Chapter 33

Songs for the chap :)

Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5 (Note this has nothing to do with this chapter AT ALL.. I am just madly in love with it at the moment)

Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake

Collar Full - Panic! At the Disco

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asked and Louis jumped out of the bed.

I was slung over when he did this and my knee hit the foot board.

"I am comforting her after you kissed Teddy's shoulder," Louis calmly said and Harry rolled his eyes.

"We all know what you're really doing," my eyes went wide at this and Louis looked at me.

"Goodbye Harold," Louis bitterly said and spun around on his heel, leaving me with him.

I stared at Harry in awe as he slammed the door shut behind Louis. I gasped at the sound and Harry sat down on the bed beside me.

"Lilli, I thought it was you so I kissed her thinking it was you I was kissing. Last time I spoke with Teddy she was having enough guy problems," Harry placed his hand on my knee and I looked down.

"It still feels weird, why were you so rude to Louis?" I asked him, upset about how he was towards him.

Louis was literally just comforting me, he wasn't making a move or anything. I hate how Harry always acts like that towards him when we're together.

"It's so obvious he's in love with you, I'm sorry. I get jealous you know that, I don't know why he thinks he has a chance," I bit my lip at this and looked up at Harry.

"I think I know why," I said in a very small voice and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why?" He questioned and leaned closer to me, interested.

I took a deep breath and thought about what to say, I guess I should just be honest. I should tell him I wasn't lying, and what actually happened at Louis'.

"I wasn't the one that texted you the other night-" I started and Harry made a frustrated noise, then stood up.

He paced the floor in front of me and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I cannot believe him, you were covering for him and being nice."

I wanted to cry at this point but I just sucked in a sharp breath and carried on.

"I actually said it though, I said I needed space and time to think-" Harry cut me off yet again and I was getting frustrated.

"Let me guess, he made a move on you then you pitied him?" Harry laughed bitterly and I shook my head.

"No, no, let me get it out okay," I started and Harry nodded, sitting back down. "What he texted you was what I had said to him that night. I kissed him, I feel terrible Harry, I shouldn't have. I just thought you had lied about that interview and that morning I don't know," I began to cry and he clenched his jaw.

I wiped away my tears and he stared at me as I tried to stop.

"Anything else?" Harry asked me as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I love you more than you can imagine and I feel terrible," I laid down on my stomach and cried silently.

I had no idea what Harry was thinking but he sat down on the bed beside me. "Hadn't you been drinking?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at this and wiped my face. "Yes, I had, quite a lot."

He sighed and I turned over to see him, "Well you always get frisky and sexual when you're drunk. I'm surprised you didn't pull one on Cara."

"She did kiss me that night," I started and Harry's jaw dropped. "She kissed Louis also because she got this huge part in that book I love, Paper Towns."

"Maybe you were just excited, if you were drinking then I get it. What I did tonight mixing you up with Teddy cancels out what you did." Harry gave me a soft smile and I sat up.

"You're not upset?" I confusedly asked and he shook his head, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"No baby, I'm not. I know you love me and I mean there's no point in fighting." I furrowed my eyebrows at him being so calm and I realized something.

He had grown up.

"Oh my God, I love you even more," I leaned over and hugged him. He chuckled at this and pulled us both down on the bed.

"Go to sleep sweetheart, it's your birthday and you need rest for tomorrow." He let me go, only to put his arm back around me once I was on my side. "I love you, good night." He turned off the lamp and I hummed in serenity.

Why did I think he was starting to not like me as much, he still loves me. He has proved it this weekend and since I had been at Louis' really. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, no doubt having sweet dreams tonight.

When I woke up Harry's arms were still around me and I breathed in, soaking up all the peacefulness in our room. It wasn't the usual for us to be like this after him hearing something like he did last night. I was surprised by his reaction to say the least, I couldn't really believe it had happened like it did. It wasn't bad that things happened in such a good fashion, it was just unusual. We're really growing up, maybe this engagement thing wasn't such a bad idea. I feared the thoughts of marriage a month ago but now it doesn't bother me with him.

I felt him stir and I closed my eyes so he would think I was asleep, or well I did until he got out of bed. I slowly turned over and put on my best sleepy act, "What are you doing?" He turned his head to me and smiled while putting his phone on the table.

"I told Kaley and Cameron I'd pick them up from the airport," Harry laughed and I gave him a weird look.

"They're not going to be here until two."

"Well an old friend is in town and I wanted to speak to him before you met him. He doesn't know I'm engaged actually," Harry slipped on some jeans and I just nodded.

"Well, have fun, I'll just go see if Niall is up." I stood up and walked around the bed and to my suit case. I changed into some shorts and a shirt then turned around to see Harry was busy typing away on his phone. I rolled my eyes at him then walked out, ready to talk to Niall or someone about what happened.

I knocked on the door and Teddy answered it to my surprise, "What are you doing up?"

"I'd ask you the same but I know what happened last night," my eyes widened at this and she laughed while pulling me inside. "Louis came by and told us, I'm surprised you didn't come by after to sleep in here."

