Chapter 40

Oh my God Cara is just so stunning, she is literally my idol, her and Blake Lively of course. Anyways here are the songs:)))

Lilac Wine - Miley Cyrus (the backyard sessions)

Pablow The Blowfish (I miss you) -Miley Cyrus

The Twinkle Song (I had a dream) - Miley Cyrus

"William don't!" He tripped over the bag and I cringed as he got back up, running around again.

I hung up a banner saying Happy 1st Birthday and smiled, loving the dining room all decorated. My parents had agreed to letting us use their house, but only the boys, Cara, Teddy, Gemma, Rae and her family could come. Including Anne and all the moms, they all were included, my parents didn't mind the adults.

Louis kissed my cheek as he walked past, and I smiled at him, watching him as he grabbed more tape. I was trusting him with wrapping the presents we had both got Will, up in my old room. My mom and dad were out getting the cake, Anne was fixing drinks and food at her house, bringing them over soon. Then there was Harry, who was watching after William but also putting out paper cups and such. He was trying his best to watch William but it's hard to multitask for him.

"When are Rae and Karlee coming?" Harry asked and I shrugged at him, turning around towards him.

"Any minute now, there's thirty minutes till the party, but I told them to get here early." I admired my handiwork around the kitchen and dining room, then walked into the living room.

I had blown up a bunch and bunch of balloons that were in fact Thomas the Train, the kid couldn't get enough of him. I kicked some out of my way as I sat on the couch, taking a small, well deserved break. The first birthday is so tiring, why, you'd think it'd be easier. I'm just happy he hasn't experienced a Chucky-Cheese yet, he's too young, but still.

"Mommy!" I heard William call for me, faintly and I sighed, standing up. I turned around to see him standing in the dining room.

"What is it?" I asked as I neared him and he just giggled, running away.

I knew what he wanted, he wanted me to chase him around, sounds fun to me. I reached out my arms, running after him and he giggled and giggled, running around the dining room and kitchen.

"Lilli, Harry, we've got the cake," I would have cringed at our named being said together, but I didn't.

Lately Harry and I had been getting along, getting closer, as friends only. I loved Louis who had asked me to be his girlfriend, officially a week ago. I've hung out with Zayn and Liam a lot more and called up my old friends. They were right, I am a friend hopper, but I'm changing my ways slowly.

I stopped chasing William and asked him to stay in daddy's sight before walking back into the kitchen. My mom was holding the cake and Dad had two bags. She sat it on the counter and opened it up, showing me the cake. I gasped at it, being perfectly shaped like a train and like Thomas. I smiled widely as William came running and my dad scooped him up.

"Guess what I got?" He said to Will and grabbed a tub of ice cream from a bag. "Ice cream, for your party mister, you better eat some."

William laughed while giggling out a Papa or two. He had learned how to say their names, Nana and Papa and enjoyed it thoroughly. He liked to just say it, over and over with them, they didn't mind though, they loved it.

"Mom, where is Rae?" I questioned and she shrugged, giving a how should I know look. "I'll be back." I stepped outside and sat down on a rocking chair.

My parents had recently added these to their porch, saying it was for them and the grandkids. I enjoyed them just as much as them, rocking William to sleep in them on multiple occasions.

I watched as Anne stepped out of her house with a large tray, with several foods on them. Gemma followed behind her and I smiled at both of them, waving as they neared the porch.

"We're not late are we?" Anne asked with a smile and I shook my head laughing.

"No Ma'am you are not, let me get the door," I stood up and opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Lilli." I just smiled, closing the door after her, waiting up on Rae.

I rocked back and forth, the wind blowing through my romper. I loved the outfit I had on today, it's an emerald green romper that goes to mid-thigh. It was so comfortable yet fashionable at the same time, I was in love.

I looked out as Rae's car arrived and smiled, getting up and running to the car. Brandon and Rae both got out, hugging me and laughing at my running. I swung open the backseat and saw Karlee, in a nice floral dress looking beautiful as ever.

"Aunt Lilli!" She exclaimed and I smiled widely at her, unbuckling her. I picked her up out of her seat and stood her up on the driveway. She held my hand for a moment then ran over to her dad, holding onto him.

Rae slowed down and grabbed my arm, making us walk a few feet behind Brandon and Karlee. "I need to tell you something, do not say it aloud after I say it okay?"

I nodded at this afraid and she gulped, "Is it going to ruin my day?"

"I'm pregnant, a month along. I've told Brandon but I was thinking of announcing it to the family today. Do you mind?" Rae asked and I shook my head feverishly.

