Chapter 44


Purpose - Justin Bieber
Walking in the Wind - One Direction
Strip it Down - Luke Bryan (don't ask me why)

Leon texted me back and I smiled, walking back into my room where Louis stood dressed as well. I kissed him on the lips, wrapping my arms around him. "I love you."

"I love you," he murmured against my lips and I squeezed him tight.

"You and Kayla better not have too much fun without me," I let him go and he laughed.

I took in his facial features in this moment, loving the way he looked. His smile is like a little ball of sunshine for me, it warms me up inside. His eyes crinkled at the corners and his nose was raised a bit. I couldn't help but smile at him as he laughed.

"We won't, but I still don't get why you and your mom are going all the way to Los Angeles. Couldn't you two find the store in San Fransisco?" Louis sounded a bit skeptical and I shook my head quickly.

I shrugged a bit so I wouldn't seem so adamant on it, "Hey, blame my mom, she said it was the only one she could find. We'll probably stay the night to warn you."

Louis nodded and he kissed me once more before letting me go. "Let me know please," I nodded.

He plopped down on the bed and I walked out, my phone in hand. I texted Harry telling him to come to the apartment. I tip-toed into the living room and saw Hayes sitting in the chair, Calum was asleep on the couch. Cara was supposed to show Calum around today and I was happy everyone liked him.

"Hayes," I whispered and he stood up from the chair.

He walked over to me, fully dressed and his hair done, smiling. "Lilli," he whispered, mocking me and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go," I mouthed and he followed me out the door.

I quietly shut the door, cringing with every squeak it made. Once it was closed I turned to see Harry walking down the hallway to us. Hayes and I met him in the middle, making our way to the elevator.

"Good morning," Harry smiled at us and I rolled my eyes.


Hayes laughed at this, pressing the lobby button on the elevator. "Are you nervous?"

I pondered on this question for a moment because honestly I'm not are on if I am. I'm not nervous at all really, I probably won't even get the part, I'm doing this because no one has worked yet.

"No, it's not like I'm expecting anything to come out of this," I laughed quietly.

I'm not really, I feel like this could help them get an idea of how the character is, and how terrible I am at acting. I don't care what my mom might have told them about me in high school, I wasn't that good at it.

"I hope you get it, I don't know anyone on television yet," Harry seemed excited and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think that life is for me, I'm not cool at all, hell my name isn't even a star name. Lillian Humprhies, can you even imagine?" I laughed at this as we walked out to my car.

Hayes seemed to be contemplating over it while Harry shook his head. "Lillian Rose, you could shorten it and it'd be really cool." Hayes spoke and I gave him an impressed look.

I instantly thought of Ruby Rose and smiled at him, "That will work because then Ruby can't deny our marriage."

Harry and Hayes both face-palmed and I just smiled gleefully.

"You and that girl, she's hot but you have a boyfriend.." Harry trailed off and I shrugged.

"Just because I'm seeing someone,doesn't mean I can't be overly obsessed with an actress. Oh my God, I sort of want this part, maybe they'd ask me to be on my show!" I literally radiated off happiness at the thought of starring on Orange is the new Black, I'd die.

Hayes gave me a weird look and I looked right back at him. "Lilli, you're heterosexual, isn't that show full of lesbians?"

I nodded at this, "Yes but I have a boyfriend remember?" I stuck my tongue out at Harry and he put his hands up in defense.

"Hey, I'd enjoy the show even more if you were on there," I hit him and his arm jerked us into a parking spot.

We all shared a laugh and got out at the airport, so far today is great, it's light and fun. We walked inside the airport and to the gate we were to go out of, with little difficulty. Mom, my grandma and Leon were already in Los Angeles, they've been doing some promoting. The moment we boarded the plane Harry was on his phone, it was on airplane mode, but he was tapping away. Hayes sat across from Harry and I and leaned his head on the table. Harry was nice enough to let us use him and the boys plane, which I am extremely grateful for.

"Cecilia will be there r-ahhh-" Harry groaned in frustration and threw his phone on the table. He picked it right back up, tapping away and I looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing. It looked to be a very confusing game on his screen, you had to tap this ball and there were varying lengths of the floor it rolled on. I shook my head, looking away, "It's called twisty, it's actually really fun you should get it. I was asking if Cecilia will be there."

