
Ding Dong


Mister Hofferson's hand went down onto Hiccup's face, sending him to the floor, and Astrid's hands to her cheek

"Hiccup!" Astrid rushed down to help him up

"I'm fine." Hiccup glared at Mister Hofferson as he walked out in response to the doorbell

"It's really red Hiccup." Astrid cupped his other cheek

"So is yours." Hiccup brushed a strand of hair out her face


"If I don't want this happening, I have to. I'll be back." Hiccup ran out and slammed the door behind him

Hope reached her hand out to protest, but it was too late.

Hope sighed, hand running down her face "He just doesn't listen."

Toothless looked up with those iconic puppy eyes of his

"I'm sorry Toothless. Let's get you guys a walk, huh?" Hope grabbed the dual retractable leash off of the small table by the door

Hope clipped up Treasure and Toothless' collars

"Heading out for a walk dad!" Hope called out, before closing the door behind her, both dogs in front

Hope took Toothless and Treasure down the block and to the forest path that they went to often

"Go play." Hope unclipped the two and sat on the bench

Hope took out her phone

Hope: Hiccup, are you alright?

Hiccup: Get to Astrid's. Now.

"Shit." Hope cursed "Toothless! Treasure!"

Both dogs came running back "We have to go." Hope clipped up the two

Hope ran back as fast as she could

"Dad?!" Hope slammed the door closed "Dad we need to get to Astrid's, now!"

"What's wrong?" Stoick was sat in the living area, a tablet in hand

"Somethings wrong." Hope was lightly panting from the run back

"Well, when I gave Mister Hofferson a talking too, it didn't seem as much was wrong." Stoick reassured

"There's still something happening. I just got a message to get over there. Both of them could be in trouble." Hope didn't loosen the worried look plastered onto her face

"Then let's get over there." Stoick got up from his seat

The two of them made their way out the door and over to the Hofferson household

Stoick rang the doorbell "Come on Hiccup." Hope pleaded

"Ah! Stoick, Hope, good to see you both." Mister Hofferson opened the door "What can I do for you?"

"Where is my son?" Stoick demanded

"He's upstairs studying with Astrid for an upcoming test." Mister Hofferson responded

"Bullshit." Hope spat, pushing her way past Mister Hofferson "They've never studied together their entire lives." Hope started up the stairs

"Get back here!" Mister Hofferson went after Hope

Hope slid on the landing, catching herself for the rest of the way "Hiccup!"

Hope stopped when she saw Hiccup and Astrid kissing

Hope cleared her throat "It seems like you both are fine."

Hiccup and Hope jumped "Hey, what are you doing here?" Hiccup seemed startled

Astrid blushed "So, you got my text?"

"When did you text her?"

"I did get your text. Thanks for that." Hope smiled, pulling her brother up

"When did you text her again?" Hiccup pulled Astrid up

"Your phone went off, I grabbed it out of your pocket and responded to her text." Astrid explained

"Where's dad?" Hiccup pulled his phone out to double-check

"He's dealing with your dad Astrid." Hope turned to Astrid

Astrid went pale "He's what?!"

"Hey, he's dealing with what's been happening to you for years." Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hand

"We're going to get you out of this." Hope reassured

There was shouting in the background, drowned out by the door

Hope turned to the door "Doesn't sound like it's going good down there."

"Should we check?" Hiccup looked over at the two

Astrid dipped her head down "I don't wanna."

"Then we just hang out here?" Hope gestured to Astrid's bedroom

"Doesn't seem right. We should do something." Hiccup looked around

Hope popped open the window "Pack a bag, come over to our place." A breeze blew their hair

"Like- runaway?" Astrid moved her hair out if her eyes

"If he can't hurt you? It's our best option." Hiccup looked out the window, "Not too bad of a drop."

"Not the tallest we've dropped for that matter." Hope remarked

"So, I'll just stay at your place?" Astrid started shoving clothes into her backpack "For how long?"

"We call the authorities once we get over there. File abuse charges. Make sure our dad is okay. You stay for as long as you need."

Astrid zipped up her bag "What else do you need?" Hiccup grabbed her bag

"A few things for Stormfly." Astrid's parrot squawked in response

"We can deal with that once we get to our place." Hope sat one leg out, one leg in on the windowsill

"What's our way down?" Hiccup placed Stormfly's cage on the ground

They froze at the sound of stomping getting louder and louder

"No time." Hope slid down the roof and landed on a bush

"Hope!" Astrid panicked

"Throw everything down! Lock the door!" Hope brushed herself off

"Go." Hiccup locked and leaned against her bedroom door

Astrid threw her bag outside, as well as her duffle bag stuffed with other things "I can't leave you with him Hiccup."

"Just get out of here." Hiccup was putting all his weight against the door

Astrid opened Stormfly's cage, allowing Stormfly to perch on her shoulder, before getting ready to get out

"Do you have everything?!" Hope shouted "Hiccup? Astrid?"

"That's everything!" Astrid responded

"Get down, cause the second I stop pushing, he's gonna bust through." Hiccup was bouncing from the attempts to bust the door open

"Okay." Astrid slid onto the roof, stopping before falling "Go Stormfly."

Stormfly landed onto Hope's shoulder "The bush Astrid!" Hope had the bags in her hand "Fall into the bush!"

Astrid slid into the bush, it catching her fall

"Doors open. Get to our place." Hope handed Astrid her bags, Stormfly landing on Astrid's shoulder

"What about Hiccup?" Astrid gathered her bags

"I'm gonna climb the drainpipe to make sure he's okay. Just get out of here Ast." Hope watched as Astrid tried to protest, before running to the Haddock household

Hope bolted to the drainpipe and started climbing

"Hiccup!" Hope grabbed the edge and pulled herself up

"Hope, get out of here!" Hiccup was leaning to let go of the door

"Not without you! Now come on!" Hope gestured to the window

"Then get out of the way." Hiccup sucked in a breath

In one swift movement, Hiccup removed himself from the door and bolted toward the window. Hope stuck her hand out to help pull him through, but Mister Hofferson had other ideas

"Not so fast!" Mister Hofferson yanked on Hiccup's hoodie, sending him back into the bookshelf

Mister Hofferson clocked Hiccup straight in his jaw, a chilling crack noise happening due to it

