We Will Find Her

It was an average day that turned sour

"Have fun throwing axes." Hiccup kissed Astrid for a few seconds before she jogged to catch up with Heather

"I will!" She shouted over her shoulder

Hiccup went back to work with his sister, she was doing paperwork and tasks around the village so Hiccup could focus on the saddles with no worry.


"So that's how you became Chief of the Berserkers?" Astrid asked her friend stunned

"Yep, that's how. I didn't think I was ready, but Dagur thought otherwise, so, now I'm Chief" Heather threw her ax at a tree, embedding it in the dark chocolate bark

"Well, wait till Fishlegs hears about-"

"Astrid? Astrid?" Heather grabbed her ax and spun around

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Heather ran over to Astrid, who was struggling against a masked figure

"I'm just taking what's rightfully mine, what do you want?" He hissed

"My friend!" Heather charged at the masked man, only to have a needle plunged into her neck, her limp body hit the ground

"Heather!" Astrid shouted, but it was muffled due to the cloth in her mouth

"Now, let's go." The figure swung Astrid over his shoulder

She tried to set herself free, but the restraints were too hard to get out of. She tried screaming to get attention drawn to her, but they were too far into the forest for anyone to hear her. She was doomed.

"Where are they? They would have been back by now?" Hiccup was pacing back and forth in their hut

"I don't know, but, let's go." Hope started towards the forest

It took them about an hour to find where they were throwing axes

"Heather!" Hope slid down to her knees and set Heathers head in her lap

"Wheres Astrid?" Hiccup looked around

"Hiccup, look." She pointed to Astrid's ax, laying on the ground about 5 feet away from them

"Her ax, she never leaves without it. What could have happened?" He picked it up

"I don't know, maybe Heather does once she wakes up, let's get her home." Hiccup helped lift Heather, wrapping her arm around her shoulder

"Let's hope that she's safe." Hiccup looked at his sister and their unconscious friend


Astrid's P.O.V

I have a blindfold over my eyes. There's a ringing in my ears as my hearing comes back. I hear the swishing of water and my tied body rocks back and forth. I was on a boat. I start trying to break loose from my ropes, but to no avail. I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs. I then heard then jingling of keys followed by the creaking of a rusted metal door. My eyes were then greeted by the bright light after my blindfold was removed, followed by the cloth in my mouth.

"What do you want?!" I started to try and free myself from the ropes that restrained me

"I want to show you the true pain of what I've been through." His voice was deep and coarse

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I try and get as far away from him as I can

"You can tell yourself that all you want, let's go!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me up to the deck

We were in the middle of nowhere. All I saw was the ocean, left, right, front and back. No islands for miles. I was in trouble. He then proceeded to sit me with my back facing him. He ripped off my shirt so that my bare back was facing him. What he proceeded to do only makes me want to get out of here even more. He whipped my back about four to five times, I felt my blood trickle down my back. He laughed at my pain, but I knew that if I cried, I would be giving him the satisfaction of hurting me. He then slashed my arms and legs with a knife. Once he was done hurting me, he just threw me into my cell again.

"Hope you heal quickly, because tomorrow is a new day." He locked the door and went upstairs

"Oh, Hiccup. Please find me. I love you." I prayed before closing my eyes, wincing at every breath

It had been a week since Astrid got taken away. They tried every spot they could think of, Hiccup was tugging his own hair about finding her. She hasn't eaten at all or drank. She hasn't been able to sleep, due to the amount of blood she's lost, she didn't dare close her eyes.

"Where have we not checked?" Hiccup was looking at the map that they had been using

"Well, we've searched all the islands in an area of 5 days by boat and nothing. So, all that's left is the ocean, but that could take days." Hope ran her hand across the map

"Well, then we should start looking!" Heather pounded her fist against the table

"Okay, calm down there dear, Hiccup, Hope, what should we do?" Valka rubbed her hand up and down Heathers back to calm her down

"We should split up, me and Hope as one team to head west. Heather, you and Fishlegs as another, heading East. Snotlout will head North. And the twins head South. Sound good everyone?" Hiccup looked up

"Alright, let's go!" Hope started to the door

"Okay, Heather, go get the others, we leave in an hour."

"On it." Heather left outside, whistling for Windshear

"Son?" Valka set her hand on his shoulder

"Yeah, mom?"

"Bring her back safe."

"I will love you mom"

"Love you too, now go get her"

Hiccup then headed outside, whistling for Toothless before flying to the academy to explain the plan to the others. They soon flew off in their different directions.

