Chapter 3

I parked my car in my usual spot then made my way inside our building. Our door man Eduardo looked at me worriedly but I just kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for holding open the door like nothing was wrong, like it was a normal day.

I walked on into the elevator and pressed the emergency stop button, I need a minute before I do this. I slid down the wall and put my head in between my knees.

"I'm such an idiot" I whispered to myself, tears streaming down my face.

I haven't cried this much in a while, guess I needed to. I placed a hand over my tummy and rubbed my stomach.

"Your daddy's a dick Will" I whispered then laughed for the first time in hours, I laughed like a maniac too.

I probably look crazy but I don't care at this point.

I finally let the elevator go after gathering myself and got to my floor. I walked out calm and walked down to our door. I walked in and set my keys down. "Kayla!"

Kayla walked in a moment later rubbing her eyes. "What's wrong with you?"

Kayla saw me then her eyes softened. "What's wrong?"

I didn't say anything as I walked to her and buried my head in her shoulder as I cried. "Harry."

"Shit what now?" Kayla asked as she rubbed my back.

"Taylor swift and-" I choked out but began to cry again.

"Oh I love that song, Tim McGraw I think it's called, I'm not sure. Oh wait" Kayla rambled.

"Highway don't care but I hate it now. I hate everything to do with that slut!" I yelled in the moment.

"No not sang with him it's actually a title or something but whatever, forget it now. What the hell does she have to do with anything?" Kayla asked and I nearly face palmed.

"Harry and her ugh." I'm not even able to say it. "Harry and her they uh they did stuff, I don't know what but he cheated on me."

"Are you sure?" Kayla asked.

"There's pictures and everything, fans ship it and shit. I can show you" I told her shoving my phone at her, it was already on the pictures.

"That looks pretty real but did you ever think it was like management or something cause sometimes that stuff is fucked up. Did you let him explain?" Kayla asked me while looking at the screen.


"No, Lou knew! He knew something happened and didn't tell me, he said because he wasn't sure. Kayla I walked out I told him we're taking I break I fucking slapped him" I told her and wiped the tears away.

"He looks like he deserved a slap but everyone deserves to explain themselves also" Kayla pointed out while grabbing her keys and inching towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm going to talk to Harry, either you call him over or I'm leaving now" Kayla said bluntly and I got mad.

She can't go talk to Harry who does she think she is?

"No! Kayla I swear to god if you walk out that door, I'm never going to speak to you again!" I yelled at her trying to stop her.

"Look I'm gonna talk some fucking since into him and find out what's going on! I'd rater do it in person than over a phone conversation" Kayla yelled back and I got angrier.

"No! Don't, I don't want anyone helping me fix my relationship problems that's stupid!" I yelled that is stupid to do that. I don't want to see him right now why can't she see that. "You know what forget it, I'll see you later!"

I grabbed my phone and went to the door, then walked out prepared to go to Niall's.

"Lilli sit down. I'm not trying to help. I just wanna go talk to Harry. Forget it. Sit the fuck down and calm your shit. I know you're upset but would you please stop yelling at me. I hate when people hell at me like this and you're gonna wake Taylor up. Besides I have a better idea now" Kayla told me but I was already too mad.

"Kayla I'm sorry but I can't take this. I'm going to Niall's" I told her and officially walked out.

"Thanks a fucking lot! I'm just trying to be your friend but you won't let me!" Kayla yelled and I could faintly hear her through the door.

I turned and was going to say something but I just had to get out. I have to get out, I may not even go to Niall's.

Fuck everyone.

I walked down the hall and to the elevator. I got inside and banged the lobby button.

I need away from this town, there's no one I can go to that won't tell me to get Harry to explain himself.

Except there's one person.

It will piss Harry off too.

That would be Lou.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number. Eduardo was still at the door and I forced a smile for him and his kind soul as I stormed out to my car. I jammed the key into the ignition right as Louis answered.

"Hello" he said uncertainly.

"Lou, meet me two houses down from our house. Don't tell anyone where you're going, I need you."

