Chapter 36

Songs for the chapter :)

Kathleen - Catfish and the Bottlemen

The End of All Things - Panic! At the Disco

WILD - Troye Sivan

Also this chapter is for my good ole pal 2author4you who identifies with me about life & guys. I love you a lot a lot a lot, keep on doing you babe.

I walked back to the closet to acquire the bleach I needed for my client, stopping to speak to Darren.

"Today is the date night, can you take my appointment at five please?" I asked him, pouting my lips and he sighed, nodding.

"I can, if you take mine at three," he gave me a sly smile.

"Fine, but if it's Mrs. Jones I can't promise to keep my cool." I warned and opened the closet, finding the bleach in seconds.

I walked to the mixing table and began to stir it in my bowl as Darren cut a lady's hair. "It's not, but don't you have to pick up William?"

I finished the stirring the bleach and walked back to my client, two chairs from Darren. "Yes, that's why I asked you to get my five."

"Those boys make your weeks so much busier, I swear," I rolled my eyes while tearing off a piece of foil.

"However, I wouldn't have gone to that beauty school to get a job here with you if it weren't for them."

"Yeah because without them you were bored then they're back and you're busy. You cannot win," Darren had a point but I just kept quiet, doing hair.

I brushed the color onto her hair and proceeded to fold the foil over it. This part was the tedious part of hair doing, that and washing it afterwards. I loved this job because I, like Darren, did it for school. After Harry and I breaking up I decided to apply to summer courses online. My credentials allowed me to qualify for the school I wanted and on top of it all I went to beauty school.

Taking care of William wasn't all too hard as I worked and went to school. He tended to watch his TV shows and let me work after lunch for a while. After that I'd have to play with him partly because he wanted me to, and partly because I wanted to as well. I let him go to daycare while I worked and he made friends there. It was a win-win for all of us frankly, I get my degree, he gets friends.

"Excuse me, but aren't you Lilli, the Lilli who was engaged to Harry?" My client asked and Darren and I exchanged looks.

"Unfortunately," I muttered and she shifted in her seat, shit she heard me. "Yes, we decided we were too young and there was mutual interest loss."

I had rehearsed this and said it to everyone who asked to save Harry's reputation, and avoid embarrassment. Though it may not be fully true, one thing was and it was the loss of interest. May it have been only one sided, it was still there in our relationship.

"I'm sorry to hear, I'm a fan," she sheepishly said the last part.

I looked at her in the mirror and she looked to be about my age, maybe older even. She was changing her dirty blonde hair into a natural, yet bleached, Californian light blonde look. She had shown me a photo when she came in, and I could tell all that was needed was bleach.

"Oh it's been six months, no need to be sympathetic," I just kept to applying the color. "Are you getting your hair done for any specific reason or is it just an upkeep?"

"I have a wedding in a week, it's my brothers." I nodded at this and finished off her last highlight.

"Oh sibling weddings are the best, I tend to get a good look at the groomsmen." We both laughed and I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. "Before you say anything, yes even in a relationship I did, I'm not going to lie."

I walked back over and sat in the chair beside her, turning towards her. "It's not bad if you're just exploring your options," I nodded at this and laughed a little.

"Oh I forgot to ask, what's your name?" I asked and looked over at Darren who had been staring at us.

"Chrystal, I'd ask yours but.." I laughed at this and she just nodded, smiling.

Darren snorted at this and I sprayed him with some hair spray. He squinted his eyes shut and spit, sticking his tongue out. I just shook my head as he cursed out, his client at the hair dryers staring wide eyed.

"So, who's your favorite?" I was interested in hearing this and she seemed embarrassed.

"Louis, he's always been my favorite," I smiled at this and Darren rolled his eyes.

I was happy she couldn't see him because he's being so terrible right now.

"Good choice, he's great.." I trailed off and she raised an eyebrow.

"I don't mean to pry, but that date you have tonight. Is it with one of the boys?" Chrystal inquired and I wondered if I could actually tell her.

