An Amazing Partner, And...

(Based on the photo above)

The war with Grimmel was over...the war with the dragon hunters and trappers had ended for good...but...the dragons were gone...all of them...and a certain Chief wasn't taking it as well as the others...

Everyone went back to their huts, to try and recollect themselves after the fight. And Astrid had just walked up to Hiccup.

"What am I? Who am I without Toothless? I am nothing. I am worthless without him." Hiccup said upset

"Don't talk like that. You are our Chief. You are a friend, a leader, an amazing partner, and..." Astrid said, before taking Hiccup's hand a placing it on her stomach

"...a father." Astrid finished

Hiccup looked at her, awe struck with what she just said

"Are you serious?" Hiccup asked still baffled with what Astrid just said

"Yeah!" Astrid said with a smile on her face

"Oh my gods, Astrid! This is amazing!" Hiccup said lifting her into the air and spinning her around, then setting her down

"We're going to have our own family." Astrid said with tears in her eyes

Hiccup used his thumb to wipe Astrid's tears, then brought her in for a kiss, it was short, but passionate

"And I'd say that certain friends of ours should know the news, especially our parents" Hiccup said after breaking away

"So, let's go tell them! They are all already in the great hall! Let's go!" Astrid exclaimed excited, grabbing Hiccups hand and dragging him with her

(At the great hall)

"Everyone, everyone please settle down! I have an announcement!" Hiccup yelled to get all of their attention "I have good news, with the information my lovely wife had given me, we will have an heir!"

The crowd erupted with everyone yelling congrats or cheered yells for the good news, but, once it quieted down, Hiccup and Astrid went to join their friends and family at the table, they all hugged them, then sat back down

"Congratulations you guys!" Fishlegs exclaimed

"Congrats Hiccup!" Hope exclaimed as well

"I'm so happy for the both of you, and I know your father would be too." Valka said

"Yeah, me too Mom" Hiccup said back

"I bet it's gonna be a girl!" Ruffnut said, glaring at her brother

"Well, I bet it will be a boy!" Tuff said back

"Okay, can we please stop betting on the gender of our unborn child?" Astrid asked

"Well there is the genetic possibility that you guys could have twins, but even those odds are slim" Fishlegs retorted

"More twins!?!?! Uuuuuuhhhhgggg!" Snotlout groaned at the though

"Yeah, he has a point Hiccup, you and I both have a 1 in 7 chance of having twins ourselves, since you and I are twins." Hope said, after thinking about what Fishlegs said

(I looked it up, and the odds of twins having twins are in fact a 1 in 7 chance, it would be slimmer chances, but since they are twins, their odds are more)

"Well then, I bet it will be two girls!" Ruffnut said look

"I bet it will be two boys!" Tuff replied

"Okay guys, it's getting late, I'm going home, see you guys tomorrow!" Hope said walking out

"Yeah, same here, night guys!" Hiccup said, with Astrid right beside him