"Of course she will, any chance to weasel her way into our business," I started and Hayes chuckled. "I love her but she's nosy as hell, you two should know by now."

Harry smiled a little and sat his phone down for a second, "She did buy us condoms.."

I laughed as the plane lurched forward, hitting a few bumps, causing me to grip Harry and Hayes. I still hate flying and I've flown millions of times, it's getting old.

"Calm down, it's fine, it's turbulence you know that," Harry patted my hand and I sighed.

The plane was now flying smoothly and I looked across at Hayes. Harry was still playing the game on his phone and I rolled my eyes. "So what happened when you and Kayla went outside?" I smirked and winked at the young boy.

"We didn't leave off so well," he trailed off, looking out the window.

"Really? What happened?" I questioned, I had assumed they were cool.

Harry looked up from his phone, a frown spreading across his face. "Are you alright man?"

"I kind of um," he seemed distressed, "Kissed her."

Harry and I both exchanged looks of surprise.

I opened my mouth to speak but Harry beat me. "Erm, and this is a bad thing?"

"She took me into the hall to tell me how thankful she was for everything I've done since the day we met and as she was rambling on I pulled her in and we kissed. When we ended the kiss I freaked and ran inside to Lilli's room and she chased me. I told her I shouldn't have done it and I didn't know what got into me and then she kissed me. We broke apart when Louis came in and then I told her how I felt about everything from moving to Taylor to my feelings for her and she hugged me and said she was sorry and that she loved me too. I told her it was fine, that I was used to it. I told her I had a plane to catch and left her sitting on the floor." Hayes explained to us and my eyes went wide.

"Why did you leave her exactly?" I asked in a confused tone and Harry nodded.

"I don't quite get that." He added and we both leaned in, intrigued.

"I don't know." He face-palmed.

I don't understand this and I don't like that he's upset about it. I hate to see him torn up about things, especially when it involves my best friend.

Harry all of a sudden lightened up and held his hand up to Hayes for a high five. "Hey, you kissed her bro."

"After all this time," he high-fived him.

I punched Harry in the shoulder, frowning. "Hayes, baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm actually really torn up about this and I don't know why. It's just the whole situation. And kissing her meant nothing if I can't actually have her, knowing she'll have to go back to Taylor or have some involvement with that. She looks right past me every time."

I felt a lump in my throat because I remembered how Louis was in this situation. I looked at Harry beside me and he looked pretty deep in thought. I frowned at every ones long faces.

"I, I-" I started but didn't know exactly what to say. Harry picked up on this and he looked to Hayes.

"I can't guarantee anything but Kayla seems done with Taylor. You never know man, it could happen. If you two kissed, it's just proving there's feelings there." Harry nodded curtly, glancing at me, then he looked down at his hands.

"I know I have feelings," he gulped. "I mean she also has Calum."

I accidentally let out a laugh and I got death glares. I shut it down, speaking, "Hayes take it from me, there is always another guy. Just because she talks to a guy who obviously likes her, doesn't mean she likes him."

Harry laughed a little at this and I gave him an odd look. "Yeah but then they might kiss and you'll think they like each other. However it's one sided, and you would have worried for no reason. So you should just not worry about him."

"I'm really tired of worrying about everything in general," he sighed.

I snorted at this and nodded, "You and me both buddy."

We were quiet for a moment then Hayes perked up, "Hey isn't there a room on this plane, like with a bed and such?"

I nodded at him, "Yeah it's in the back."

He stood up and grabbed his blanket he had brought, "I'm going to sleep, see you two in a bit-wait can I leave you two alone or-" Hayes was cut off by a pillow hitting his face. I looked over at Harry who had a mischievous smile on his face.

"I figured you might want an extra pillow," Harry bit his lip, holding back laughter I could tell.

I rolled my eyes, laughing at him, "Have a good rest."

He promptly told Harry he was number one and Harry just chuckled lightly. I swiftly held onto the table, spinning myself around into Hayes seat. Harry continued to play the game and I stared at his concentrated state, shaking my head.

"You really are into that game," I nodded my head at his phone and he smiled.

"Would you rather me be into you?" Harry smirked, locking his phone and setting it to the side.