I barely know her really, but I don't feel like she'd spread it around. However she could be a crazed fan under that nice persona, plotting to kill me if I was going on a date with her favorite. I doubted she was crazed so what could it hurt to tell her who I'm going out with tonight.

"Yes it's with one of them, I'll let you guess once and I'll tell you if it's right." I decided this would be the safest way to go but she'd probably guess the right one with my luck.

She seemed to be deep in thought as she tapped her chin. "I'm thinking Louis," she looked hopeful and I slowly nodded, standing back up.

I swiveled her chair around and opened a piece of foil to see it was time to wash the hair. "Go on over to the shampoo station, I need to get a towel." I heard her walk over to it as I walked in the opposite direction to get a towel for her.

When I walked back she was laughing and I noticed Darren's client had left. Darren was sat beside her and I gave him a weird look, yet he just innocently smiled.

"You never told me if I was right or not," Chrystal said right as I turned on the water.

I shrugged, biting back a smile as I began to wash her hair.

I shampooed and conditioned it then dried it back at my station. I curled her hair and chatted with her and Darren about random things. Once I finished I hugged her bye and she promised to come back.

I sat down in my chair and Darren spun me around with his leg. "She seemed nice," I nodded at this.

"She really was despite your constant eye rolls," he rolled his eyes at this and I laughed.

"Now you just have my three o clock then a date. Are you excited?" Darren began to clean a hair comb and I shook the hair off me.

"Well I don't know where we're going so yes. Also it's our first date out in public, it's nerve wracking," I admitted and he nodded.

"Well you've got a good hour to think it over while you do," the door opened and his regular client walked in. "Her hair."

I stood back up and went to work on her hair, thinking of how the date will go.

I opened the door and William ran in, jumping onto the couch. I laughed at him and set my bags down on the table. I turned on the TV for William and sat down for a moment before having to get ready.

"Did you have fun at daycare today buddy?" I asked while ruffling his hair and he nodded.

He was too into Thomas the Train so I decided to make his snack now. I walked into the kitchen and fished a sippy cup from the cabinet.

I fixed him a bowl of dry Cheerios, he loves Cheerios more than life, and a cup of apple juice. When I brought them to him I picked him up, turning off that TV.

He whined at first then began to drink his juice as I carried him. I sat him back down on my couch in front of my TV, turning it on to his channel as well.

"Sorry, mommy has to get ready," I smiled at him but he just watched his show.

I walked into the closet and thought about what I could wear. He didn't tell me where we were going so I don't know what to wear. I could call him, I assume that's what I'll have to do.

He answered instantly and I smiled, "Hello."

"I know you aren't telling me where we are going, but I need to know what to wear."

He sighed at this and I patiently waited for an answer. "You could wear anything and I'd love it." My heart fluttered at this and I smiled even bigger.

"I know but what if you're taking me to a black tie attire only place and I wear blue jeans. We would both look stupid and admit you'd be embarrassed."

"Lilli, I'm not telling you," I cursed at this and looked out to see if William had heard.

His attention was on his Cheerios and the screen thankfully. "Oh Lou won't you please, I'm begging you."

I bit my lip and awaited his reply, "Dress nice, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Louis that's barely any time!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"Goodbye sweetheart." He hung up and I sat my phone down.

I peeked back out to check on William to see he was still good, then I went back to picking out my outfit. I decided to wear a dress and heels ensemble, even though I'd be taller than Louis wearing heels. Being an inch taller doesn't really bother me, it's actually funny to me. I changed into the dress and slipped on the shoes, then stepped out to see William still engrossed in the show.

"Do you want to have a sleep-over with Uncle Niall or Daddy?" I asked and William turned to me, jumping up out of his seat.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" He squealed and I dialed Harry's number with a laugh.

Harry answered after a few rings and he was breathing heavily. "Hey, sorry about my breathing I'm jogging."

"William would like to have a sleep-over with you, is that alright?" I asked and I could feel that Harry was smiling.

