Different person

I have screamed 

But you created my voice as your own.

I have only two choices and that is getting help or slowly die

Slowly  walking away from people

Slowly becoming a different person for the sake of hiding.
Hiding through the same body but a different person

My fist is always tight but never been thrown...

Blood, Sweat, tears are all I have seen all these years but I never say anything

I keep quiet all these years but I'm going to speak soon

I don't care anymore if I will become a different person that  you have to know  

I have hidden from the world with fear and anger but now I will come out

No one will stop me from driving this world to a better place

Punch will turn to word or knife

 Fight me, Fight me, Fight me, try to stop me but You can't 

I won't lie anymore and show the world the butterfly from the cocoon

Spreading my wings and fly away from the white birds and people...

'Cause I not the same person from the past, boy

But I can't be right from your words of the spoiled boy...

You get the girls but then you break them

I try to break that cycle that keeps going and ruin girl confident

The people aren't  listening but You did

'We different but being different doesn't matter'

Different isn't bad...
