You Said There Would Always Be A...

(The gifs linked above inspired this)

Hiccup and Astrid were out exploring while Hope and Valka run the village.

"Well, M'lady, what do you say we call this one?" Hiccup had his map all laid out on the ground of a small sea stack island type of place (kinda like itchy armpit)

Hiccup handed the worn out charcoal pencil that he carried everywhere to the blonde shield maiden next to him

"Well, those trees over there kinda look like a heart" Astrid pointed off into the horizon "So, why not Harmony Island?" She turned to him

"Whatever you say, Astrid, you found this place, so, you get to name it"

"Alright, Harmony Island it is" Astrid started writing down the name under the small sketch of the view as well as the island itself

"Hey, Astrid?"

She hummed in response

"Remember when we were on Itchy Armpit?" Hiccup looked over at Toothless and Stormfly playing behind them, then back to the horizon

"Yeah, why?" Astrid asked puzzled

"Remember how I said "I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But... I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father... and I never met my mother.... so, what does that make me?" When we were talking about how dad wanted me to be Chief?"

"Of course I remember, and then I said, "What you're searching for... isn't out there Hiccup." Astrid put her hand to Hiccup's chest "It's in here. Maybe you just don't see it yet."

Astrid kissed Hiccup on the cheek

"You missed" Hiccup whispered before kissing her, on the lips this time

"Your such a dork!" Astrid giggled before rolling her eyes

"Yeah, but, I'm your dork."

"And that will never change"

"Now, as I was saying after you told me that, I said "Maybe. But, y'know... there is something out there." Hiccup turned to the horizon

"And then I replied with a sigh " Hiccup..." And then you-" Astrid got cut off with Hiccup grabbing her chin and moving her head so it was facing the same way as his

"Looks like we just had deja vu. Let's go" Hiccup folded up his map, stood up, and mounted Toothless

"Hiccup don't! Remember what happened last time we did this?! Your father died!" Astrid stood up and grabbed his arm

"Yes. I do. But, maybe this time. We can prevent something like almost last year, from happening." Hiccup said in a calm voice and stopped moving

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Let's go, M'lady"

Soon, they were off flying to where they saw a small bit of smoke. When they got close enough, they discovered it was a fire, surrounded by men and tents. A campsite.

"Stay close," Hiccup said to Astrid

They flew into the neighboring forest, the behind some bushes

"Hiccup, are you sure about this?" Astrid had her ax in hand

"Yes. I am, because, look." Hiccup pointed at some cages that looked awful familiar to them

"*gasp* I thought they were all gone"

"Guess not"

Hiccup and Astrid started approaching slowly, still in bushes

"Hiccup, I'm not too sure about this" Astrid whispered to him

"Well, if you'd like, stay with the dragons, I've got this." Hiccup started heading out of the bushes

"Hiccup wait!" She whisper-shouted "Just, stay safe. Please?"

"I will" He pecked her on the lips "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Hiccup exited the bushes they were hiding in. The men turned to him, a bit confused until they recognized him.

"Get him!" A hunter shouted, his men obeying his command

"Hiccup!" Astrid ran out of the bushes, only to be tackled by another one of the guys

"Hey! Were not here to harm you guys! We just wanna-" Hiccup tried to talk before a bag was put over his head "Hey! Let go of me!"

"Let go of him!" Astrid struggled against the guy 'Man, he's strong' Astrid thought "Stormfly! Toothless!"

"Not a chance. He destroyed our leader. Now, we are going to destroy him. And, calling your dragons won't help, they've been shot with dragon root. They'll be out for a while." The man holding Astrid said

Two guys started dragging Hiccup to a boat. Soon, off they were sailing.

"Astrid!" Hiccup shouted loud enough so he wasn't muffled

The man holding Astrid had tied her up, and he and the last few men loaded the dragons they had caged and sailed off as well

"Hiccup! No!" Astrid struggled against her ropes "I have to get out of these ropes, and quick." Astrid looked around for something sharp, she spotted her ax about 10 feet away from her

"Perfect" Astrid scooted herself over to it "Okay if I could just get it to- Yes!" The ropes cut after she went back and forth against the blade for them to snap "Okay, I've gotta go get the dragons"

Astrid jumped up and started running to where they landed

"Stormfly!" Astrid found the dragons still unconscious

Stormfly perked her head up, Toothless did too

"We have to go get Hiccup!" Astrid mounted Stormfly after setting Toothless's tail on auto and flew off South

Them heading South was very ironic since Astrid always normally flies South, they soon found the boat drifting through the calm water, Astrid dove down, landing on the deck shortly after

"Hiccup!" Astrid cupped her hands around her mouth "Let's go under, maybe he's below deck?" She looked at Stormfly

Astrid had her ax ready, Stormfly stayed on deck while Toothless came with Astrid below. They saw several cells inside, hopefully, Hiccup was in one of them

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted again

No response

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted louder as she walked down the long hall

She saw what appeared to be someone in a cell. She stopped in shock of what she saw.

"Hiccup! Oh, my gods! What did they do to you?!" Astrid pulled open the door, falling to her knees next to him

Hiccup was covered in blood. He had bruises and scratches everywhere, but, the most prominent injury was that he had a hole, almost on his heart, but still really close to it.

