
As people talks to people,
Am stand still as they walk past by me.
I tried to talk to them but it seem as if their are a wall standing between us.
Am lost in a world that doesn't know am alive
Am Alive people!!?
I keep trying to talk to them but something else keeps me behind.
Why can't I talk to them?
We are humans that has a heart,brain, eyes,and nose.
So,Why not talk to them?
Why they ignore us?
Is it because am Mexican? Or cause am a girl?
Are we in different social class?
We live in same place.
Why do you ignore me?
Am lost in this place.
Am standing here in the same place
since the being.
I opened my mouth that made some sounds but you don't hear it.
I..I had lost my voice.
Lost it
As if you came at night and did a spell to make sure I don't have a voice.
Other do have one though. Why?
Is it because they are different?
We all unique from each other.
So,why I lost my voice?
What next?Will you take my rights too?
You could yelled at me but I can't?
You have higher power but you abuse it.
You took avenged of our struggle for you own good.
You made us lost.
A lot of people became lost in that suffering.
Suffering that soon will drown us.
Lost in that ocean of pain.
Lost in our struggle.
Lost in my emotions
