"

   All week long... "Clean this" or "clean that." it was driving Y/N crazy. Not to mention the maid outfit she has to wear.

   "Y/N-san, mind you ask Komugi what she wants to eat?" Meruem happened to appear from the doorway. Y/N was bent on the floor, facing away from him, and he had perfect view of her P/C panties. Which he did see.

    "Yes, master" She had to call him that, or she would be "punished". He told her the first day they met.

    Meruem was out of the room, searching for Shaipouf. That little shit.

    "Komugi? Aren't you hungry? What would you like?"

    "Not that hungry. Besides, if I were to want something, Meruem would make you make it." Y/M smiled. Komugi was such a good girl. She would always want the best for her.

    "Speaking of Meruem... I heard you liked him." Komugi smirked. Y/N blushed a deep crimson.

    "Who said that?"


    "And you believe him?"

    "Well, he's always around you and Meruem. We could tell by your actions around him."

    Y/N sighed. "Fine. I guess I do like him. But he's Meruem. Its not like he has love. Besides him loving to rule over everything." she crossed her arms.

    "I do recall Meruem saying, and I quote, 'Y/N-san is delicate, I cannot screw up this chance. If I were to, I would lose my queen.' you see? Maybe he is capable of love."

    "Are you sure? When did he even say it?"

   "I am sure, and he said it when I showed him the game 'chess'." Komugi replied bluntly.

   "Okay then..."

   "And- He like, heard our conversation." Komugi pointed to the door. That was behind Y/N. Y/N spun around, only to come face to face with a grinning Meruem.

    "Y-you heard it?"

    "All of it."

    "O-oh my gosh... I am so sorry, Meruem-sama. Please forgive me." She bowed down to him.

    "I should just leave you two be." Komugi walked out of the room, leaving Meruem and Y/N.

    "So, you do like me?"

    There was no answer.

    "Y/N-san..." he sounded pissed, and he took a step to the red faced girl.

    "Y-yes, Meruem-sama?"

    He was now in front of her. "So, you like me?" he asked more harshly.

    "Y-yes, Meruem-sama. I just can't help my feelings. They come and go naturally." She replied quickly. He was sure to understand.

    He didn't say anything, and in her defense, he was shocked. He didn't know what to say or do once in his life.

    He only stood there. A shadow over is eyes. He lookedike he was ready to year someone's face apart. "I'm sorry, master."

    "Don't call me master. That's a turn on." he opened his arms and wrapped them around Y/N. Hey, at least he can hug.

    "B-but... Meruem..."

    "You've helped out a lot, so how can I repay you? I'll do whatever it is you wish."

    Then... An idea popped in her head.




Done. With. Meh life. Jk jk jk. I love you guys. :3
