twenty two

"you sure you will be okay following me?" i asked changbin who was holding my hand tightly.

he nodded his head and i giggled. it was like we swap gender roles or something.

"here, we are," i said and let go of his hand.

"i'll go inside on my own, you stay outside here" i continued and he nodded.

i could see how he hesitated to let me go but he believed that i will be fine.

i went inside the shop and saw the familiar man who's giving me a wide smile.

"welcome, i see you came with your boyfriend," he said.

"just give me the phone, please" i acted politely.

"sam, sam you can only stay a maximum two days after i give you your phone. or not you will disappear like your right hand." he pointed to my right hand that was wearing a glove.

yes, my right hand has officially disappeared but it's still there. you can feel it but you can't see anything.

"im leaving soon," i told him and he nodded. 

i turned my back to go out but i turned and said, " thank you or your boss for giving me this opportunity" 

he smiled and i opened the door to see a worrying expression from the man i love.

"so?" he said. 

i clasped his left hand with my right hand and walked. 

"2 days. i left with 2 days" i said and he stopped walking. 

he let go of my hand and began to hug me. the embrace that i will definitely miss.

"from 0 to 10, i love you zero since its an infinite number meaning my love to you will be infinite." he said making me smiled.

he went closer and gave me a kiss.

right on time, snowflakes fall from the sky making it drop to the floor and ourselves. 

we let go and put our foreheads together. 

"you know that kissing in the snow is actually on my bucket list?" i said softly.

"well, im glad that i crossed an item on your bucket last" he laughed. 

i then went closer giving him a tender kiss since the first one was just a starter.

chan's pov

"they sure are taking a long time," i said glancing at the wall clock.

"let them be, couples will take a long time to anywhere they go" woojin answered me.

"ooh, its snowing" jeongin exclaimed looking at the window.

"i bet you that they may be kissing somewhere," seungmin said suddenly.

"why did you say so?" i asked.

"sam made a bucket list the second day she was here and while she was watching the korean drama 'Pinocchio' she wanted to have a kiss under the snow" seungmin explained.

im scared of the aftermath of you leaving us sam, especially him.