"Definitely not, celebrating life and forming life all in one day. Sounds great to me, but you told me before mom and dad wow." I was shocked at this and she laughed at me as we stepped inside.

"You're my sister, now go find Will so him and Karlee can play," Rae patted my back and I rolled my eyes.

I walked through the kitchen getting a few hellos, then into the dining room where Karlee and William had already found each other. They seemed to be playing and I shrugged, walking out and upstairs. I entered my room and locked the door shut behind me, Louis smiling at me.

I noticed he only had one more thing to wrap and I walked over, wrapping my arms around him.

"You won't believe what I was just told," I started and he rose an eyebrow. "Rae-Lynn is pregnant, a month along. She's announcing it today so act surprised please."

"Wow, I don't think I'll have to act. How old is Karlee, eighteen months?" Louis asked and I nodded at this.

"Almost nineteen months, but other than that I love you," I smiled and he pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I love you more," Louis mumbled against my head and I shook my head.

I pulled my head back from his chest and looked at him. "That's impossible, really."

He shook his head, pressing his lips tenderly to mine, and I slid my hands down into his back pockets. We continued the kiss for a minute or two, kissing slowly until a knock was at my door. We broke apart and I turned my head to the door, "Who is it?"

"Harry," His deep voice sounded and Louis rolled his eyes.

I laughed silently at him before pecking his lips once more. I opened my door and Harry stayed in the doorway, looking over my shoulder, seeing Louis.

"Rae asked you two to come down, some announcement," Harry shrugged and turned around, walking towards the stairs, ignoring our eyes.

"Look like the baby is about to come out of the closet," Louis jumped over, putting his hand on the small of my back. He pushed me ahead as I shook my head at him, we made our way down the stairs without tripping and I was surprised.

We reached the kitchen where Anne, my parents, Gemma, Rae, Brandon, Karlee, and William all stood, waiting for us three. My mom was beside Rae-Lynn and she was giving her weird looks, "Now why did Lilli and Louis have to come down for this announcement?"

I looked down at this and Rae looked nervous, this was the second time I'd ever seen her nervous in her life. I gave her a reassuring look and right as she was about to speak my dad did. "I just hope it's not another grandchild, these two are barely toddlers."

I took in a deep breath as my sisters eyes went wide and I knew mom would press on it for her to say something, "Well what was the announcement?"

Rae looked at me for help and I took in a deep breath while Brandon began to speak, "Well there's going to be a new addition-" Rae looked really upset so I cut him off.

I can't believe I'm doing this for her, if this isn't sisterly love then I don't know what is.

"Yes, mother, father, I'm pregnant again," Louis choked on something at this and I patted his back.

Rae-Lynn mouthed a thank you while Brandon held back a laugh at this. She better be happy, I'm only buying her time until she tells them that she's the one with a child on the way.

"That would explain that small belly you're getting," My mom gestured to my stomach and I forced a smile.

I am not getting a small belly!

"Well that's what usually happens when you're pregnant," was all I could get out as my father shook his head.

"I'm happy, really, even if I'm only forty-nine," My dad gave me a smile though and I looked to Rae.

She looked really relieved, yet she was also really surprised at what I did, I could tell.

"You have that glow, looking beautiful as ever," Anne patted my back and I just smiled at everyone.

"Hopefully it's a girl, we need another one surrounded by boys," We all laughed at Gemma and Harry stayed quiet.

I am so done with today and it has hardly started, I looked over at Louis who was speechless this whole time. I nudged him with my elbow and he cleared his throat, "We're really, really happy. Rae here just had to get us all together to tell you, didn't you?"

"Y-yeah I just couldn't let Lilli keep it a secret any longer," Rae lied and the hole we were digging went deeper and deeper.

I just shook my head, walking over to where William and Karlee were playing. I sat down in a chair and watched as they shared some toy that had blocks that you put in certain places.

Louis tapped my shoulder and I turned my head to him, raising an eyebrow. "Come outside with me," he requested and I stood up, following him out. I sat down in a rocking chair again and Louis sat in the other one.

"If you're going to ask if I'm really pregnant, I'm not," I let out a laugh and he laughed with me.

"No, I was just going to ask why in the hell you did that." Louis sounded worried and I rolled my eyes.

"I worried too but I'm almost positive Rae will tell them sooner or later. I'm just covering her, I hope someone would do the same for me," I shrugged and Louis just shook his head. "You heard my parents, she was scared to say it. She's always been afraid to do something they wouldn't like, that's how we're different."