"That is perfect, I'm all alone tonight anyways. I'll pick him up in about ten minutes if that's okay?"

"Great, I'll have him packed. See you then," I hung up and turned to Will with a smile. "You ready to pack for Daddy's?"

"C'mon mama," he gripped my hand, ready to go obviously.

"Do you want to take any toys?" I asked and he walked to his toy box, beginning to pick out his favorites.

I placed his overnight bag on my bed and began to get his clothes picked out. I wasn't sure on if they'd get dirty, who knows knowing Harry, so I packed a few outfits. After packing his diaper bag along with his clothes bag, I changed Williams diaper then packed his toys he picked out.

"If you hear Daddy tell me, Mama needs to go brush her hair," He nodded then sat in my chair.

I walked into my bathroom and pinned my hair back with a few bobby pins. I quickly and hastily began to put on my makeup, giving myself bold red lips and a smokey eye. I was satisfied with my look and I began to walk back out when I heard Will's little feet running.

I watched him run out and I grabbed the two bags, going after him. I realized he had heard the knocking at the door that was still happening now and rolled my eyes. William tried to open the door but couldn't reach it so I did, revealing Harry to William.

I noticed Harry's eyes were on me as William hugged his legs, before Harry picked him up in the hug. His stare was still on me and it was beginning to annoy me so I spoke up, "Taylor not in town?"

"No, actually she's on tour, and we're on a break so I wouldn't know anyways." Harry didn't really seem too upset so I didn't comment on that.

"Well William can certainly cheer you up," I gave him a small smile as he took the bags from me.

"What are your, um, plans for tonight?" He looked me up and down and I tried not to roll my eyes at his stares.

"I actually have a date, yeah," I awkwardly leaned side to side.

I couldn't tell what expression he had on his face as he nodded and I just stared. "Then I better go before he-or she I don't know what you may be into-sorry I'm just going to go."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him but walked him out of the apartment. "It's a guy, you know him.." I trailed off and he laughed oddly.

"Oh, well um have fun," Harry awkwardly said then walked down the hall to the elevator.

I shook my head at him and walked back inside, closing the door and locking it back. I walked back to my room, admiring the quiet that filled the apartment. Cara was out doing some shoots in Los Angeles for a few days so Will and I have been alone. I sat down on my window sill seat and got on my phone.

I looked through my photos, smiling at most of them, then becoming a bit sad over the old ones of Harry and I. I may be over him but I loved him and the feelings aren't ever going to go away I don't think, no matter who I date. You always have feelings for your first loves, especially those you almost married and had a child with.

I shut off my phone, not wanting to look anymore when a knock was at my door. I quickly looked up, a bit frightened but it went away when I saw Louis at my door. "You really should move the key outside," he smiled and I stood up to greet him.

"Well hello to you too," I smiled and he pulled me close to him.

"Oh God you look so beautiful," he breathed out and my stomach fluttered.

I leaned over to kiss his lips and he obliged, kissing me briefly before pulling away. "Shall we go?" He intertwined our hands and I smiled down at them.

"Wherever we're going, let's go," Louis and I walked hand in hand out of the apartment.

We began down the hallway before Louis spoke again. "Who has William?"

"His father came by about ten minutes ago," Louis nodded at this.

"He try anything?" Louis asked and I laughed at him, shaking my head.

"That ship sailed a long time ago, I don't think he would ever again." We stepped outside and Louis led me to his car.

He opened the passenger door for me and I lowered myself inside, him closing the door after me sitting. He quickly came around the front of the car, and got in the drivers seat.

"Would you like to tell me now where you're taking me?" I asked and he glanced over at me.

"Okay, it's a benefit ball by the Believe in Magic charity. I've been donating some and they've asked me to come, so I brought a date." Louis explained to me and I smiled widely at him.

"How much have you donated?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Well what's the charity about?"

