Let Me Love You

This will switch between regular and modern AU

I used to believe
We were burnin' on the edge of somethin' beautiful
Somethin' beautiful

Hiccup and Astrid stood there at the edge of the volcano. Viggo was dead. Astrid was safe and unharmed. The dragon eye had burned. What was most important was that they had each other.

"Viggo... It didn't have to end this way." Hiccup stood up from the very edge of the volcano

"Are you okay?" Astrid walked up next to him

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"It's finally over. It is over, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Definitely."

"I should have listened to you. You are our leader. Our relationship can't get in the way of that. It won't happen again."

"Just promise me you won't stop telling me what you're thinking. Astrid, I rely on you. It's what makes us, well, us. Deal?" Hiccup put out his hand

"Deal." Astrid grabbed it and pulled him in for a kiss, sealing the promise to always say what they are thinking

Selling a dream
Smoke and mirrors keep us waitin' on a miracle
On a miracle

"Guys, let me talk to her. Alone." Hiccup and Astrid were left on the clubhouse after Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins left

"She can't see." Tuffnut whispered to Ruff while exiting

"What is happening to me?" Astrid sighed, referring to her blinded by lightning situation

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's only temporary. You remember when Bucket lost his sight? He got it back."

"And now he wears a metal bucket on his head, permanently."

"True. Well, all I am saying is... Oh, Thor, what am I saying?"

"I know what you're trying to do. And I appreciate it. Really."

"Look. When there's a break in the storm we'll fly to Berk and see Gothi. She'll be able to help you. In the meantime, Astrid, you need rest."

Say, go through the darkest of days
Heaven's a heartbreak away

"It's not a game, Tuffnut. It's not a dream. It's not a way of life. It's reality. It actually happened. We trained the dragons, we left Berk, and my father is on his deathbed because of it, because of me. None of this would have happened and I mean none of it if I had never shot down Toothless in the first place. You know it. I know it. Berk knows it. Everyone knows it! Even he knows it." Hiccup snapped quicker than stepping on a branch

Hiccup exits the Great Hall and goes to sit down on the edge of a cliff

"I'm sorry, bud. I didn't mean it to come out that way. You know I'll never regret shooting you down, bud. Actually, that didn't come out right, either. Astrid, I-I need some time to think. I just want to be left alone." Hiccup sighed

"Just hear me out. You and Toothless came together for a very specific reason at a very specific time. If you hadn't shot him down, I mean, think about where you would be. Think about where we would all be." Astrid sat next to him

Never let you go, never let me down
Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

Astrid and Hiccup's life had been a wild one. They got married to start out the story, then, their daughter was diagnosed with cancer, she then died at the age of nine. They were miserable. Astrid joined the military, served her time, and then before you know it. The both of them shared their final kiss

"I love you so much, Hiccup Haddock. Tell our daughter I love her too." Astrid said in between tears

"I love you too Astrid Haddock. I will. See you soon." Hiccup's forest green eyes then closed for the last time

Hiccup passed of cancer like his daughter, and mother when he was a baby.

Driving the edge of a knife
Never let you go, never let me down

Astrid sat there on a hunter's ship. She was tied up, hands behind her back, Hiccup and Toothless stood before her with Ryker holding her up, a knife to her throat.

"Make one more step Haddock, and I'll, well, you know." Ryker gestured to the knife in his hand

"Hiccup. Don't do it." Astrid pleaded "I'm fine."

"Drop the knife, Ryker. I have the dragon eye right here." Hiccup held it in his hands

"Roll it over."

Hiccup obeyed

"Now hand over Astrid." Hiccup was staring daggers at Ryker

"Alright. You can have her." Ryker drove the knife right over Astrid's throat before throwing her overboard

"Astrid! No!" Hiccup hopped on Toothless he dove right in after the blonde

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Oh baby, baby

Don't fall asleep
At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us
Miles ahead of us

Hiccup had been met with a fate slightly less bad than death. A collision that could've cost his life.

"Hiccup!" Astrid called out his name

They successfully made it out of the beaten up car that was there since they got together

"We need to get him out of here!" A voice called to two other people

Hiccup was then put on a stretcher, but into an ambulance and was driven off


"A-Astrid?" Hiccup woke up groggily

"Hiccup! Oh, thank Thor your okay!" Astrid hugged Hiccup with joy running down her face in the form of water droplets

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Just a break. I'll be fine. We got in a crash. And... And..." Astrid started breaking down

"What? And what?"

"You lost your left leg, everything below the knee. I'm so sorry babe."

Hiccup lifted the sheet to see his new reality

All that we need
Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough
Know we're good enough

"You saved me again, buddy. Fishlegs and Darkvarg! Darkvarg and Fishlegs! Don't worry. You're still number one, girl." Fishlegs made it out of the cave with albino night terrors after almost a day in there

"They got him! Yes!" Astrid cheered as she was Fishlegs fly out atop Meatlug

"Thank Thor." Hiccup sighed

"What are we gonna do?" Tuffnut asked, referring to the edge being surrounded by dragon flyers

"Hiccup?" Fishlegs turned to him

"We gotta get out of here!" Tuffnut yelled

"Oh, no." Hiccup's eyes went wide

"Hiccup, I'm so sorry." Astrid apologized for the scorched earth

"Yeah. Me too."

Say go through the darkest of days
Heaven's a heartbreak away

Stoick's ship drifts out to sea. Snotlout retrieves two arrows. Gobber hands a bow and arrow to Hiccup during his eulogy for Stoick.

"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin’s great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend."

Hiccup shoots a flaming arrow to light Stoick’s ship. The others follow suit.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Hiccup looked up as all the dragon riders wipe away tears "I’m not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don’t know…" Hiccup's voice trails off as Valka walks up to him

"You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn’t make it. But your father... he never doubted. He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son." Valka had both hands on Hiccup's shoulders, looking directly at him, before stepping aside

"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try." Hiccup continued, only for his sadness to become a fierce determination "A chief protects his own. We’re going back."

Never let you go, never let me down
Oh it's been a hell of a ride
Driving the edge of a knife
Never let you go, never let me down

Astrid was over at Hiccup's house after the ceremony.

Hiccup's funeral.

She was allowed to look through his stuff. She got to the door leading to his bedroom. She took a breath and whipped away tears as she opened the door. She could see the memories that she and Hiccup made in this room.

"Can I take off my blindfold and earmuffs now?" Astrid whined

"And... Now!" Hiccup pulled off both

"Oh. My. God. You got a dog?!" Astrid fell down to her knees as a black lab with three legs run up to her

"Yeah, saved him from the pound. No one wanted him since he lost his back left leg. His name is Toothless." Hiccup explained

"Aww, he's so cute. Why is his name Toothless?"

"The previous owner go him when he was a puppy, they were like two, and didn't see his teeth."

"Sounds like something I'd do"

"Yeah, no kidding."

Astrid started crying. She moved over to a box of his things. On top, she found a stack of note cards and a box.

"Oh, my gods. No, he wasn't." Astrid picked up the box and opened it

Inside was a silver ring with a forest green stripe and a sky blue one.

An engagement ring.

Astrid collapsed onto the ground, crying her heart out that her soon to be fiance was dead by a building fire.

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Oh baby, baby

Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go

Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go
Never let you go (oh no no no no)
Never let you go (yeah yeah)
I'll never let you go

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you

I wanted to thank you all for 10,000 reads.

I never thought that I would get here when I started 7 months ago.

Thank you all for all the support that I've been given. And I'm very excited to make more chapters in the near future.