"Obviously, look at where we are now, you're not afraid of anything really."

A car that I recognised to be Teddys rolled up the driveway and I ran to the car, greeting her and Cara. "Hey!"

I hugged them both as they shouted hellos at Louis and I both. "Where's the birthday boy?" Cara asked and I pointed to the house. Her and Teddy both ran towards the door, excited to see William.

Louis stood up and swiftly took my hand into his before we walked inside, joining everyone. I saw Teddy talking to my dad, probably about baseball since they both loved it. Cara was speaking with Rae and I knew someone was bound to say I was pregnant.

I just laid low, staying with Louis and William in the living room. Louis, William, and I played with the balloons, bouncing them to each other.

"SHE IS WHAT!" Cara bellowed and I cringed as she stomped into the living room. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips, glaring at me. "When were you planning on telling me, if it weren't for your mom."

"Cara, go get Teddy, we need to talk." I nodded my head towards the kitchen as Louis held back laughs.

She gave me an odd look before walking back, I faintly heard her speak then two sets of footsteps approached.

"What the hell!" Teddy whispered yelled and I cringed as Louis laughed. "So you think this is funny huh?" Teddy raised a fist towards him and he stopped laughing, leaning in to me, mocking fear.

"Guys, I'm not really, I'll explain later. Just go along with it," I whispered to them and they both blinked rapidly, confused I assume.

"What?" Teddy and Cara both asked and Louis took this one.

"It'll all play out, you'll see," he stood up and I looked at him. "I'm going to go socialise," he laughed at my face and I just leaned back getting comfier.

Teddy and Cara both left me, mumbling colorful words that I merely chuckled at. I closed my eyes for a second, getting some alone time when I felt multiple thumps on my head. I turned around to see Niall, Zayn, and Liam standing behind me with smiles.

"How you doing?" Zayn said like the character from Friends and I laughed, standing up to hug him.

I hugged the other two, exchanging hellos and we all walked into the dining room, joining everyone. "Guys, the media is raging about all of us in one house for this." Liam was scrolling on his phone and I decided to take mine out.

A lot of people on the media were in fact raging about all of us together, they wanted a picture. I laughed at some comments and things on my account and frowned at others. Fans went crazy when Harry and I split which some were crazy happy, others crazy mad and sad. Then when I began to be seen with Louis, that only made matters worse, but still some people liked it. Tons of fans were wishing William a happy birthday and I was thankful for that.

"We should take a photo," Cara suggested and I nodded at this.

"I volunteer to take it, I'm not famous like you guys," Teddy took all of our phones as we got into position.

Liam and Zayn were to the left of me and Louis was on my right, Cara was beside him and Niall, then Gemma and Harry on the end. We all did multiple poses, we took a gangster picture that everyone was doing, where you squat down and point. It looked stupid to me, but whatever, we took just a regular photo. We took ones where the couples were kissing each other's cheeks, then where we all held someone bridal style. Niall then got the idea for all of us to lay on the ground, and he and Gemma portray the scene in Titanic, where one will never let go.

"Okay I got a few for each of you," Teddy handed us back our phones and I scrolled through mine.

I got the best ones really, a few off guard that were perfect. I quickly picked one, which was the gangster looking one, and posted it on Instagram. Fans were going crazy over the photo and I just laughed, reading a few comments that popped up. I watched as my notifications popped up as everyone posted a picture of us.

"Mommy?" I heard William behind us and I turned around to him, smiling.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked and he walked over closer, reaching for my hand.

"Cake," was all he could say and I nodded, picking him up.

"You guys ready to cut the cake?" Everyone agreed and my mom carried the cake to the table, I held William in my lap while Harry and Louis sat on either side of me.

"Dad, will you light the candles? I asked and he got a lighter, lighting the one candle.

I held William up and we all sang Happy Birthday to him, smiling as he looked around, giggling. "Okay now, blow baby blow," I said into his ear and he blew on the candle, spitting a little.

We all clapped and laughed at him, and I was handed a knife to cut the cake. I stood up, putting William in Harrys lap, and began to distribute the cake.

I placed a piece on Teddys plate and she shook her head, "I'll be having two." I laughed at her before giving her another slice, then moving on to the next.

Everyone got a piece and ice cream, which my mom was serving, if they wanted it. We were all at the table, eating, talking, having a great time really.

"When are we opening presents?" Gemma asked while tickling William and I smiled at the two.