"A-Astrid?" Hiccup's voice was quieter than a pin drop, it was scratchy too

"Oh thank Thor, let's get you back quick!" Astrid started trying to lift Hiccup up

"No, Astrid" Hiccup fell back to the ground "I won't be able to make it back to Berk. I've lost too much blood"

"No, we can do it Hiccup, please" Astrid begged

"No, we can't" Toothless licked Hiccup's face, he was full of worry "I'm sorry bud..."

"Yes! We can!"

"Astrid?" Hiccup placed his hand on her cheek and whipped away her tears "I love you so much, M'lady..."

"Hiccup, please! You said there would always be a Hiccup and Astrid" Astrid held both of Hiccup's hands in hers

"I'm sorry bud. Take care of Astrid for me..." Hiccup's eyes closed. For the last time.

"No! Hiccup! Wake up! Wake up, please! Stay with me!"

It was too late. He was gone.

"We have to take him back to Berk Toothless, so he can have a proper funeral." Astrid looked up at her now dead fiancee's dragon

So Astrid got Hiccup on Stormfly, so she could ride Toothless. She told Stormfly to go slow, so Hiccup wouldn't fall off. They made it back to Berk a few hours later.

"Astrid! Hiccup! I was so worried!" Hope ran over to them

"We all were" Valka landed Cloudjumper

"Wait, Hiccup!" Hope ran over to Stormfly

"Hope!" Astrid grabbed her

"What happened to him?!"

"We were exploring, we saw smoke coming from a fire in the distance, but, upon further inspection, they were the dragons, hunters, we thought that we defeated years ago, they had caged dragons, Hiccup tried to talk, but, they put a bag over his head and took him, I tried to help, but one of the guys had my hands behind my back. He then tied me up and sailed off with the dragons. I went and found ours and took off in the direction that they took Hiccup. We found the boat, and then we found him under in a cell, but, he was like this." Astrid had broken down crying

"So what you're telling me is" Hope started tearing up

"He was killed..." Valka finished

Astrid could only nod. Valka to her and Hope into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault... I tried to help him..." Astrid pulled away

"No." Hope sniffed "It's not your fault, you couldn't have prevented it. It was a freak accident."

"No. It's my fault and I know it." Astrid walked over and lifted Hiccup off Stormfly with Valka's help

"Astrid. Hiccup wouldn't want you to think that it's your fault he died. So, please, don't beat yourself up about it." Valka looked at Astrid

Hope had gotten a ship prepared for Hiccup, it was sundown. Time for Hiccup's funeral...

"I'm sorry Hiccup." Astrid was helping prep his boat "There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always."

Astrid leaned down and kissed Hiccup one last time. She then set his hands on top of his chest. She then pushed the boat out into the water.

"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A son. A brother. A friend. A husband. A dragon rider." Gobber handed Astrid, Hope, and Valka their bows and arrows

Astrid, Hope, and Valka ignited their arrows and soon fired them onto Hiccup's boat. The others following shortly after. Causing it to burst into flames.

"I'm sorry bro. That it had to end like this. Everyone thought that you, Astrid and the others defeated the dragon hunters, but, fate said otherwise. You were such a great brother, the best brother I've met. I'll see you soon bro. Love you Hic." Hope started to ball her eyes out, Valka hugged her for comfort

"I'm so sorry Hiccup. Ever since that flight, we went on when we were 15, I knew I loved you. Through all the adventures that we've been on, all the enemies we faced. The one thing that kept me going was you. You were always there for me. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. I love you so much Hiccup." Astrid blew a kiss towards his boat, knowing that he wouldn't ever catch it.

Everyone walked back to the village, Hope was announced full-time Chief, not just co-Chief


"Wh-where am I?!" Hiccup looked around, it was all white

"Hiccup?" A booming voice behind him asked

"Who said that?" He turned around

"I'm surprised you don't recognize your own father"

"Dad!" Hiccup ran over to his deceased father

"Oh, how is everyone? And the village?" Stoick embraced his son

"They're doing great, the village is too, except for why I'm here... The-"

"The dragon hunters are back, I know. The beat you to a pulp before killing you. Your curiosity got the best of you."

"I'm sorry dad. I shouldn't have gone towards the fire, then I would still be alive. This is all my fault." Hiccup put his head in his hands

"That may be true, but a certain special blonde shield maiden says otherwise"


"She thinks it's her fault you died."

"She what?!"

"Aye, she said that it was her fault that you died, your sister and mother dispelled that, but, she still thinks it"

"Oh, gods. Now she's gonna live with that the rest of her life!"

"I'm sorry Hiccup, but, there's no way to fix this."

"Yeah, I know dad, I just wish that I could tell her that myself."

"I know son."

Back at Berk

It has been a year since Hiccup passed away, Hope was Chief, and boy did she wish that Hiccup could help her. Hiccup's death had affected everyone. Valka was hurt, I mean, both the men in her life had died early deaths. Gobber now had lost his apprentice, who wasn't his apprentice anymore, but, anytime Gobber saw Hiccup working in the forge, he could only think of the scrawny boy he was so many years ago. Sometimes even, when Hiccup would give speeches, he would close his eyes and picture that Stoick was still there, for even the briefest moments. And I mean, sure, Astrid was GREAT help for Hope, don't get her wrong, but, she doesn't help much. She changed. She can't do anything with Hope that she did with Hiccup. But, like Hiccup said that fateful day years ago...

"There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always."
                                 -Hiccup Haddock
