
"no no, jeongin!" i shouted jeongin's name.

"bruh, are you kidding me? you killed me 2 times already" i said.

"then its just that you suck" he said and stuck out his tongue annoyingly.

"haiss, is jeongin bullying my muffin again?" changbin asked while patting my head.

"this situation seems weird to me" hyunjin suddenly said.

"what do you mean, weird?" i asked him.

"cause you are blushing" minho answered

"its just that the weather is too cold, mr minho" i explained.

"kids, stop playing. chan and i are thinking that we should go out instead of cooping in the house whole time" woojin said.

"but i like cooping inside the house" seungmin said and attacked me with a hug. its so funny how i got super close with him that we are comfortable with this kind of skinship in a short period of time.

"we need to bring sam places in korea too since we may never know when she might visit it again. people say 'might as well' "chan explained.

the other members nodded their head making me laughed.

"why are you laughing" jisung asked.

"cause y-ou gu-ys" i said in between laughter.

"were so cute when u all nodded your head together" i finally get myself together to say what i wanted to say.

"great minds think alike" felix said making us all burst out of laughing.

"whoo, i need to catch my breath" chan said.

"so as to continue on what i just said, i want sam to pick where we should go" he continued.

"me?" i asked and chan nodded.

"i've always wanted to go korea but never think about it specifically" i said.

"don't worry bout that, you have 12 hours to think about it since we will be going tomorrow" woojin said in order to make me calm.

"ahh, that's a relief" i said.

"meeting done, everybody please go to sleep by 10pm and no later than that since we are all going out tomorrow" chan said.

"you already look stressed out when you haven't even started to think about it" someone ruffled my hair making my heartbeat went uneven for a sec.

"yeah, jisung's right. loosen up muffin" seungmin agreed to jisung.

"here, use my phone to research about the places" changbin suddenly passed me his phone making me suprised.

"thanks" i said and went out to the rooftop. i felt the cooling breeze as soon as i reached.

i unlock his phone.

this actually may seem weird but changbin had put his password a random date and that random date is my birthdate.

its so creepy but at the same cool.

"so have you think about it?" he asked.

"i feel like going to a theme park but at the same time, i don't want to go there" i sighed.

"why are u pouting, it makes my heart weak" he puffed my cheeks.

"stop it" i said and he let go of it slowly.

"oh yeah, your cheeks are really red. is it because of the cold?" he said and put a heat pack on my cheeks.

"i don't think its cause of the cold" i replied.


"changbin, what are we?" i asked.