"Right now, I guess," I shrugged and everyone agreed it was a good time.

William opened all of his presents, with help from us of course, and was extremely happy with what all he got. His family truly spoiled him and he was happy about it, when he gets older I'll just make sure he stays humble.

After hours of playing with Karlee and everyone really, William passed out, napping as usual in the afternoon. I had laid him down in my parents room,  letting him sleep in peace.

We all sat around and talked about our lives and old times when we were all in school. It was great really, and with Harry and I being friends now it was even better. Someone brought out the wine and I grabbed a glass quickly from my mom.

"Lilli, aren't you-" she stopped as I gulped down a whole glass of wine.

Oh shit, I'm supposed to be pregnant. 

"Lillian!" Mom and Dad both yelled and my mouth formed the shape of an o. "You're pregnant!"

Zayn, Liam, and Niall all shouted at this, "She's pregnant!"

I looked around the room, trying to figure out where to look since everyone was staring at me.

I slowly reached for the bottle of wine and my mom slapped my hand, making Louis burst into laughter. He just laughed and laughed as everyone stared at him oddly, except for Rae and Brandon. They both looked guilty and I was about to do something I probably shouldn't.

"Okay, everyone, I'm not pregnant, someone else is." I sighed as gasps went around the room and Louis patted my leg.

"Who is then?" Teddy asked in a bored tone and I had to try not to laugh.

I stayed quiet and looked at Rae, giving her my best look of encouragement. I really want her to clear this up, I did just down a glass of wine. 

"Rae-Lynn...are you?" My mother finally got out and Rae barely nodded. "Oh my goodness, you don't even have the slightest bump. I'm so happy for you, you're glowing."

I turned my head to my mother, blinking rapidly, offended. "What about, the small belly I'm getting, huh?"

My mom cringed a little at this and I rolled my eyes as Louis patted my stomach, leaning down to my ear. "You've got a cute tummy."

I smiled at this then quickly looked over at my mother, awaiting and answer.

"Well," mom started and I frowned at her, standing up.

"I'll be in the kitchen adding on to my small belly," I rolled my eyes, walking out.

Everyone went back to talking and congratulating Rae-Lynn and I sat at the table.

"Small belly my ass," I grumbled while putting my head in my hands.

What if I'm getting a beer belly? Do girls even get beer bellies? I haven't had time to work out lately, maybe that's the belly I'm getting. Fuck.

I folded my arms on the table and laid my head on them, laughing a little at myself. I stayed like that for a few minutes of quiet, barely hearing the others talking. "That was really nice what you did there," I snapped my head up at Harry. He sat down across from me and I gave him a small smile, not sure where this was going.

"She's my sister, I had to," I shrugged and Harry shook his head.

"No you didn't, I don't know many people who would say they're pregnant, just for their sister." Harry had a point but I am reckless and Rae and I are close.

"Oh c'mon wouldn't you do the same for Gemma?" I joked and Harry snorted, causing me to laugh.

"Any day, you know it," he smiled, laughing, before speaking again. "I just wanted to say, that was really cool what you did."

"Cool people tend to be cool," I smiled widely and he just shook his head, standing back up.

"C'mon back and socialise, you love all of us, we know. We can't be too uncool for you can we?" Harry slung an arm over my shoulder and I laughed, shaking my head.

No you guys are actually the coolest people I know and love.

We walked back into the living room and a bunch of look who's back and hellos went through the room. I sat back down, between Harry and Teddy this time, happy to be surrounded by friends and family. I basked in the happiness that was radiating through the room, all the smiles. All the smiles that actually met the eyes, I am so happy that everyone is happy.

"I really hate to do this, but Gem and I have a date," Niall announced, while standing up.

He leaned over and hugged me bye as Gemma hugged Harry and Anne. Everyone said goodbye and they left us, then came a line of others leaving. We all hugged each other as each of us left, leaving only Louis, Harry, and the parents. We were back at square one, but William is still asleep thankfully.

I began on living room clean up duty, Louis working in the kitchen alongside my mother and Anne, my dad was cleaning up the dining room, so Harry stayed to help me.

We cleaned up the wrapping paper and bags from opening presents, then bagging up balloons. Harry came up with the bright idea to take the balloons to his parents back yard and pop them. We really didn't want to wake William, it was really calm without him.

"That was on hell of a party for a one year old huh?" Harry heaved the bags of balloons over his shoulder and I laughed.

