Chapter 28

All I can offer for songs is the Pearl Jam MTV Unplugged (thanks youtube) because that's literally what I continuously listened to while writing. Enjoy loves :)))))

Louis began to go into a full on slaughter of the word fine and how it was a lie and overrated. I just stared as he lectured me on if I needed him or if I didn't. Though he couldn't tell because I used the word fine, that's how Louis William Tomlinson feels about that.

My phone rang interrupting his rant and I put it to my ear, "Hello."

"Hey I'm in the driveway. Do you want me to come in?"

More than anything because I've made Louis go into debate-team-Louis and it's scary. I love him and his opinions but he turns into a freshman on a debate team, scaring the hell out of me.

"I'll just come out thanks," I hung up and fake-smiled at Louis before kissing his cheek. I ran out the door while waving goodbye and bid farewell to debate-team-tommo. I jumped into Kayla's truck with eagerness that soon dropped because of Harry. I looked at my friend with a doe-eyed look because of these uneasy thoughts that made me queasy.

"Have you seen Harry?" Was all I could get out and I wanted to laugh at myself out of pity.

"No, not today, why?" Kayla asked and I'm sure she was confused.

"Making sure he hasn't flipped out because I'm pretty sure I didn't check in with him," I made a nervous face and looked down at my phone to see the missed calls.

The whole log of them was filled by Niall and Harry. I had one from my mom and made sure to make a note to call her when I got home.

"He'll probably turn up soon enough," Kayla tried to assure me but I don't think anything can wash away the trepidation I felt. "I honestly don't even know how I got home last night."

"How in the hell I ended up Louis' new house is beyond me. Do you remember anything?" I asked her curiously, hoping for something to give me a clue.

"No I've tried to remember the whole ride here," I mentally groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Fuck we got hammered," I laughed a little but stopped remembering my feeling of fear I had.

"So what happened at Louis' last night?"

"I have a slight idea, but not a full one," I shook my head at myself.

"Well what's your idea?"

"Well I have a theory that my drunken self went to his house. I was supposed to help him move last night so I put two and two," I shrugged a little and remembered what Louis had told me.

He still never told me about that talk.

"Wow, so I guess we both woke up at weird places this morning," Kayla added and I laughed.

I was about to say something but my phone rang. I answered it with a sigh and my ear was nearly blown off. "Lillian Rose Humprhies! Where in the hell are you! Runaway one more time I dare you!"

I was taken back and confused, "So I didn't go back to Louis' last night?"

Our elevator stopped and I saw a familiar head of curls by our apartment door. I quickly hit the doors close then emergency stop, my phone falling out of my hand. "You haven't called him have you?" Fear was dominant in my voice and Kayla budded into the conversation.

"I have a plan," Kayla started and I payed attention, waiting for an explanation. "Okay, so we went out to get ice cream and Advil for my hangover. Then if he asks where you were last night I'll just cover for you and tell him that you stayed the night here and that you were looking out for me, because I got drunk off my ass."

I hesitantly let the doors open and muttered a quick goodbye to Niall. "Fuck it," I walked down with Kayla and Harry turned his head to us and ran at me. I gulped as his arms wrapped around my body, he squeezed me but I wasn't feeling it.

"Where were you?" Harry asked me, eying the two of us.

"Well, you see I got a little drunk last and Lilli just took me to get some ice cream and Advil for my hangover," Kayla covered for me and Harry of course being inspector gadget was questioning.

"Where's the bag?" He asked and I just stood, silent.

"Shit. I left the Advil in the car, I dropped it and it rolled under the seat so I forgot about it," Kayla put too much detail and Harry was really questioning her. "And we went to an ice cream parlor and just ate it there."

"Really, which one?" Harry interrogated her and I broke.

"Oh for the love of God I'll talk to you at home. Meanwhile lets go inside and discuss your problem like parents and you and your nemesis as children." I snapped and Harrys eyes widened with every word.

"Seriously, the two of you need to grow up. But lucky for the both of you, Lilli and I came up with a plan since you guys want to act this way," Kayla informed Harry and he frowned as she knocked on the door.

Taylor opened the door and frowned upon seeing Harry.

"The two girls can come in but leave the trash outside the door," Taylor grimaced and Kayla punched him in the chest.

"Stop being rude, we're all coming inside to sit and talk like civilised people so if you would please move," Kayla pushed past Taylor as we walked inside.

"Be nice," I nudged Harry and he gave a forced smile. "This won't be long if you two can keep the comments in your pandora boxes."

"Stay have a seat boys," Kayla instructed and they sat opposite each other.

"We've told our guests that they get to choose whichever side they would like to party at. I will mainly be on Harrys but I have friends if you two haven't messed that up." I quickly informed them and took a seat beside my fiancé.

