Save me ,Heal me

I wake up every morning with different reason to live
The snowflake dance with the wind
The wind takes them to different place.
I want to followed them to their place
I want to find my place but the wind just letting me float here for a while
I want to feel true happiness
I want to smile brightly
I want a reason to live
I want to heal
Heal me
Help me
Help m
Heal me
Heal me
Save me from my world
Save me from those haters
Heal this scar
Closed the past and open the future
Save me from the past
Save me from them
Save me before I fall off this cliff
Save me from myself
Heal me
The darkness is scary and cold
The darkness isn't my Friend anymore
The darkness is the foe
Heal me
Help me
Save me
Kill me
Heal me
Save me
From myself
From the world
From the sadnesses
From the night without stars
From him
From us
Laughter and happiness
That what we want
Stop living in war between your self
The good and bad should joined to defeated others
Heal me
Kill me
Heal me
Those are words that constantly repeat in our minds
