
"im so tired" i said and lied down on the sofa.

"i just wanted to play one game but my hands are too tired" jeongin said and sat down beside me.

"let's all play scissor paper stone to decide who gets to shower first." jisung suggest .

"can't i get the benefit of a lady" i asked and jisung shook his head.

i sighed and we played. i was the last one but i was okay with it since i wanted to wash my hair.

i went inside my room and lie down on the bed.



"can we sleep together?" he asked shyly.

"why are you being shy, its just sleeping together not like we having ahemm" i said softly.

"you american people sure don't mind" he softly said.

"what?" i asked.

he mumbled, "nothing"

i patted the on the bed giving him space for him to lie down.

"to be honest, i haven't lost it yet. i almost did but his mom walked in and we just acted like nothing happened" i explained.

"ahh" he nodded and sulked.

"i should be the one who is sulking at you. you got fifth place for showering" i said and he then turned to looked at me.

"i wasn't sulking" he pouted.

"yes you are" i said and pecked him on his lips.

"do you wanna switch with me?" he asked probably feeling guilty and i shook my head.

"let's just cuddle" i said and he nodded.

he then hugged me using his big arms.

"it feels so warm here" i said in his embrace.

"you speak in tiny text" he laughed and ruffled my hair.

i then went to hug him tighter.

"i love you bin" i said and i soon fell asleep fast.

i woke up and saw changbin wasn't there with me. i went to switch on the lights and try to find his phone to check the time.

the clock showed 2 am and i heard the door opened.

"you awake?" he asked. he wasn't wearing a shirt, only pants and was drying his hair.

"bruh, u got to be kidding me. im like literally half awake" i told him and he laughed.

"haiss, what a cutie. go and shower then we will sleep again" he said and pushed me out of the door.

i went inside and make sure to wash my hair since it was slowly getting greasy.

i finished up showering and then went inside the room.

"woah, you are more dangerous than me" he suddenly said.

"what do you mean?" i asked and he pointed at me.

i was just wearing his oversized shirt without any pants and was drying up my hair.

"hehe" i smiled.

"i don't feel sleepy yet, do you?" he asked and i shook my head.

"and i don't wanna go to the rooftop, it's too far" he continued.

"let's just cuddle and watch youtube" i said and he nodded.

"switch off the lights" he said.

after i switched the lights off, i went beside him.

"you smell good" he said.

"and you don't" i said. he then playfully wrestled me.

"i was kidding, please don't kill me" i told him.

"i'll pay you back with hugs" he looked at me.

"hugs and kisses"

"okay" he then let go of me.

"meanass" i spoke in spanish.

"what was that?"

"nothing sweetie, nothing" i said and went to hug him.