"Terminally ill children, and seriously ill children, I've met quite a few of them that were fans. I thought you'd enjoy tagging along, my mom and sisters are coming too." I nodded at this, excited to see Johannah and the girls.

"When is Johannah's due date?" I asked yet another question and Louis smiled at this.

"February, I forgot the date but I'm going to have my first little brother," Louis sounded really happy and I couldn't help but smile.

I noticed Louis got on the interstate and I figured the ball was in San Francisco.

"I miss having a little brother," I sighed and Louis placed his hand on mine, squeezing it. "You look really good," I kept sneaking looks at him.

His hair was swept up and he was in a black suit. I just loved the bone structure of his face and him really, I loved him.

I hadn't said it yet but I think he knows that I do. I mean everyone else knows I love him, I've come to terms with it even.

We had to walk a carpet before going in and I was nervous about it. I hadn't walked a carpet in almost a year, I had never walked a carpet as Louis' date either.

"We're up next, we'll only stay for a minute," Louis whispered into my ear and I nodded. "Are you nervous?"

"A little," I quietly said and he smiled at me.

"Lilli, you've done this before, I'm right here," he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Okay here we go," we walked out and flashes went off.

The flashes were so frequent I was surprised I hadn't had a seizure yet. I just smiled and Louis kissed my cheek at one point, making me blush.

"You ready to move on, my mom and sisters are inside." Louis whispered into my ear and I nodded.

We waved to the photographers who kept yelling at us, asking if we were dating. Once we stepped inside I was so happy, the place was a huge ballroom. I believe the rest of the building was a hotel, which explained the extravagance.

"Lilli!" I heard one of the twins yell and I turned around.

Johannah stood with Pheobe and Daisy in front of her, the two coming at Louis and I. I hugged Pheobe really tight then picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"Hey Lilli," she smiled widely at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Pheobe, you look like a princess tonight. Spin around for me," I stood her back up and she spun, giggling.

"That's why I picked out this dress, I feel like Cinderella!" Pheobe exclaimed and I just smiled at her.

"Johannah, oh my goodness your dress, I am in love." I hugged her neck and she just laughed at me.

"Lilli, no need for compliments, I already love you as my own." She let me go, smiling at Louis and I. "Now you two are here, together?"

I blushed at her smirk and Daisy walked over to me. "Do I look like a princess?"

"Oh my Daisy, you look like Belle," I hugged her and whispered in her ear. "Belle is my favorite princess."

She smiled at this and held her head up proudly. Louis stared at all of us, smiling and shaking his head.

"All my favorite girls in one place," he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I'm going to get us a drink."

Louis walked off and I noticed Pheobe and Daisy had wandered off to the dance floor. I scooted closer to Johannah and leaned against a table.

"I cannot believe after years, my boy got the love of his life," Joahannah turned her head to me.

"I didn't think you'd be so welcoming to this, thank you for not being rude about it." She opened her mouth but I beat her to it. "You're my favorite mom of the boys, honestly."

"Oh Lilli quite the charmer," I laughed at this and she shook her head. "I couldn't be rude if you're my favorite of Louis' friends." She winked at me as he walked back to us, drinks in hand.

I took one from him and sipped on it, it was champagne that was terribly bubbly. "What are we winking about over here?"

Johannah and I exchanged looks before turning back to Louis. "You."

I just nodded along with what Johannah and he raised an eyebrow at us. "Well can I have this dance?" Louis asked Johannah and she sat her drink down on the table.

I watched the two walk off and I looked to see Daisy and Pheobe still dancing together. I smiled at all of them and took another sip before I felt a tug on my dress. A young boy, maybe the age of six was standing there, and I leaned down to speak to him.

"Hey little guy," he smiled at me and I did the same.

"I was wondering if uh I could dance with you. My daddy said if I asked nicely you would," he pointed back to a man in a suit who was making his way over.

"Well mister, I would be happy to dance with you. I think your daddy wants to speak to me first though," I stood back up.