"Lilli, I'm not s-"

"Lou please?"

"I'll see you."

I hung up and raced to our neighborhood. I went even faster than usual because I was just so angry. I was there before I knew it and I just couldn't help but bang my hands on the steering wheel, releasing anger.

Finally Lou was at my passenger window and he got in my car.

"So what are we doing?" Louis asked and I put the car in drive and sped away from the neighborhood, giving him a heart attack.

Should've buckled up before asking questions.

"We are going somewhere, I don't know where yet, but away. Away from all the shit and I don't want to hear one word about Harry or anything related to him, understand?" I ordered and Louis nodded.

"Let's go" Louis said and I smiled, knowing he'd be up for it.

I grabbed the monster can with one hand and a coke with the other. While strolling down the aisles I spotted a few chocolate bars that seemed like a necessity to my fat tummy, and some chips that looked good. I checked out and came up to a whopping total of $22.45, damn I'm a fatty.

I walked outside and handed the monster to Lou as I got in the passenger side.

"So what hotel are we staying at?" Louis asked and I looked over it on my phone again.

"Let's see."

My phone kept getting calls left and right so it was hard to see where stuff was.

"Oh I got it, we'll take exit 243B then go about twenty miles through nothing then the hotels in the town" I told him and he turned off onto the exit.

We started down the road and we weren't even halfway through before Louis slowed down.

"What is it?" I asked confused and he looked over at me with wide eyes.

"We're empty" Louis told me and I sighed.

"Fucking hell" I muttered then looked at my phone to see that I had no service. "Do you have service?"

"Nope no bars at all" Louis told me and I wanted to bang my head against a wall.

You've got to be kidding me.

"We can walk and see what's up here" Louis suggested and I simply got out of the car for an answer.

"This is great" I muttered.

"So much for our get away, we got four hours away and stuck in the middle of nowhere with no cell service" Louis grumbled and I nodded in agreement.

Then a thunder rolled overhead and I stomped my foot on the ground in frustration.

"You're kidding!"

We kept walking hoping it wouldn't rain but then it began to right as we came upon a house. Now this was an old farm house, two story's, cows in the front yard, and a pick up truck in the driveway. We ran up to the door and knocked, hoping these people were nice.

An older lady came to the door and I smiled at her.

"Hello, ma'am my friend and I were on our way to a hotel and our car ran out of gas a couple miles back, do you have a phone so we can call a tow truck?" I asked her as politely as I could and she smiled at me.

"Why, we do, c'mon in darling and let me get you some dry clothes" the lady said and I walked in smiling.

Thank The Lord for kind people.

She handed me a phone and gave us the number of a place, the place was closed though and she frowned.

"Well you two can stay with me for the night until they open tomorrow morning, they open at seven thirty" she told us and I nodded as Lou spoke up.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson and you are?" Lou asked introducing himself.

"Sherrie, Sherrie Martin" she told us and I smiled then held out my hand for her to shake.

"I'm Lilli, Lilli Humprhies" I told her and she smiled, her eyes flickering down to my stomach.

"How far?"

"I'm eight months along, almost nine, any day now actually" I explained and she smiled warmly.

"Well I'll be sure to give you some nice fitting, dry clothes" she said then walked upstairs.

I turned to Louis and he smiled then pulled me in for a hug. "That's what happens when you're nice."

"I still can't believe she's letting us stay" I said still shocked.

"It's the pregnant thing, women are so kind to pregnant people" Louis told me and I laughed.

Sherrie came downstairs and handed me a shirt and yoga pants, I thanked her then changed in her restroom, when I came out Louis was in footie pajamas and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay tonight Sherrie" Louis told her politely and she flicked her wrist.

"Oh I couldn't let you two loose, it's a bad storm and it's supposed to get worse" Sherrie told us and I just nodded as a yawn escaped my mouth. "You two can go on and sleep, the second door on the right is the guest bedroom."

"Thank you" I told her and walked upstairs with Lou by my side.

"Well now what, you got far but what are you accomplishing?" Louis asked once I laid down in the bed beside him.

