
Okay so starting off this is the second book in the sports love series. There will probably only be two books but I don't know, things could happen. Anyways here enjoy this short preview!

I opened my eyes slowly and sleepily and heard the familiar beeping noise indicating I was in a hospital. Kayla, Hayes, Taylor, Gemma, Morgan, Anne, my mom, and dad all stood in the room. I was confused and looked at all of them questioningly then remembered what had happened.


"Kayla!" I screamed and she came running in with her eyes wide.

"W-what?" Kayla asked sleepily and I just pointed breathing heavily. "What happened?"

"I don't know I woke up and there was blood what do we do?" I asked worriedly tears threatening to fall I was so scared.

"C'mon let's get you to the hospital" Kayla said and I tried to get out of bed but felt a horrible pain in my stomach then everything went black.


"Is it okay?" was the first thing that slipped out of my mouth.

All of them has frowns on their face and tears gathered in my eyes.

This must be bad news.