I smiled at him, laughing, "You know me, I love a good chat."

"Whatever shall we chat about?" Harry propped his head up on his hand, seeming interested in this.

I pondered on what to talk about when it hit me, "What's it like being well-known, I know you don't like," I dropped my voice down to a whisper, "famous."

I want to know these things because what if I get this part? What if they hire me to play me and then the show is popular? I know for a fact her books are, they've been in the New York Times and such. I can't say I'd be surprised when the show does really well and if I'm on it then I'd become well-known as well.

He chuckled, shaking his head at me. "Remember the times you went to a zoo, do you remember seeing the animals behind the glass walls?" I furrowed my eyebrows having no idea where he was going with this, but I nodded. "It's like that, people point and pay to see you, they photograph you, and sometimes you're okay with it but sometimes you're cranky. If you have a child they're brought into that cage with you, it's like I said-sometimes it's okay and sometimes it infuriates you. "

I was rendered speechless for a moment over how well his metaphor was, it really made me feel bad for those people, being watched and judged by the world.

"Harry, that was," I took a moment letting out a breath of air. He crossed his arms behind his head leaned back, looking pleased with himself. "Amazing, you've thought a lot about this, I can tell."

"Well I've had a lot of time to myself and personal experiences with my personal life in the media. I wish they'd understand that I am a normal nineteen year old father, who doesn't want their child in the spotlight." Harry shook his head and I could tell this angers him, it makes me mad too, I hope to God William will stay normal. "Sometimes I wonder if he even realizes that we aren't abandoning him when we go tour and things. He's older now and it worries me, it scares me to death Lilli."

I frowned at this and looked down at my hands. "We can't worry about something we can't control, he's our son and has amazing role models in his life, he'll be fine even if he doesn't see them all the time. He won't ever forget you Harry, if that's what you're getting at, he loves you. You are his father, that is not something that's easily forgotten."

Harry nodded, clapping his hands together, "Enough with this heavy talking, let's be cheerful!"

I was about to speak when Hayes yelled from the bedroom, "How about no!"

Harry and I both laughed as we heard him groan and toss and turn. Harry looked between his phone and me, eyeing us both cautiously, I got the message and stood up. "You've got some time, I need to freshen up," I smiled as he grabbed his phone.

I walked back into the small bathroom and did my business, then washed my hands. I turned my phone over in my hands, staring at the lock screen. It is a photo of Louis and I, Cara took it without us knowing and it's really cute. He's staring down at me in his lap and the photo just makes me smile every time I see it. I opened the door back open and walked out to Harry, who was still on his phone. I peeped over his shoulder but I saw he wasn't playing that game.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be online on a plane," I scolded as I sat down and he frowned at me.

"When it has to do with my sister I do," Harry slid his phone over to me and I looked down at it.

His twitter was open on some hashtag, I furrowed my eyebrows looking at it. It read, #nelena, what the hell is that?

"What is this?" I questioned scrolling through the tag, seeing Niall with Selena Gomez. Harry took his phone back, standing up and running his hands through his hair. I shrugged a little, "I seriously doubt it's what you're thinking, I know Niall."

"I know you know him, that's why I showed you. I swear to God if he's cheating on my sister, I'll kill him." Harry seethed and I motioned for him to sit back down.

He huffed but sat down and I placed my hand on his, squeezing it. "Hey, calm down, everything you see on the internet isn't true. Especially not when it has to do with you guys, and you know he loves Gemma."

"It's just given past experiences with this stuff and us, it worries me, but I'm trusting you and I won't ask him about it right now."

"Good because we're almost there and I've got a date with destiny."

I pulled down my skirt a little in an attempt to look better, grandma quickly pulled my hair up as we walked. I nodded my head, making the ponytail bounce up and down, checking for tightness. It kept in place and I smiled at grandma as she sat down, thanking her before I walked inside the room.

"You're going to kill it," Harry smiled and hugged me quick, stepping aside for Hayes to approach me.

"I'd say become the character but, break a leg," Hayes laughed and I just shook my head, hugging him quickly.

Mom and Leon both followed me inside, and a man and lady sat at this table in the center of the room. I smiled at the two, walking over to shake their hands.

"Hello, I'm Lillian Humprhies," they smiled back at me, accepting the hand I had extended.