We walked over from my parents house to Anne and Robins door and stepped inside. Robin was on a business trip and as we walked through tons of memories hit me. A few being more vivid than others, causing me to stop and zone out.

Too many things had happened with Harry and even Louis in this house, I cringed from them all really. Some memories made me happy, some stupid, some sad, it was a good mix.

"Are you thinking about when we had the baby shower here and I surprised you?" Harry asked and I looked over to see he had stopped like me. "It's all i can do to not think about our times in here."

I nodded at him, "That and everything else, we had some great times."

"We really did," we looked for a moment then continued to the backyard.

Harry held up a finger then ran inside after setting the bags down, I proceeded to empty out the balloons. He came back with two pairs of scissors and I nodded, realizing his plan.

"Just don't hurt yourself," he warned as he handed me a pair.

I rolled my eyes as I began to stick balloons with them. Why had we blown up so many? I hate the sound of a balloon when it pops, but ironically I took the duty to get rid of them. Harry began to sing some song under his breath and I smiled, my back turned to him. I love his voice to death, I'm ready for the new album, I love all of their voices. Harry has a voice that resounds and I can't explain it, I love it somewhat more than the others. It sounds terrible but I'm so used to his voice and I love hearing it, I love going to their concerts.

"Are you okay, you're quiet." Harry came into my peripheral vision and I nodded, yes.

"I was just listening to you," I smiled and he looked a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry," he walked back over to where he was popping his bags of balloons.

"No, keep on," I said over my shoulder and his face broke out into a smile.

It took him a moment before he continued his singing under his breath, I recognized this song, One by Ed. I wish he could have came to the party, he's stuck on tour on the east coast.

I finished popping the balloons and started to clean up all of the remains. Harry was already done cleaning up with his so he began to help me.

"So, you and Louis are getting pretty serious huh?" Harry asked and I could feel his awkward, but I felt comfortable really.

I shrugged, "We're dating, I wouldn't say serious like we want to be engaged. We're just dating, like normal people our age."

He laughed at this, stopping what he was doing, confusing the hell out of me. "I'm not dating anyone, does that make me weird at my age?"

I continued, picking up the last of the balloons then stopped, looking up at him.

"Well you and Taylor, were you two serious?" I questioned, trying not to laugh.

As I recall they were serious fuck buddies, a serious affair.

"No, not even dating a lot honestly. She wasn't-" he stopped himself and I raised an eyebrow.

"She wasn't?" I asked him, confused as to what he was saying.

He looked at me, then the ground, then me before opening his mouth. Before he got anything out Anne emerged from the house, calling out to us, "William is up!"

Harry quickly walked over to her, leaving me confused and following after a moment of contemplation.

He had gone ahead of me and Anne grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked at her, confused as she smiled at me.

"What you did for Rae-Lynn killed him, I just want you to know." I already know who the him is and it doesn't make me happy.

"Is that why he's being weird?" I questioned more to myself than to her and she shrugged.

"Just, tread lightly," Anne warned before patting my back and I was off.

I walked out of the house, closing the door behind me, then jogged over to my mom and dads. When I walked in I heard William crying and I cringed, following the sound. He was being held by my dad, and I peeked into the kitchen to see Harry getting him a drink. I walked over to my dad and William and held my hands out and William lunged. I took him and kissed his forehead, bouncing him in my arm, while walking around.

"What's wrong?" I asked towards anyone willing to answer.

Louis and my mom came from upstairs and I was getting even more confused.

William leaned back from my shoulder and pointed at his throat, "Does that hurt baby?" He nodded and I got worried, "What else hurts?" He pointed to his ears and I knew what we needed to do, but it's Sunday.

"He woke up, crying and pointing at it, I got him and he wanted Louis, then you or Harry," Dad explained and I just held him.

My poor little helpless baby has his first throat infection, or I think it is. Mom and Louis had gotten a thermometer so I think we're all thinking it.

"Okay, keep this in your mouth sweetie," Mom calmly ordered William and she put it under his tongue.

He looked at me as mom held it and he had the most pitiful look in his eyes. My heart broke as a few tears rolled down his face and I wiped them away. The thermometer finally beeped and mom gasped before showing it to me. His temperature was 101.4 and I flinched, hugging him tighter. He had been sniffling but I didn't think it was anything more than allergies.

"Mom, what do I do? He's hot as hell, this hasn't ever happened before. Do I go to the emergency room?" A million questions were going through my mind and she covered my mouth.

William was trying to sleep on my shoulder but I needed to talk to my mom, so I handed him off to Harry. Will was fine with this and Harry held him, a worried look in his eyes.

