
I try to live for one more day

As the day goes it becoming hard to hold tears from falling

Anger is growing

Hate is the product from you

The waters are becoming more like blood

The laughter that once was here, it turned to shouts

Trying to live one more day

It's like  stepping broking glass

 I try to laugh like others but it seems like something is stuck in my throat 

The more I try to live like other it like stepping on floor with needles

Shouts is inside of me

I have given up on being like you 

I can't take it any longer 

I have stopped making wishes to be you

I am sorry that I can't try hard to be you

I am not going to try to you anymore 

'Cause I can be happy to you

Trying is  stepping on broken glass

My foot is full of blood and I can't hold the pain any longer 

Trying to live one more  day isn't easy

It becoming hard to breathe like as if someone is drowning me 

Why am I trying to become the impossible to possible

Is it possible to make impossible to turn to possible?

Am I trying to hard?

I won't die trying to become like you