"Lillian, it's nice to meet you, I'm Jane Edwards," she let go of my hand and the guy shook it.

He winked at me as he shook it making me a little uncomfortable, but I shook it off. "Lillian, it's a pleasure, I'm Jackson Edwards."

I looked between the two, seeing the resemblance. "Ah, you two are siblings, I see it now." I smiled, nodding and they both laughed a little.

Leon stepped in at this moment and mom sat down beside the two. "Can we have the copies of the scr-" he started but my mom handed them over to him.

He passed one to me and I flipped around in the small packet of pages, skimming it over. I was about to ask where to start when Jane spoke, "Emily didn't you say she brought her old lover?"

My eyes went wide and I chuckled a bit as my mom nodded, "Yes, why?"

Jane and Jackson both exchanged looks and looked to me. "Do you think he would run the lines with you?"

I shrugged, walking over to the door, opening it and peeking out. Harry and Hayes' heads both whipped around towards me. I smiled and waved, "Harry, we need you." He stood up reluctantly and walked over to the door. I gave Hayes a reassuring smile and closed the door behind Harry.

He walked over to Jane and Jackson, shaking their hands, "I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you." They had their introductions and I walked back over by Leon and him. "So um, what am I doing in here?" Harry asked, looking around at all of us.

"They were wondering if you'd run lines with me," I informed him and he looked surprised.

"Y-yeah I will," Leon handed him the script and we gravitated away from everyone.

We stood about ten feet in front of the table and Harry flipped through the pages as I had. "Where do we start?" I asked, looking up at them.

"Page six, just whenever you're ready we're ready," Jackson leaned back In his chair and I stared down at the script in my hands.

I looked over the first page and looked up at Harry to see he was nodding his head. I took a deep breath and began the scene, "What do you mean you don't know if you want that?"

I looked up at Harry and he shook his head, "No, Olivia, I'm not saying I don't want it, maybe I'm just not ready. Maybe we're not ready."

I took a moment to reply for affect and looked down at the script trying to remember the line. "That's the thing about it Drew, I don't think anyone is ever ready for things like this." I stopped realising I had messed up the line, oops.

Harry just smiled at me and looked down at his hands. His eyes roamed over the page them he sat it down behind him. He held my face with his hands and we looked into each other's eyes.

"I'll never be ready but I know that I-I love you Olivia," he smiled a little, I could tell it was hard for him not to laugh.

I looked down at my script before dropped it as well, "I love you, Drew Battinger." Harry wrapped his arms around me and threw his head into my neck. I laughed uncontrollably as he pretended to make out viciously with my neck.

"That was great, I'm impressed," Jane nodded at us and Harry bowed goofily. "Lilli, now can you just run through page nine alone?"

I nodded and Harry ran behind the the table, leaning on my mom, doing stupid faces at me. I rolled my eyes and picked back up my script, flipping to the page. I took a moment looking over the monologue then looked up at Jackson and Jane.

"What can I do about this mom? I don't have any other options with the way you two are handling this. What is the big deal, we're in love, we made something beautiful. I just don't understand why I can't enjoy this in my life, it's not fair." I paused, sighing as the script had instructed. "You can't expect me to be okay with this, it's not okay. You know he won't agree, his parents won't even speak to him. This is all a big mess and I just want it to end."

Jackson and Janes jaws dropped and I smiled at everyone, walking closer to them. Harry gave me a thumbs up from behind them and I looked between Jane and Jackson.

"That was the best performance we've had yet, seriously," Jackson gushed and I laughed a little.

"Well considering I actually said that whole big speech years ago," I shrugged and Janes eyes went wide.

She looked at my mom who smiled at her, "So this was part of the realistic factor in the book."

"The books are based on my daughter I mean, I remember a lot of those speeches I was given. Lilli, you were great, didn't I tell you, she's great?" Mom nudged Leon and he nodded, smiling.

I looked at my shoes for a moment, awaiting the moment of judgement with this acting thing. Jane leaned in and whispered something Jackson, making me furrow my eyebrows. They had a conversation that lasted a good two minutes before turning to me.

"You've got it, we've seen hundreds of people and you're the one. We suggest you getting an agent and we'll be in further touch." Jane stood up and hugged my neck.