His father approached me with a smile, extending his hand for me to shake. "Max saw you and really wanted to dance with you, I really hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, of course not," I dropped my voice for the next part. "Is he um.."

"No, his brother Ollie, he has down-syndrome. Ollie is taking photos with his favorite celebrities," he pointed off and I faintly saw a boy.

"Can we dance?" Max asked and I grabbed hold of his hand.

"I'll bring him back after a dance or two," I assured the father and he just chuckled at his son.

I looked down and noticed Max had his hair combed back, and in a suit like a man. He was just the cutest kid and I couldn't say no to dancing with him.

"How old are you Max?" I asked as I placed his hand on my waist.

"Six, I'll be seven in a week!" Max sounded so happy that I chuckled at him. "How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen," he gasped at this and I just smiled.

"Woah an older girl, I've got to tell my friends about this. What's your name?" Max asked as we swayed to the music.

"Lilli, I came with my friend Louis," I pointed over at Lou and his mom dancing. "He's got sisters your age," I also pointed at Pheobe and Daisy.

He seemed impressed by this and Louis walked over at the songs end.

"Do you mind if I step in?" Louis asked Max and Max raised his eyebrows.

"Can I dance with one of your sisters?" Max asked and Louis looked at him sceptically.

"No hands below the waist," Louis gave him a look and Max motioned for me to lean my head down.

I did so and he kissed my cheek, I kissed his too before he walked off, acting dazed from the kiss. I laughed at him as he asked Pheobe to dance with him, Daisy already dancing with a little guy.

"Who was that kid?" Louis asked me as he placed a hand on my waist, and the other in my hand.

"Max, his brother Ollie has down-syndrome. Ollie is taking photos with celebrities, their dad came and told me." I explained and smiled, thinking about it.

"I've met Ollie actually, I met him a while ago at a small event," Louis leaned his head closer and I smiled.

"Max was the cutest thing, don't you think so?" I laid my head on Louis' shoulder.

"Cuter than me? I remember that day at my house, you told me about how cute I was." I blushed at this and Louis chuckled.

"I doubt anyone could be cuter than you," I kissed his cheek where my head was laying.

We waltzed to the song and I enjoyed his company. Louis has always been the person I loved to be with, he knows how to keep me happy.

The song ended and we decided to mingle, and he wanted to introduce me to a bunch of people. He strung me along, meeting a good dozen people, until we both wanted another drink.

"What happens after this charity ball Lou?" I asked him and he handed me my drink.

"I'll take you home and we'll see from there."

I unlocked my door and we stumbled in laughing, holding onto each other. Once we stopped laughing I tripped over my dress, again, and fell over. Louis fell over laughing, again, and I just laid on the floor, laughing. I had taken my heels off and the dress was a little bit long without heels on. Thus making me susceptible to tripping on it, which I have.

"I really should get out of this thing," I got out and Louis turned his head to me.

"Yeah you should," his hand rested on the side of my face.

I leaned in a little and he leaned in fully, his lips on mine. I scooted closer and we continued the kiss, not breaking as we sat up.

I had to breathe and we broke apart, both of us breathing heavily. "I should go change now." I began to stand up and Louis did the same.

"Let me help," he picked me up bridal style and I giggled girlishly.

"That's fine with me," I smiled up at him and we reached my room.

He sat me down and began to work on unzipping my dress. I stepped out of it and turned back to him, only in my underwear.

He leaned in quickly, holding my sides as he kissed me hard. I found his neck and gripped it, pulling on strands of his hair.

I pulled him down on my bed, steadily kissing him still. Louis flipped us over and shrugged out of his suit jacket. I began to unbutton his shirt, then his pants. While I did this he began to kiss down my neck, making me moan loudly.

"Wait, wait," Louis panted out and we held off for a second. "Do you always have sex on the first date?"

"Only people that I love," I breathed out before realising what I said.

"I love you," he smiled then we went back to our business.

Sorry it took me over a week to update, I've been super busy. I'll update ASAP but schools going on so ya know..
All the love,