Louis began to talk to my dad about what it could be and I followed my mom into the kitchen.

She sat me down on a bar stool before speaking to me. "First, calm down because we don't need you worrying yourself sick."

I took a deep breathe and nodded, encouraging her to go on. "There is a quick care in Puller beside my hospital, it's open everyday. Take him before his fever gets higher and see what he has, tell them I'm your mother."

"They'll get me in faster if you're my mother? How is that fair?" My equality side came out and she rolled her eyes.

"Lilli, your baby boy is sick, just get him taken care of. Oh and don't get Dr. Wallace." She pushed me back into the living room and I sighed.

William was now asleep and Louis stood up, looking to me for answers.

"You two ready to go to the quick care?" I asked while spinning my keys around my fingers.

"Both of us?" Louis asked nervously and I nodded, opening the front door.

"The both of you."

I drove and Harry sat in the back with William, he was really nervous and quiet. Louis and I spoke the whole ride there, mainly over what he could have. We also talked about the signs both of us had noticed but not really noticed.

Harry carried him in and Louis carried his bag and juice he never drank inside. I was in front of those two, which meant I got to speak to the receptionist.

"Hi! What can I do for you today?" The woman was really perky and it took me by surprise.

"My sons throat is hurting really bad, he also has a cold," I informed her and she looked behind me at William.

"You all look awfully familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" I turned around to see the boys shaking their heads.

I really wanted to get my son in with a doctor but it's seeming like that will be a task.

"Those two are from the band One Direction, I'm Dr. Humprhies daughter, she's in oncology." I shrugged as the two behind me smiled at her.

She snapped her fingers together and took a sip of coffee. I drummed my fingers on my thigh as I impatiently waited.

"Lilli! Oh yes I know all of you. Now Dr. Wallace can see you-" I cut her off really quickly.

"Are there any other doctors?" I asked, trying to peek at her computer as she typed on it.

She gave me an odd look and I was getting tired, "Why do you need a different one? Did something happen?"

I racked my brain for a lie and Harry got one for me, "Dr. Wallace is in love with her, it's tragic really. Could we see a different one please, he's getting warmer and has 101 degree fever."

Harry went straight to the point, damn he's good. I nodded along with this and her eyes went wide before typing into her computer. "What's his name?"

"William Styles," I answered and she typed some more.

I wish she'd type us on over to a doctor.

"Date of birth?"

Cool air blew from her little office and I shivered, Louis answering for me. "September 28, 2014."

"It's his birthday!" She nearly exclaimed and I nodded, pursing my lips. "Here we are, Dr. Bloom, he can see him right now."

"Thank you," I began to walk away when she grabbed my hand.

"You just need to fill out this paperwork," I nearly growled as I took the clipboard and sat down.

Louis leaned over my shoulder as I filled it out, whispering random things in my ear from time to time.

"William Styles," a nurse called and I looked up to see her standing at a door.

Harry, Louis, and I followed the nurse back to a small section, where they weighed and measured William. He wasn't happy about waking up but he wasn't crying anymore, his cheeks were red and puffy though. She took his temperature and immediately gave him some Motrin, which he hated the taste of. We were taken back to a room and I sat with William on the exam table. He sat up like a big boy and I just smiled at him, kissing his head and such. I want him to be as comfortable as possible before they swab him. The nurse had mentioned it, the throat culture had to be done.

"Do you think he'll cry?" Harry asked and I shrugged as William played with my bracelets.

"If he does I will," I confidently said and I know I will.

I can't take my baby boy crying, he was all I had for a while and he goes above anyone else. He's my heart, my whole big heart is this little one year old boy. He's growing up on me and I am not ready for it.

"If he cries I'm leaving the room," Louis stated and I nodded in agreement.

I would be doing that but this is my son, and he needs me.

"Hello, family!" Dr. Bloom entered the room and she smiled at all of us, shaking our hands. "I'm Dr. Bloom, I'll be taking care of your William today."

"I'm Lilli Humprhies and this is Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson." I introduced all of us and she leaned down to William.

"You must be William, I must say you're a tough soldier, for not crying right now. I heard your throat hurts, can I look?" William looked at me and I nodded and he looked back at her, opening his mouth.

She shone a light and looked down his throat as he curiously looked at her tool.

Harry then groaned and we all looked over as he held his stomach. "Sorry, I just got a pain, it's nothing."

Dr. Bloom looked in Williams ears and glanced back at Harry. "Have you had this pain for a while?"

