
This idea was given to me by
Thank you for this idea


Valka's first interaction with Astrid was silent, and not how Hiccup would've planned his mother ever meeting his betrothed.

Hiccup, Hope, and Valka were sat by the body of the late Stoick the Vast. When Astrid, Eret, and the others landed to see what was wrong, Astrid and Eret rushed over to console their respective Haddock twin.

Valka and Astrid had locked eyes for a brief moment before Valka looked over at Gobber, who had walked over.

Their next interaction was at the end of the battle at Berk- right before Hiccup was crowned Chief- Hiccup and Astrid shared a kiss

"Are you sure she's even going to like me?" Astrid had been worrying about formally meeting Valka since Hiccup brought up the topic

"Astrid." Hiccup turned around "For the absolute hundredth time, she's going to love you."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"M'lady, even if she doesn't," Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hands in his "I'm not going to leave you because of what my mom says about you."

Astrid smiled at his remark before he pulled her into a hug


The dreaded moment of formal introduction had Astrid even more nervous

"Mom?" Hiccup opened the oak door

"In here Hiccup!" Valka called out from her position in the small hut

"I wanted to formally introduce you to Astrid, my betrothed." Hiccup gestured to a quiet Hofferson

"Betrothed?" Valka made her way over, "Did I hear that right?"

"Nice to meet you Misses Haddock." Astrid stuck her hand out after Hiccup nudged her

"Oh please, Valka is fine dear." Valka pulled Astrid into a hug

"Oh" Astrid hesitated for a moment "Okay Valka." Astrid eyed Hiccup with a wave of relief

"When did you become betrothed might I ask?" Valka sat down, Hiccup pulled Astrid over and sat down with her

"When we were eighteen, at this place called the edge." Astrid started

"The edge was this place we had found outside of the archipelago." Hiccup added

"I heard a little about the edge from Hope." Valka was beaming at her son's happiness

"It was a home for that entire year we spent there."

Astrid's shoulders had relaxed after the few moments, relief swelled through her that Valka liked her

"A Bewilderbeast, under the island?" Valka gave a questionable look

"It looked exactly like the dragon at your sanctuary mom. I found an egg in the nest." Hiccup explained

"We gave it to these women we met, the Wingmaidens, who then did Thor knows what with it to keep it safe." Astrid added

"Was it on a tall stone formation?"

Hiccup and Astrid shared looks, "We don't have a clue."

"I found the bewilderbeast at my sanctuary, only an egg, on this tall rock formation." Valka described

"It couldn't have been the same egg, could it?" Astrid turned to Hiccup

"It could be possible. Although we never found out what happened to it. The Wingmaidens knew someone who knew someone who had a safe place to keep it."

Hiccup looked over "So, you had taken the egg?"

"I had no clue how long it was there, but I knew I needed to take it back."

"There could be a coincidence that it's the same exact egg." Hiccup looked over "The only person I could think of- mom, how old was Hope when she found you?"

"Well, due to your birthdays, you both at the moment are five, but, she looked about eighteen." Valka explained

"I think she might be able to answer the question. She stayed with the Wingmaidens for a little while."


"Astrid, your mother and I were very close." Valka started a new story, "We would meet up every day while Stoick was tending to his duties. And then when both of you were born, we would let you play for several hours at a time."

"Really?" Hiccup looked astounded

"Of course! You and Astrid would have so much fun playing together. We both felt as though you would end up together. And here you are."

"You knew from us playing together?" Astrid looked over at Hiccup, then back at Valka

"Yes dear, I shocked your mother hadn't ever mentioned that to you."

"I am too." Astrid breathed out a laugh

Turns out, there was a small bet around the entire island about the newest Haddock and Hofferson ending up together

"I should probably get going. I take evening flights with Stormfly." Astrid excused herself

"It was wonderful talking to you Astrid." Valka hugged her future daughter in law once again

"It was wonderful talking to you as well Valka." Astrid smiled after she pulled away

"See you tomorrow?" Hiccup smirked

"I think you know the answer to that by now." Astrid smiled as she gave Hiccup a peck on the lips before walking out

Astrid let out a breath she swore she wasn't holding, she was so glad that Valka liked her

"She's a wonderful girl Hiccup." Valka complimented, "I assume your father loved her as much as I do."

"He did. Treated her like she was already a part of the family." Hiccup smiled as he made his way toward the door

"Well, when are you thinking of tying the knot?"

"We haven't really discussed that yet. I guess that everything battle-related clouded our thoughts for the moment." Hiccup opened the door, "Hope wanted help with armor, we'll be back soon."

"Have fun son."

"We will." Hiccup closed the door behind him


"I don't know if she's gonna like you. You were a trapper. You helped Drago!" Hope freaked out

"I understand that I was love. But, we have to face her either way. She will have to understand that you're happy." Eret sat, watching Hope pace back and forth

"But still! I've kept this away from her for years!" Hope ran her hands through her hair "We told each other everything while I was there. She told me, not to befriend trappers because they were dangerous people. And what did I do?! I got into a relationship with one!" Hope sank to the chair behind her "It's bad enough you and my father got off on the wrong foot."

Hope sighed as her head met her hands

"Then we deal with it." Eret made his way over to Hope, "If she can't drive past me being a trapper for years, and find our happiness together, then we block her out. We disregard whatever she says about us." Eret had sat down next to a distraught Hope

"That's the thing! I can't just block out my mother! I get that Hiccup, Astrid and you, have all said that it's going to be fine, but, I just- don't think it will." Hope leaned her head back, defeated

"Just introduce me, and we will see how it goes." Eret grabbed Hope's hand in his

"Your right. I'm overthinking, aren't I?" Hope sat back up

"Now, why would I say that?"


"Mom, I want to introduce you to someone." Hope walked into the Scuttleclaw pens

"There we go." Valka calmed the panicked Scuttle's "Yes Hope?"

"I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, Eret." Hope smiled nervously as Eret walked in

"Pleasure to meet you Valka." Eret smiled

"Boyfriend? Since when Hope?"

"Uh- Since two years ago?" Hope prepared herself for her mother to unleash herself onto her

"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you Eret." Valka nodded

"Y-Your not... mad?" Hope stood a little shocked

"Well, I saw you both the other day, and, the happiness I saw in your eyes Hope. It's all I've ever wanted."

"But he was the one- if not the only- leading trapper for Drago. He took dragons for his army. I mean, we had a deal that I took five dragons for his every ten, but, he's a trapper." Hope still had shock written on her face "That was your top rule, was to not befriend a trapper. And I got into a relationship with one!"

Valka walked over to Hope, tilting her chin up "If he makes you happy dear, that's all I care about."

"Thanks mom." Hope hugged her mother "For everything."
