
"nintendo?" jeongin asked me. i couldn't sleep so i went out to get a glass of water.

"my ex wanted to have that" i murmured.

"hmm?" jeongin asked.

"nothing but sure" i said.

he hand me a console, "jeongin, i don't know how to play" i grinned.

"that is why i'm gonna teach you" he gave me a smile.

*jeongin explains how to play the Nintendo switch*

"so like this?" he nodded.

"wow, you're a natural" he complimented me making me smile.

"so what's going on with you and changbin hyung?" he suddenly asked.

"me? and changbin? there's nothing going on between us. i guess?" i whispered the last part.

"but why do you ask the question so sudden?" i asked him.

he faced me and said, "just curious"

i blinked repeatedly at his answer. i shrugged my thoughts off when i realised that he had beat me so i asked to play another round.

we played until i don't know when and stopped only when woojin came out to ask the both of us to sleep.

i toss and turn but my eyes couldn't close. i grab a hoodie which i think its changbin's one and wore it.

without me knowing, i fell asleep.

changbin's pov

"changbin ah, can you wake sam up?" woojin hyung asked me.

i went inside my room and looked at her sleeping soundly. she's wearing my favourite hoodie. i could feel that my heartbeat was getting faster. i really am in love with this girl.

"changbin hyung" felix said loudly making me shushed him.

i pointed to sam who was sleeping soundly and he nodded at me.

"omma?" sam muttered loud enough for me to hear.

a tear dropped from her left eye and she woke up. felix left, probably wanting me to comfort her which i am not complaining.

she sat up straight and started to burst into tears. i sat in front of her, waiting for her to calm down.

"i'm sorry for probably making you feel surprised" she said with her head down.

"hey, its okay. all of us have problems and sometimes we just have to let them out in order not to get hurt even more." i told her and she looked at me.

"thank you" she smiled and was about to hug me but then stopped herself.

i then took the initiative and wrap my hands around her petite body. i could feel her tense up but she then relax.