He seemed to be surprised she was asking him but he answered, "For a few hours."

"How old are you? Also the pain is it throbbing or cramping?" Dr. Bloom then felt around Williams throat, checking his glands.

"I'm nineteen and throbbing. Do you know what it is?" Harry asked curiously and she turned to him.

"Are you the father of William?" She asked and he nodded as she sighed. "I hate to do this, but you should go get yourself an appointment. I recommend Dr. Coleman, she's really nice and good at what she does." 

"I really don't want to leave him," Harry stated and Dr. Bloom shook her head.

"He'll be fine, now go on now," she ordered and he reluctantly left after kissing Williams head.

Dr. Bloom went on with the regular routine checkup and wrote down things in her folder. William laid his head in my lap and I smiled down at him, then patted his stomach.

"From what I can tell he looks to have a throat infection, but my nurse will do a throat culture. We can never be too safe, I'll check on Mr. Styles in a moment." Dr. Bloom walked out and left Louis and I staring at each other.

"Do you think he has strep-throat?" I asked and Lou shook his head.

"I hope not, but he was crying really hard at first Lilli." Louis looked at William worriedly and I looked down at him.

I pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead yet again. I am so worried about my baby boy, I can't even begin to explain.

A nurse came in with the swab and I sat William back up. My nerves were on edge as this moment came and William was confused.

"Okay Will, this lady is going to do something like the lady before did. Except you'll feel a tickle in your throat, okay?" I warned him as she put on her gloves.

He looked over at her a little scared but he nodded, he's such a brave little boy.

I grabbed his small hand in mine and he smiled at me before the nurse came over. When the nurse touched his mouth and started to put in the long q-tip, all hell broke loose. Williams eyes went wide and he jumped away, shoving his head into my shirt. I felt him shake and I rubbed his back, feeling so bad.

"Baby, you're a big boy, once it's over they'll make you feel better." This didn't convince him so I brought out the big guns. "I bet they'll give you candy," he jumped at this and sat still.

She lowered in into his mouth and I held his hand again, just like last time. She went down into his throat and he gagged, arms flailing. She was done by this time and a few tears came out as he coughed. I picked him up at this and sat him in my lap, his head on my chest. I bounced him up and down and the nurse left, saying goodbye to him.

"That went a lot better than I expected," Louis voiced and I nodded, laughing.

"I was expecting a way bigger fit, he did good. He is a big boy," I leaned down to Will and smiled. "You were such a big boy, I'm a proud mommy."

Louis smiled at this and got out his phone, snapping a picture of the two of us. I groaned as he typed away then my phone lit up, I ignored it knowing it was him. Louis and I chatted for a little about what could be wrong with Harry, he's worrying me too. I just want to know why she had to know his age before saying that.

Dr. Bloom walked back in the room with a solemn face, I instantly became scared. "William has a bad throat infection, he tested negative for strep-throat. Mr. Styles, he has appendicitis, he'll have surgery later tonight."

"Oh goodness," I muttered and Louis was amazingly surprised.

"I've got some prescriptions for William but Mr. Styles won't leave the hospital for a while. I'll leave you two to work out a plan, assuming you don't want to leave him alone." I nodded at the doctor and thanked her, speechless.

I can't believe Harry has appendicitis, that's so weird, I'm just happy he groaned.

"Are we going to leave him? I don't mean to be rude but-" Louis started but I cut him off, standing up and setting William on the ground beside me.

"No, we can't leave him, his dad, everything, he's a big ole baby. You know that, that's why I'm going to stay the night with him," I announced and Louis stared at me for a second.

He chewed his lips but nodded at me, "I'll take William, get his medicine, but in the morning we'll come and get you. Hopefully we'll get him too, they usually let you go the same or next day."

I leaned down to Williams level and kissed both his cheeks. "I'm going to stay with daddy and you're going with uncle Louis. Will you be good for uncle Louis?"

He nodded and hugged my neck, "Bye mommy."

I smiled at him before walking over to Louis, I leaned in really close and he closed the space. We kissed momentarily and he grabbed the sides of my face.

"I trust you, really, no questions asked. Just save your next kiss for me," Louis smiled ruefully at this.

"Here you are, Mr. Tomlinson," I pecked his lips and he clicked his tongue.

"You're too good, but you always leave them wanting more," he leaned in close like he was going to kiss me again, but he walked away with William.