"No, we worked it out like adults, now he's going to see an old friend. He wanted to see him before I did because he doesn't know that Harry is engaged and has a child," I gave her Harry's explanation and she raised an eyebrow.

"Does this guy live under a rock? There's no way he doesn't know about this. C'mon let's go follow Harry to see this old friend," she used air quotations around old friend and I shook my head.

"Teddy, shouldn't I trust him?" I asked and she opened the door while slipping on some shoes.

"He's a guy, no." I nodded at this because it was true, they're always different.

Teddy pointed ahead at Harry going down the hall, his phone pressed to his ear. We quietly walked down to the corner before the elevator and watched him step on. "We have to use the stairs, c'mon." Teddy pulled me along to the stairway and we ran down them, literally.

I wasn't exactly sure how to feel about following him, but I mean I can surprise him wherever he goes. I feel a tiny bit bad about following him but I mean what has he got to hide from me? I'll just see him meeting his old friend and them eating or whatever they'll do.

Teddy and I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the lobby. Harry got off the elevator at the same time and we slowly creeped behind him. We kept a good ten feet between us and I could faintly hear his conversation on the phone.

"...mhm..Yeah, Ed's seafood sounds perfect. Bye." Teddy and I exchanged looks and Harry walked out.

We waited until he hailed a cab and got in to walk out. However once we got out there wasn't a cab in sight, however there was a carriage/bike cab. Teddy and I jumped on and the guy turned around to us with a smile, "Where can I take you?"

"Ed's seafood, but go a little slower please." Teddy informed the guy and he just laughed and began to bike his way down the street.

"This is so weird," I admitted to Teddy and she shrugged.

"I mean other than being in New Orleans it feels pretty normal," I laughed at this and so did our bike guy.

"So which one of you doesn't trust their partner?" The bike guy asked and I gasped.

"How'd you know?" I was bewildered and he just laughed while stopping at a red light.

"Girls do this all the time, so it must be you. Who's the lucky guy?" He seemed to be nice so I answered him with Harry Styles. "The guy in the band? Wow you must be loaded, sorry I just don't make much being a biker. It's only ten dollars a ride, if it's around the quarter."

"We'll tip you, what's your name bike guy?" Teddy asked and I held back my laughs at bike guy.

"Chandler, like the guy on Friends, just not as funny." I laughed at this and shook my head.

"No you're probably funnier."

He came to a stop and I looked up from my lap to see a parade was going on. I looked even farther to see that Harry's cab had gotten by.

"Oh I'm sorry, we'll just have to wait for it to pass," Chandler looked back at us and Teddy shook her head.

"No, Chandler your bike guy days are over, you're going to be a hero. Now you're going to cycle right into that parade and go through," Teddy started then stood up. "You are going to be our hero, you'll be better than the guy on Friends! Chandler, you are going to be amazing!"

Chandler looked really determined by her speech and I sat there, jaw open. I cannot believe this is happening, Teddy just convinced this guy to go through a parade. Chandler began to cycle into it and we heard about a thousand complaints from parade watchers and parade participants. I heard a really deep hey and turned to see a transexual woman had said this to me. 

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to get to my boyfriend!" I yelled over the trumpets and she shook her head at me then yelled good luck. 

"Chandler, c'mon you can do it!" Teddy yelled and slapped his back as we neared the other side. I laughed at her and she shrugged, looking over at me, "It's like what the hell you know?" 

Chandler pushed through and I noticed a man saying call me to him as we got out. "Chandler we did it!" I yelled and hugged him as he kept on cycling down the street. 

"Did you two notice that was the gay parade?" Chandler asked and Teddy and I laughed. 

"I got yelled at then cheered on by a transie," I laughed even harder and Teddy busted out laughing. 

"How close are we dude?" Teddy asked Chandler and he came to a stop. 

"You've got another block but I always stop before the place for stalkers," he smiled at us and we jumped off. "Good luck! I'll stay here to give you a ride back." 

"Thank you Chandler!" I yelled and threw forty dollars at him for the ride here. 

Teddy and I began to push our way down the street and through a bunch of people. I was pushed by a nude woman with x's over her nipples and accidentally bumped Teddy into a pole. She just laughed and we went on until we reached the restaurant Harry was meeting his friend at. 

"We've trained for this moment okay, so get your breath," Teddy patted my back and I laughed. 

"I'm nervous," I admitted to her and she shook her head. 

"Don't be, let's go and look." We took a few steps forward and looked into the restaurants window. I spotted Harry instantly but he was sat at a booth and I couldn't see the guy he was meeting. I watched as he reached his hand across the table and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Maybe it's an old boyfriend?" I hit Teddy's shoulder at that and she put her hands up in surrender. 

"Come in with me, please, we can get a table." I grabbed her arm before she could say no and we walked inside. 

The hostess smiled at us and took us to a table that was near Harry's and I shook my head. "I don't feel a good aura from this side, can we switch?" I asked her and mentally face palmed at my sucky excuse. She nodded even though she had a weird look on her face and I smiled as much as I could at her. 