"And I will mainly be on Taylor's side of course but I have friends also and Lilli and I like to party together," Kayla started and finished, "We've put together two lists for each of tootsie we know who will most likely be on each side, we're splitting the bar down the middle."

"Why is Taylor Swift on here?" Harry asked incredulously and I leaned closer.

"More celebs, the better the party and yours will be better."

"Hey!" Kayla yelled and I side glanced at her, "This means war!"

"See you later!" I yelled and ran out with Harry on my arm.

Harry stopped us once I shut the door and stared into my eyes. He gazed into them as if he were looking for something and he slowly grabbed my hands. "No more lies, remember?"

"I know you didn't believe her. She picked me up from Louis'," I got out pretty easily and his mouth opened slightly. "Nothing happened Harry you can trust me, I just got very drunk and woke up in his bed. He was downstairs, when I find out the rest I'll let you know."

"Believe me, I trust you, it's just we were being stupid yesterday and acting childish. I didn't want to leave with you upset with me, let alone not know where you are," Harry lightly kissed my forehead and squeezed me in a hug. This time I hugged him back because I love him, and I should show it.

"It was really sweet, what you did for Eduardo," I smiled at the thought of him doing that and we pulled away from each other.

"It was the least I could do," Harry smiled down at me and I pecked his cheek before sliding his hand into mine.

We stepped onto the elevator and my phone rang again, it being Niall. I answered it quickly and Niall was yelling again. "How do you end up there! Could you actually explain this to me!"

"I don't know. I woke up at Louis' and I called Kayla, she picked me up," Niall sighed and I felt weird.


"There's no reason to bring him into this, I'll see you at the party!" I hung up and the elevator stopped, Harry tightened his hold on my hand and I squeezed his. Eduardo shared a nice conversation with us and we were on our way.

Harry had came in his car and I wondered who William was with, God I sound awful.

"William woke up and I could tell he wondered why you weren't there," Harry placed his hand on my thigh and I frowned.

"Make me feel worse why don't you," I threw my hand in exaggeration and he shook his head.

"I'm just telling you how much he loves you," Harry smiled softly at this and I let one slip.

Harry rubbed my thigh and I smiled even more just because, just because I can smile and I feel good.

"Grandma called me last night," Harry announced and I nodded slowly.

"Okay? Your grandma called you because she loves you?" Harry shook his head and laughed at me.

"No. Your grandma called me last night," I laughed a little at myself then wondered what the call was about.


"Her and Jack want to know when they can see Will," I rolled my eyes and he smiled at this.

"Anytime, if they'll come here," I replied while sighing.

They never come visit and I have the slightest idea as to why they don't. I mean it's not like they don't have money, they both still work a full time job. All they have to do is take a vacation and go off to ours on a plane, simple. Nevertheless we always have to go see them, which isn't so bad I guess but they haven't even seen Harry and I's house. Papa probably never will, grandma will actually fly out here but papa hates planes.

I don't blame him though, they aren't my favorite thing in the world either.

"They also want to know about when a wedding will be in order..." Harry trailed off and I had butterflies at the thought of it.

"Can't we get through birthdays first?" I laughed lightly to cover up my school-girl nervousness about the thing.

I don't even know what the hell to do at a wedding? I've sat and stood through them but I still don't understand how the hell you have one. I have to hope to God Harry has a lot more knowledge in which he probably doesn't and I could see us getting married in Vegas. I literally could see Harry randomly saying one day lets go and we would be off.

"Yours is coming up," Harry had a beaming smile on his face and I knew why.

"You're ready for Mardi Gras aren't you?" He smiled even wider and nodded at me as he parked the car in our garage.

"No I love my fiancé, although it may be foreign to you but drinking is not everything to me," Harry gave me a warning look and I got out of the car with a roll of my eyes.

I unlocked the door and saw that the lights were off, I turned back around to Harry and furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought someone was here with William?"

"Well I knew he wouldn't be at my party so I took him to stay with mom, she's definitely not coming." I laughed at this and felt bad for Mama Anne.

Harry reached over me and flicked the lights on and as he did I took this as a chance to kiss him. He smiled at this and I pulled him closer to me with my hands in his hair.

"Happy birthday again baby," He gasped as I slid my hands up his shirt to get a grip on his torso. He whimpered on my mouth and I remembered my hands were freezing, I laughed a little and he pulled away.

"I lost all feeling once you laughed," Harry smiled a goofy smile and I just shook my head at him.