"I don't know, but I feel free, and it's eleven and I need sleep if I'll be up before six" I ordered and Lou laughed and turned off the lamp.

"Good night."

I woke up and looked at my phone, it was 5:43 and I knew if I didn't get up I wouldn't ever. I shoved Louis after standing up and his eyes opened instantly.

"Get up" I simply said then changed into my clothes. Louis quickly changed too and we both gathered our things then walked downstairs.

Sherrie was already down there and we smiled at her.

"You two from around here?" she asked and we shook our heads.

"Puller" I told her and she nodded.

"What are you doing way out here?"

"Well we decided to go on a trip" I explained and looked at the clock, it was six. I picked up the phone and dialed the number again. They answered and said it would take ten minutes.

"Thank you for letting us stay but we must be on our way, here's some money for the trouble" I told her and handed her four twenty's that she refused to accept.

"No, I don't want your money" she told me and she hugged me, surprising me.

I wrapped my arms around her then let her go.

"Be safe out there darling, and you better watch over your fiancé like a hawk" she told Lou sternly and I felt tears prick my eyes.

"I will" Louis told her and we walked outside.

"Well that was weird" I said with a laugh.

"Little bit."

We finally got to my car and the tow truck arrived minutes later, he let us ride in his truck with him back to the office and my phone rang once we got there.


"Come home" Kayla blurted out.

I knew I shouldn't have answered.

"Why in the hell would I do that?"

Louis looked at me with wide eyes as he went on to fill out the paper work.

"Because I'm sorry but I need to apologize face to face and we need to talk."

"Kayla let me tell it to you straight, I don't want to go near Harry right now. I'm not going to and there's no talking you can do to get me to."

I'm not dealing with this, I ran away to get away, not a hard concept.

"Can you just hear me out? This isn't about him, it's about you and me."

Isn't about him my ass. Every bad thing relates to him.

"There isn't anything wrong between you and me. Unless you spoke to him, then there's a lot."

If she did I swear.

"I was arrested last night."

What is up with us and prisons?

"What did you do?"

"You'll just have to meet me in person so I can tell you."


"I can't."

"And just why the hell not?"

Because I can't come back.

"Don't have a car"

That too, I don't have a car, yet.

"Then tell me where you are so I can come get you."

Lou squeezed my hand as we waited on the people to give us a check.

"I don't know where I am."

I really don't.

"Don't lie to me."

Who is it? Louis mouthed

Kayla I mouthed back.

"Kayla I'm not lying! I have no idea as to where I am and honestly I won't until I get some gas into my car" I yelled out and everyone looked at me.

"How far did you fucking drive last night? And I can come get you in Taylor's car right now. My is pulled over on the side of the road in front of a new house."

What the fuck Kayla.

"I don't know and Kayla can it wait like two hours?"

"Two hours but we really do need to talk. You have two hours."

Okay mom

"Well it will be about two hours if I'm lucky" I added.

"What the hell is gonna on?"

I'm not too sure myself honestly.

"It's a long story that I'll explain, how about you meet me half way?"

"Maybe if I knew where you were?"

"Okay in two minutes I'll be at exit 243, so if you'll meet me at about say exit 186 that would be great, on the interstate by the way, you just follow it out" I explained as Louis was given my keys.

"Okay so like where are we meeting at? Just on the side of the road or?"

Yes Kayla, the side of the road.

"The gas station, there should be a Shell station"

"Okay well then I should probably change out of this jumpsuit."

I don't even want to know.

"I don't care it doesn't matter."

"I care, people might think I'm an escaped inmate."

That is true.

Louis shook the keys in front of my face and I was told we had a full tank now.

"I've got to go, bye" I said and hung up.

We walked out to the car and got in.

"So we're going back huh?" Louis asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I have to" I told him and he started the car.

"Before we go I have to tell you something" Louis said and I simply nodded for him to go on.

"Harry and Taylor that whole thing was a management thing, they made him do it for publicity" Louis told me and my eyes went wide.

"Oh my god Lou, drive!"
