Who am I?

Who am I?
Am I your purpose of life?
Am I Strong enough to stand longer?
Am ready to move on?
Once I knew where I will go but now.
Am so lost
Where do I go?
Am I a lost boy?
Will Peter pan come and take me away to Neverland?
Will people know me?
Who am I?
Am I selfish?
Did I fall again!
Falling deeply in this nightmare
Nightmare that keeps going on
Night that soon became  day
Day that never last long enough for us.
This is  who am
I am strong
I am lost in this world
I am  a fighter
Who am I ?
Where do I belong
Should I ask keep asking same question?
Who Am I?
Ain't I better than you?
Losing myself to those drugs(music)
They have become who am I
They slowly pulling me to them
Slowly losing
Slowly winning
But I never feel it
Their a emptiness that can't be filled
Those who thought they knew me
They are  wrong about me
They will know apart of me
No more or less
No one can't say who am I
Am done with you choosing my path
Am done with your words that cut me deeper than a blades.
Am done with society expectations
I was caught up in your expectation
I lost in your lies
I was blind with your sugar-coded words
I need to know
Who am I?
I lost myself to your words
Words that stab me in my heart
Those arms that once brought warmth
Now bring coldness
Who am I?
