
"i really appreciate you guys for doing this, thank you so much especially you, chan" i said to them.

we were resting at a bubble tea place as the boys were tired after going several shops to buy my daily necessities.

i was also worn out from walking around. the boys were such a handful when i wanted to buy some undergarments. they literally stayed five feet apart from me and trying not to act embarrassed.

i felt really bad for chan that he paid for everything. i wanted to refuse but its not like i have cash to pay for all of my items so i let him pay.

"no problem sam but you do owe me" he said and winked at me making seungmin gagged.

"chan hyung, that is so disgusting" seungmin said and we all cracked up. the boys love to tease their leader so much.

"anyways, sam let's go to repair your phone" he continued making me nod. the others were staying since they are still tired and i didn't want to force them.

"hmm, the problem with this phone is that it doesn't want to start but no worries, i can get it fixed just that it will take very long" the person said.

"how long will it take?" i asked him.

"three weeks" he replied. i immediately pouted and went out of the shop.

getting attached to people is not something that i preferred. i'm scared.

"hey, you okay?" seungmin who went after me asked in english.

i shook my head at his question, "i'm scared seungmin".

"of?" he asked.

"that i will get attached to you guys" i replied.

"hey, its okay" he said and went closer to give a hug. i could feel his warmth but it didn't felt that nice unlike the dream that i had with changbin.

"do you want me to keep this a secret?" he asked and i nodded. i don't exactly know why did i nod my head. why am i trying to keep this as a secret?

"you guys took too long so we bought new drinks" jisung said and gave me a smile.

leaving these guys three weeks later, will definitely be hard.

i'm a person who loves the night view. whenever i feel stressed or down, i drive up to the hill near my school and look at the town that's still alive even though its late.

i went out of the apartment when the members were in their room and climbed up to the rooftop.

i thought that the rooftop was gonna be close but probably god wants me some alone time to think about this issue because the door to the rooftop was wide open. like its wanting me to go there.

the wind is strong that i tied my hair in a high bun.

there was a bench and i sat down on it. i was just about to go deep in my thoughts when someone interrupted.

"its so pretty here, right?" i turned around and saw changbin.

i nodded my head, "i used to do this back at home. driving to the top of the hill and look at my town's night view. it makes me calm."

he nodded his head.

"can i ask you something?" he asked.

i nodded my head and he opened his mouth to ask, "that guy in your instagram, is he your boyfriend?"

i laughed, "well, used to"

i saw that his expression was relieved.

"i broke up with him. he was cheating on me. with my best friend." i continued.

"that son of a gu-" i stopped him from cursing.

"don't waste your breath on him. he doesn't deserve it" i told him. he nodded and looked hesitant for a while.

"then, aren't you hurt by the fact that he cheated on you?" he asked quietly.

"who wouldn't changbin? but after a while of crying and binge eating ice cream, i soon realize that my feelings for him wasn't genuine" i answered.

"genuine?" i nodded my head.

"it was my first year of highschool when i first met him. believe or not, but our meeting felt like it was a staged one but i went with the flow and slowly developed feelings for him" i explained.

"woah, i can't believe it. i opened up to someone. usually this would be something that i would tell my dog who's sleeping" i was dumbfounded.

"hey. from now onwards, i can be your listening buddy if you need to" he pat my back.

"thanks, changbin" i gave him a smile.