I proceeded into the kitchen and decided to fix a drink for myself. When I was turned to the refrigerator, Harry's arms wrapped around me and pressed me against him. "Can you promise me something?" Harry asked and I hummed in response while closing my eyes in serenity. "You and I, together no matter what. After Kayla and Taylor leave we can stick through it together alright. All of our friends are moving and we just need to let go okay? We're adults, we can make new ones and you know you'll always have Niall. You need to promise you will stay strong and stick through it."

I absorbed every word and wanted to cry at everything but he was right. I needed to accept what was happening and that I was an adult with a child and fiancé. I could make it with who I have now and at least try to stay in touch with everyone. The thing is the two couples who have moved are across the country. Worse than that One Directions tour is soon and we still don't know if Will and I are going.

"I promise. Can we get ready then go early to your party?" I asked and turned around to him. He smiled a big dimpled smile and nodded down at me.

Harry ran wildly out of the kitchen, leaving me to finish making my drink. I fixed myself a glass of coke then walked upstairs carefully without spilling it. I got up the long flight of stairs and opened the door to our room to see Harry was searching for a shirt. I stared at his body for a good couple seconds before deciding to stop staring at him.

"Baby, can you help me?" Harry had his back to me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"With what?" I asked confusedly and he turned around making me go weak at him in just boxers. I had seen him like that a million times, but I still wanted to grab him and make out with him every time.

"I don't know what to wear," he sighed and I walked over to where he was looking through choices. I picked up the hat he loved and threw it across the room. "We don't wear hats to parties," I laughed out and he looked at me helplessly.

I stared at his choices and pointed to the grunge looking plaid shirt with his black jeans. "This is hot," I stated and he smiled at me.

"Since you picked out mine can I pick out yours?" Harry asked me and I shook my head no.

"No because you'll pick something too sexy." He humphed, unable to deny this and I just curtly nodded then went into our closet.

I finally decided on a white superficial tank top, tucked into a pair of black shorts with a sparkly and glittery jacket. It was really fitting for the party since I'm attempting at looking more sophisticated but sexy at the same time. After making sure it looked good in the mirror I exited the closet to see Harry was dressed too. He looked perfect as always and I smiled at him, "So am I going to tell you that you look beautiful tonight?"

"Am I supposed to tell you?" Harry asked in an innocent tone and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Why can't I show you?" He leaned down to kiss my lips and I smiled, thinking of how lucky I am.

"I love you," I interrupted his lips hitting mine and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you more Lillian," he smiled ruefully and I hit his shoulder while turning to get a wristlet. I shoved my phone into it hastily getting excited to have Harry's party.

After I was completely ready to leave Harry and I both jogged down the stairs, me being slower because of heels. He stood by the door and waited for me to get out then shut it. Him being the gentleman he is he ran to my door and opened it for me before going to his own.

"I was serious about that earlier Lilli," Harry cleared his throat and I frowned remembering what he had said.

"I was serious too, I promised, I don't break promises."

"Just stay strong and we can get through it together. They had the twins, you know they're moving as soon as possible," Harry stated and I knew he was right.

Kayla leaving was inevitable I mean I knew it would happen someday honestly I thought the only friend I'd keep forever is Niall. I mean the boys of course because of Harry but Niall and I have been together since I was a freshman in high school. That's a long time and it's surprising we've stuck together through everything. I mean yes in the past we were in a relationship and he was my first love so I'll always have a little bit of feelings for him. Those feelings don't surface though, I love Harry, I love Niall too but in a different sense.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind?" Harry smiled at me and glanced over but then his eyes went back to the road.

"Okay, John Legend, I was just thinking about my friends," he laughed at the John Legend part and I rolled my eyes.

Harry parked the car at his venue, which happened to be a bar and I hurriedly got out. I am so excited for this despite the events of this morning and last night. I'm really ready to see all of my friends because I love them so much and they're all amazing people.

"Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Ed, and Cara are already here," Harry smiled at his friends and we walked inside the bar. They were setting up things on the right side and there had been tape put on the ground as a border. Before I could walk farther in I had someone hugging me, I knew it was Cara because of the bony arms.

"Cara!" I smiled really big and she snuggled into me then let go of me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Lilli, I've missed you even though it has been days. Are you ready for fashion week? Oh yeah happy birthday Harry!" Cara jumped from subject to subject and I just smiled at her short attention span.

"Thank you, I'm going to get us all a starter drink," Harry walked off to the bar and I felt bad for our bartender because we all drink, a lot.

"I've missed you too and yes oh my gosh yes I cannot wait to see you on the job," we laughed and Harry came over with our drinks.

"Here you are ladies," I kissed his cheek as he gave me mine and I took a sip of it. He got us rum runners which aren't bad but they are strong, rum is very strong.

"Lilli, my love, how are you?" Ed asks while hugging me and I laughed.