We sat down at a table and I raised my menu up to cover my face, while Teddy just leaned over to see Harry. Her eyes went wide and I gulped, "What do you see?" I couldn't see of course because they were sat behind me and I felt strange. 

"Oh um, nothing, really it's just his old friend is a girl." I rolled my eyes at this but she still looked weird. "A girl that has millions of dollars and sings songs about boys she dates. Including her newest Style." 

My stomach dropped and I had an overwhelming urge to vomit. I stood up and began to run for the bathroom, however I had to pass Harry's booth. I was stopped by the overly familiar voice and I cringed at it, "Lilli! Hey!" I turned around to see Taylor smiling at me and Harry was white as a ghost. 

I walked over while pulling off my ring and preparing to give it to her. "Taylor, here," I handed her the ring and she gasped. "I feel like you'll be needing it more than I will." 

"Lilli-" Harry started but I cut him off. 

"I have had it up to here!" I placed my hand way above my head and he winced. "You can go to hell for all I care!"

At this point everyone in the restaurant had turned to look over at us and Teddy had stood up. Harry slowly got out of his seat and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Will you speak to me outside?" I shrugged off his hand and turned around, ready to storm out when he grabbed my wrist. I turned around and nearly punched him in the face but I held the urges back. 

"Let me go." I started but he shook his head so I yanked my arm and ran out of the restaurant, Teddy and him hot on my heels. 

I sat down on the steps of a building and put my head in my hands, how stupid could I be.

"Look Lilli, she didn't know-" Harry's voice made my blood boil and I jumped up. 

"Do you think I care if your fuck buddy knew we were really together?" I nearly screamed I was so aggravated and he ran his fingers through his hair. 

"What do you want me to do?" He asked and I gave him a sarcastic smile. 

"For starters, leave me alone and after that I'd like you to go to hell!" I yelled and stood up yet again, leaving him behind. 

"Lilli!" Teddy yelled and I turned to see her sprinting towards me. She reached me and grabbed my arm, pulling me to Chandler and our carriage. "He's going to try and catch up. Chandler just take us around."

I leaned over on Teddy's shoulder and began to cry, and I didn't know what to do. Chandler began to move us and I didn't care where we went, I just wanted to get away from there. 

"Lilli, I don't know what to say," Teddy mumbled in my hair because I was holding onto her so tight. 

"Say he's an asshole!" I exclaimed into her shoulder and I felt her nod. 

"Harry Styles is an asshole!" Chandler yelled and I look over to see he had parked us in an alley way. 

I kept crying and Teddy just shook her head, Chandler however mounted his bike and got in the carriage with us. Teddy and him both wrapped their arms around me and I continued to sob into their shoulders. I kept on until I couldn't cry anymore and it was just me shaking with a drippy nose, causing me to sniffle. 

"I love him, I loved him, how could he-" my voice broke and the both of them let go of me. 

"Do you want me to take you two back to your hotel?" Chandler asked and I nodded sadly as I broke down again. 

I didn't know what to do, think, or say, except cry, that's all I really could do. 

"He's is stupid, he doesn't realize what he has lost and what he had. He's an idiot asshole that's going to get what's coming to him," Teddy proclaimed and I just shook my head. 

"He's an asshole that I love, that doesn't just go away. Even when I saw him with her I loved him, my heart is aching." I wiped my face, trying to keep the people from staring at me even more. 

Teddy pushed my hair out of my face and hugged me really tight. "Lilli, I will kill him if it helps, I'll make sure he can't have anymore child-" she stopped herself when I gasped. 

"William," I muttered and felt the carriage come to a stop, we had made it back to the hotel. I slowly got off and went to hand Chandler my money. 

"I can't take that, I want to give you a piece of advice though. It's better when they're young for them to lose their dad, he wont remember it. I think Harry is an ass and not at all what I thought of him to be. With that I say good day Lilli, have a better night!" Chandler rode off before I could say anything and Teddy nodded her head at him. 

"Now that guy is a keeper, where do you want to go?" She asked and I shook my head, my bottom lip quivering. 

"I want to see Niall, I need to now," I began to take deep breaths because I was afraid I was about to have an anxiety attack. 

"Okay, okay, let's go," she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and lead me to the elevator. 

Once we stepped off I was really starting to get an anxiety attack and I started to knock on the door rapidly. Niall answered it thank God and I ran into his chest, crying, and letting go of my body weight. He was taken back and held me as Teddy explained to him what had happened. I couldn't really focus too well due to my heart beating in my ears and my loud cries I was letting out. Finally when I calmed down I leaned back out of his chest to see that everyone was in here and had heard what Teddy said. 

"You can't imagine how much it hurt." I couldn't bear it and I went back to crying in his chest while the others were quiet. 

I would have been embarrassed, crying in front of everyone but I was too hurt to care. 

"Lilli, do you want to see your doctor now?" Niall whispered into my ear and I cried even harder as I nodded. 

I hate myself. 

