dark room

Normal people won't love dark place but for me it the place where I could hide from real monsters.
It weird how I love the feeling of calm that dark rooms bring like it makes thing look different.
Dark rooms where things come out that don't in daylights.
Where I can cry or just breathe after a long day.
I guess the dark don't scare but it my friend
A friend that came to listen to me
When things got too much to held alone
Where light only scolds me for what happened the day before.
Also remaining me that I  will have another day to deal with them
Lost in the world of two sides
Light and dark that won't make up with each other
Always complaining who has more time than other.
I would turn all lights to just breathe and talk to my friend.
As light just ignores me and bright more to Brothering me .
Only making me closer to darkness
Dark gladly takes me in as I became a regular visit for him
Light call's me from afar  but am to far in the darkness to be able to hear her.
Maybe she could make up with him .
So,I could be in the middle as I would equally be with them.
I won't go deeper to the dark where thing get colder and dangerous.
Where I could be saved by him  in his house.
Dark room seem more calmer
Dark rooms seem better than the light it own
Dark room sucks all them pain for us
It suck it so we could start new for the daylight.
So,we won't be scold by her
So,we won't get hurt as the pain fades away slowly for ever night or visit
So,we could become stronger than before
Wake up new person with no pain
Please stay with me
Don't leave like the light did to me.