I stood there shocked before hugging her back and Jackson stood up as well.

"We have to go find your Drew," Jackson smiled and hugged me as well, his hands too low. "I hope to see you sometime sweetheart." My jaw dropped at his whisper and I gulped as he walked out.

Well this is great, the casting guy wants to see me sometime, this is just what I need. He's not even that cute and he's way too cocky for me, I'm calling Louis as soon as we get back.

Mom, Leon and Harry all ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug once Jackson and Jane left. Everyone yelled a you made it and I heard the door open, revealing Hayes and grandma.

"You made it!" Hayes yelled, running and tackling me in a hug. Grandma jogged over here best she could and wrapped her arms around us.

We all hugged and chatted about it before we dispersed into separate cars to the hotel. Harry, Hayes and I all were in the backseat of an SUV, our driver navigating through Los Angeles traffic.

I looked out the window and Hayes spoke up, "What are you going to do now?"

I looked over at him and really thought about this because I wasn't expecting to get it. I'm still surprised I even got it, I mean I messed up once and Harry joked around with it. I guess now I have to find a way to tell Louis and everyone, then work on it from there.

"I don't know what to do with Lou," I admitted in a low voice and Hayes cringed.

"Oh shi-oot, when are you going to tell him?" Hayes questioned and I gave a tired glare at the almost curse.

I looked down at my phone to see Louis had not texted me back and I frowned. "It's just like he's with Kayla and they're doing that job thing. I don't know if I should right now. I'll tell him after Teddys wedding," I nodded at this.

Harry leaned his head so I could see him, "Are you sure you should wait that long?"

"It's not like anything's planned for us then so I think we'll be fine," I shrugged as we neared the hotel.

To my dismay there were paparazzi outside, obviously knowing about Harry. I took in a deep breath before stepping out of the car, holding hands with the two boys so we'd stay together. We got inside the hotel and I was first in line at the front desk, all smiles.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" The woman asked and I began to fish for my debit card.

"I need two rooms for one night, preferably with a large bathtub," I laughed a little as she began to look on her computer.

She typed away and in no time handed me two keys after a swipe of my card. "Enjoy your stay, you'll be on the fourth floor."

I handed Hayes and Harry their keys and we all headed over to the elevator, the bell boy bringing our luggage. I pressed the button once we stepped inside and waiting anxiously to get off.

"I still can't believe you got it," Harry breathed out and I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Honestly, me neither," the elevator doors opened and I quickly grabbed my suitcase.

I thanked the bellhop and rolled the suitcase up to my suite, 442 as Harry and Hayes went to theirs 443. I turned back to them after opening the door and smiled, "Hey, I'm going to take a bath then we should all hang out and order pizza."

They nodded at this and I walked inside my room, stepping out of my heels. I massaged my aching feet before slipping off my clothes, and running into the bathroom with my phone. I found a complimentary bubble bath bottle and quickly started up my water, pouring in the bubble bath. I ran back to the mini bar and grabbed a glass and a bottle of wine to accompany me. I tied my hair up in a bun and stopped the water, stepping into the tub. I moaned literally as I slid into the warm water, I sat back up though and poured a glass of wine. I then grabbed my phone and held it in my hand, face-timing Louis.

It rang a few times then he answered me, he looked to be in a room. I smiled at him and his eyes went wide seeing me. The bubbles covered everything but I figured he knew I was naked.

"Hello gorgeous," he spoke and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. 

"I miss you," I poked out my bottom lip and he frowned.

He pushed his hair back out of his eyes and I couldn't help but admire how nice he looks. I'm sitting here with my hair pulled up in a bun and no makeup.

"Anyways, you haven't had too much fun without me right?" I questioned with a laugh and I took a sip of my wine.

"Definitely not," he shook his head with a laugh. "Hey, don't have too much fun without me baby." I could tell he was staring at the wine and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sleeping alone despite myself, I wish you were here."

"We'll see each other tomorrow," Louis focused on the positive and I nodded. "Hey, imagine when we're actually away from each other."

I felt a lump in my throat at this and I shook my head. "I'd really rather not."

In that moment I realised that doing this whole TV thing and telling him about it, it's going to be a lot harder than I anticipated.

I meant to update ages ago, sorry loves.

All the love,

M. xx
