
We see you

We pass by you

I tried to be your friend

Slowly let myself fall for you 

but your embrace triggered my past once again 

I blamed my self for it 

I can't make myself the old me 

I wish I could redo my life once again 

Stoping you 

Fearing of you

I  want to let you in but I'm scared 

Heart racing, shaking legs , tears falling 

I believe that you never cry

You are stronger than me 

I wish I could be you 

May I let you  show the beautiful world?

I can I lived to death

Once,  I hand out my hand to yours 

I see myself being on your side

You will show me  the bigger picture

I'll show you and shared my life 

Letting you in 

Reseting my past 

Writing my future with you 

May I choice you ?

I look at your eyes 

I see a sun rise in your eyes

I just need  someone to help trust males

Males from my past ruined my past 

I want forget it but that seem Impossible to do so 

Please make my mind change its mind

Your sweat, tears, blood...Make me stand up 

Standing up felt impossible for me before 

I'm thankful for you  being in  my life 