"Any sign of a ship?" Hope shouted to her brother

"No, not yet. Keep looking." Hiccup was using a spyglass

"She has to be out here somewhere."

"That's what I'm hoping"

"Don't worry Hiccup, we will find her."

With Fishlegs and Heather

"Do you see her?" Heather's voice had worry in it

"No, I don't, but we will find her Heather. I promise" Fishlegs was looking on both sides of him constantly

"This is all my fault..." Heather sighed

"No, it's not" Fishlegs flew closer to her

"Yes, it is, if I was able to defend myself and fight that guy off, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"Heather, you did the best you could, he was probably very skilled, and he plunged a needle in your neck."

"But still, I should have protected her."

"Don't worry. We will find her, Heather, we will."


"Do you see anything Hooky, cause I think that it's just a lost cause at this point. I mean, we've been searching for a day and a half now. And its just ocean for miles!" Snotlout waved his hands in the air

"I mean, yes, I wanna find her, but at the same time, our chances of finding her are getting smaller."

The twins

"Any sign my dear brother?" Ruffnut was looking to her right and left

"Not yet dear sister, only blue oceans and black skies." Tuffnut was looking ahead

"Any sign of her yet?"




Back with Hiccup and Hope

"Maybe we should turn back Hiccup, I mean its been hours" Hope sighed

"Wait, wait, wait! Look, down there, its a fishing boat, let's go check it out bud." Hiccup and Toothless dove towards the desk of the ship

"Come on girl, let's go!"

"Hello?" Hiccup pulled out Inferno

"Hiccup, listen, do you hear that?" She froze

"Yeah, it sounds like, crying! Let's go!"

"What about the dragons, should we have them hide?"

"Just have them stay on deck, send warning shots, maybe the others could see them"

"Okay, lets head down"

They now both were wielding their swords. They went down as quietly as they could. Once they got down, it was pitch black, but they saw a faint light coming from the end of the hall. Hiccup approached the door while Hope checked the cells.

"Astrid!" Hope yelled in a whisper

Hiccup was able to open the door, he walked in on the man counting coins

"Where is she?!" Hiccup fumed

"Where is who? And who are you might I ask?" He stood up and grabbed a sword from behind the desk

"I'm Hiccup Haddock III, the chief of Berk, son of Stoick the vast. Now, Astrid! Where is she?!" He pointed Inferno at his chest

"Well, if you wouldn't mind Hiccup, I don't know what you're talking about. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm just trying to get to a trade port."

Back out in the hall

"Astrid!" Hope whispered shouted

"No, no, no, no. Where is she!"


"Astrid?!" Hope fell to her knees

There, in the cell, was a very small, blonde haired woman, with blood all over her. She had no shirt, her back had four long marks running down her back, infected, and her arms and legs were riddled with cuts that were clearly infected as well.

"Astrid! It's me, Hope! Can you hear me?" Hope put her hands on the bars

"H-H-Hope..." Astrid's voice was raspy

"Yeah, yeah, it's me, we are getting you out of here." She used her sword to cut the lock off and then opened the door

"We? Who else is with you?"

"Hiccup, he's talking to the guy who I assume did this to you."


"Can you walk?"


"Can you sit up?"


"Okay, stay calm, ill be right back." Hope ran upstairs faster than ever

Hiccup had knocked the guy out, by the price of that was getting a decent bruise on his jaw due to the punch the man threw. Hope got out her bandages and had Toothless soak them in his saliva. She then ran back downstairs to Astrid, finding Hiccup sitting there, crying a bit

"I'm back, I got some bandages that can help for now, hey, what's wrong?" Hope got down on her knees and got to work, as carefully as she could

"Its all my fault this happened..." His voice trailed off

"No, it's not, now, can you please help me bandage her up please?"


They proceeded to move Astrid as much as they could to wrap her up. Hope ended up bringing Toothless and Treasure downstairs since they needed a lot of bandages soaked in his saliva. Once they finished, Hiccup carefully picked Astrid up bridal style, mounted Toothless and they headed home. When they were Thor knows how close to home, they ran into the others

"Astrid! What happened to her?" Heather flew up next to Hiccup to see what happened to her

"She was beaten, I bandaged her as much as I could, but, we need to get her to Gothi, or she won't have much time left..." Hope whispered the last part

Hiccup had Toothless pick up the pace, but on the way, Astrid passed out. Let's hope that wasn't the last time she closed her eyes...