"I'll be better when this party isn't separated," I whispered to him once Harry began to speak to Cara about someone. He pulled me aside and rolled his eyes at Harry.

"I know, it's stupid, I'm probably going to sneak over to the other side if he doesn't notice," Ed admitted to me and I laughed.

"I'll do the same if I get to, Harry's pretty adamant on the sides. Taylor and him have been feuding for a while," I let Ed in on the need-to-knows.

He glanced over at the door and we watched it open revealing those who we were speaking about.

"We're here we made it!" Kayla's voice echoed and I glanced back at their side.

Kayla, Hayes, Taylor, and Trevor stood there and I was excited.

"Look who decided to show up to their own party, you get the loser side!" Harry yelled over his shoulder while carrying over a chair and I laughed a little.

"The flight was a tad bit delayed, so technically it wasn't our fault," Kayla's hands went up in defence and I raised an eyebrow, my back to her.

"Flight!" Harry, Cara, Ed, Niall, and I all yelled and stared at them.

A flight? Within hours they've gone somewhere, Harry and I literally just got ready and they were on an airplane.

"You know on a plane?" Hayes had to be a smart ass as usual, this is why I hate teenagers and myself.

"I thought they rode in them cars these days," I rolled my eyes.

"Nope, pretty sure they fly planes," Trevor was stupid enough to think I was serious and I mentally face palmed.

"Learn something new everyday kid," Niall placed a finger to his chin in mock thought and I lost it giggling.

"Shit!" Kayla yelled and I was happy William was with Anne. Carter and some girl came in and I was whisked away to help Harry only hearing parts of the conversation until Louis arrived.

"One second," Kayla took off her shoe and sand came out of if, my eyes widened but I shook it off until I thought about it.

Panama City. She couldn't have gone to see the house could she have?

"Sand?" Cara questioned and I moved closer to the boundary line of the parties.

"I have no idea how that got there," Kayla replied and I was skeptical, could it be?

At their door, a group of people I didn't really know walked in and they cheered. I however saw Tyler and gave him a small wave.

"Who's ready to get this party started!" Tyler yelled and they cheered, I was anxious wanting to know when our people would get here to even it out.

I decided to cross the line and walked over beside Trevor, Hayes, and Kayla and opened my mouth to speak, only to be pulled back by Harry. "Some of our guests are here," Harry smiled as Melissa, Clay, Morgan, and Rae arrived. I smiled and greeted them all but wanted to speak to Trevor, Hayes, and Kayla.

I was sucked into conversations with different people and was disappointed that the party was separated.

"So this is the mom I kissed that time?" I heard Justin's voice and I laughed while turning around to him. I hugged him and he just chuckled at himself.

"Hey, you should be happy you actually got to kiss me because I tripped." Justin laughed and I took a sip of my drink.

"I am, because now I have a friend that I can trust, which is hard to find." I nodded at this because it is so very true. In this world you can trust barely anyone and I'm lucky to have Justin Bieber that trusts me. I mean we text all the time and sometimes talk on the phone but he's a busy pop star.

"Ain't that the truth, if you want to laugh look for my friend Joey. You signed his back once, if you find him I bet you twenty bucks he passes out," Justin laughed and shook my hand on the bet then walked towards Joey.

I watched from afar to see what happens when someone leaned on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Louis' voice sent chills down my spine due to his breath on my collar bone.

"Placed a bet," I shrugged and Louis got off my shoulder and stood beside me.

"Let me guess with Justin to see if Joey passes out?" Louis guessed correctly and I nodded at him, impressed.

We watched as Justin tapped his shoulder and Joey spun around, gasped, and was out cold. Justin turned around to Louis and I and I gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

All of a sudden Niall pulled me away from everyone and I knew what he was doing. He grabbed Kayla and I knew he wanted us to get the parties to come together.

"What's going on Niall?" Kayla asked but before he could say anything Taylor came to us.

"Kayla!" He came with a group as always and I exchanged a look with Niall.

"What?" She asked and I took a step closer to Niall to lean on him.

"We need to leave now," he stated bluntly and my stomach dropped.

"What, why?"

"To pack, the realtor called me-" I stopped listening there because tears pricked my eyes and I remembered what I had promised Harry. I would stay strong through it all, I really would.

Kayla said something and all I comprehended was that she was ready to go and excited. I decided to step forward before she left and at least say bye. Niall said something but honestly I was so out of it by now I didn't even hear him and Kayla speak.

"I guess this is it," I awkwardly said and looked at the floor.

"I guess so," we hugged and she left.

All I could think was that's probably the last I'll see of her. I turned to Niall who watched them leave then turned to me. He gave me a sympathetic look and I smiled a pathetic smile.

"What can you do?"
