twenty five

i opened my eyes slowly and saw i was in a room. it looks like a hospital room.

"mommy, sister is awake" i heard kevin's voice.

im safely back home aren't i?

the doctors came in rushing and went to do checks on me to make sure i was okay.

"what happened dad?" i asked.

mom and kevin were buying food while dad was keeping me company.

"the pizza delivery guy found you. kreme was barking at the door and he opened the door which wasn't even locked and saw that you fainted in the floor. the doctors said it wasn't that serious because you had an electric shock from your phone but you had a coma for three weeks. i was worried honey" he answered and i nodded.

"dad, where's my phone?" i asked.

"the one that caused you this is at home and the one that says im sorry from your dad for not taking care of you much is this" he passed me a new iPhone xs max.

"thanks dad and im sorry for being distant with you lately," i said and he hugged me.

"it's okay honey. now just rest okay?" i nodded my head and then i went back to sleep.


"i love you eunseo" i heard my voice saying it.

"i love you too changbin" the girl in front of me replied.

i then woke up from that dream and saw my cheeks were wet because of the tears.

"woah, that dream was intense," i said to myself.

i went out of the room and saw all the other members were outside.

"woah, we slept for so long," chan hyung said.

"and you slept the longest" chan hyung pointed to me.

"what time is it?" i asked.

"it's 4.30 in the afternoon" felix said.

"i slept for that long?!" i shrieked and the other members nodded.

"i think it's because of this dream that i had. it felt like a movie" i said.

"i had a dream too"

"me too"

"yeap, count me too"

"what was the dream about?" woojin asked me.

"well, there was this girl who is the same age as jeongin came here from a glitch that her phone has so she had no choice but to live with us. then i fell in love with her and she also likes me too so we started dating. after that she told us that her phone is gonna get fixed soon and then we repeat the step of how she came here and boom, the story ended just like that" i explained.

"mine is the same except for the falling in love part. she became friends with me instead" seungmin agreed.

"so we all dreamt about the same person, weird." jisung said.

who is this girl that all of us dreamt over her.

who are you choi eunseo?

a/n: that's it guys, it's the end