I tracked down Dr. Bloom and found her in the hallway, then asked what room Harry was in. She informed and I was in the elevator and to his floor in seconds. I found his room with a little trouble and a lot of stares from people. I knocked on the door before entering and when I did his face lit up.

"So you've come to check up on me?"

"Oh no, I've come to have a sleepover with you," I smiled as I earned a laugh from him.

He shook his head and I noticed the IV in his arm, pumping morphine in his veins for pain. I shook my head at this, chuckling at how long the night will be.

"How long until you get cut open?" I bluntly asked and his eyes went wide.

"Lilli, always the charmer, in two hours I'm told. Tomorrow I can go home, but there's a few week recovery time." Harry informed and the charmer part made me laugh.

We can joke even in the darkest situations, which is why I worry about us.

"Let's make the next two hours the best time, I feel like the morphine will help."

I had followed them when Harry went into surgery and waited in the waiting room. When he got out of the hour long surgery, he was taken to a recovery room. We are still waiting for him to wake up before they take him back to his room. The nurses had tried everything to get him up and wanted me to start trying.

"Harry," I calmly said, close to him and he groaned.

"Harry Edward Styles, get up," I sternly said a bit louder and his eyes shot open.

"Mom?" He asked and I laughed as he saw me.

"Thank you Mrs. Styles," a nurse said and I shook my head furiously.

"It's Humprhies, we're just friends. You're welcome though, thank you for keeping him alive," I chuckled a little.

A few nurses and I piled into an elevator with Harry in his bed, at some point he had grabbed my hand. The nurses saw this and rolled him at the same pace as my walking. We got back to his room and he fell right back asleep.

I smiled at his peaceful face and waited for him to wake up again, his hand still gripping mine.

His nurse came in every hour to check his vitals and see if he was up, which he wasn't for a long time. I haven't slept at all and now it's seven in the morning. Harrys eyes fluttered open and I was the first thing he saw, which made him kind of smile. He was in pain though and the hand that gripped mine squeezed my hand.

"Can I get a-" his voice broke off from his throat hurting and he seemed worried.

"No, it's your breathing tube, you also had a catheter. Press this button and the nurse will come," I pointed out the nurse button on his bed.

He nodded and pressed the button, looking from me to the door until she arrived.

"Mr. Styles! My name is Emily, I'm your nurse for today. Do you need to go to the restroom or anything?" Emily was very peppy and I nearly cringed at her.

Harry looked confused and looked at me, "If I needed to piss couldn't I do it myself?"

I laughed at this and Emily fidgeted, it's just him on the pain medication. He gets really cranky and blunt on pain medication, I remember when he hurt his back, that was crazy.

"Can I get you food, a drink, anything?" Emily continued and Harry smiled at this.

He moved his head closer to me and smiled, "Now she's speaking my language." I began to laugh even harder at this and Emily just stared. "I'll have a vodka, on the rocks."

"Mr. Styles, this is a hospital, we do not have spirits," she seemed so offended and Harry just laughed.

"You guys just don't have any fun. I'll have an apple juice, and jello, please and thank you." Harry spoke quickly and she rushed out.

I laughed at what had just happened and Harry just rolled his eyes. "Can you believe these people?"

"Do you need to pee though? Because I'm supposed to walk you there and back, you're not as tough as you think." I stated and Harry shrugged at me, confusing me.

"I can't really feel my dick, or anything for that matter, so I don't know." Harry admitted and I laughed even harder at him.

"You're just an appendix-less loser then huh?"

He laughed at this as Emily brought in his juice and jello. She sat it on his bedside table then put it over him, and I had to help him sit up. He began to eat the jello and drink it, before acting tired.

"I want to go home and sleep," Harry stated and I nodded.

"Me too," I agreed tiredly and he turned his body towards me.

"Why'd you stay, why didn't you leave me and go home with Louis and William?" Harry questioned me and my eyes went wider with each word.

"Who could be alone during surgery, I care about you believe it or not," I scoffed and he just smiled.

"I love you," he blurted and my jaw dropped and there was a knock at the door, a door that was already open.

Louis and William stood there with balloons and a teddy bear, making my eyes wide. "Oh, woah, what are we walking into?" Louis jokingly asked as they both walked over to us.

"Daddy!" William yelled and jumped on the bed, sitting beside him. He handed him a teddy bear and Louis sat the balloons on his table. Louis then sat beside me and grabbed my hand, but my mind was somewhere else.

What did he just walk into?

Hello loves, I actually updated, surprising I know. Anyways this was super fun to write and everything. I'll update soon.

All the love,

