I'm So Glad You're Safe...

It was halfway through the battle with Grimmel, and it was a tight battle, when the dragon riders took down some men, Grimmel got back some more. While Hiccup and the others were fighting, Astrid got shot down, and bruised her leg badly, as well as a shot in the leg by an arrow. Hiccup didn't notice, but Hope sure did, she flew down on Treasure (her light fury) to help out.

"Astrid! Are you okay?" Hope exclaimed after dismounting Treasure

"Hope, I don't think so" Astrid winced in pain

"Okay, just stay still so I can take a look at your leg Astrid" Hope said, grabbing her saddle bag

"Hope, I'm more worried about Stormfly then I am about myself, where is she?"

"Treasure went to go get her back here to safety, now once they get back, I have to move you to that cave over there, because being on a battlefield where the sky is our advantage and the enemy has the ground isn't good"

"Okay, Hope?"


"Will I be okay?"

"Of course you will, don't worry, here they are now, let's get moving"

"Stormfly! Oh, I'm so glad you're okay"

"Let's move, on the count of three Astrid, I'm going to help you up onto Stormfly" Hope told her, putting Astrid's arm around her shoulder "One, two, three" and they headed to the cave, and she set her down

"Oh God's that hurt"

"I know, now I'm going to have to remove the arrow"

"So just hurry, because it's stinging now"

"Okay, one, two, three"

Astrid winced in the pain of the arrow, she immediately started taking to fixing up her leg, she used some water and different creams to clean out the arrow wound. Once she was done she bandaged her leg from her foot all the way to mid way up her thigh.

"Well, that should do it until we get you to gothi Astrid"

"Thanks Hope-"

"You okay Treasure?"

"Shhhh, I hear someone"

So sorry about the cliffhanger but I wanted to try one out. See you guys later

- Chief Hope Horrendous Haddock III ๐ŸŒน
