twenty three

"two days passed really fast" i said to myself and accidentally woke up the guy who was sleeping beside me.

"you're awake already?" he asked.

i couldn't sleep properly as the d-day is reaching and now that today is d-day, i feel like pressing that rewind button.

changbin suddenly wraps his arms around my body and being the clingy me, i snuggled in his embrace even more.

"you smell bad," i said to changbin and he squeezed my body making me hit him since i couldn't breathe.

"that's what you get for saying a lie," he said and went closer to my face to peck my lips.

"eee, morning breath," he said and i started to kiss him everywhere on his face making he sure he got my morning breath all around him.

"i hate you" he said.

"and i love you. always" i replied and he kissed at the top of my temple.

"let's start the day with your favourite oreo o's " changbin said making me jumped out of the bed.

"let's go boyfriend" i pulled his arms and he finally stand on his two feet.

"let's go girlfriend," he said and clasped our hands together.

"are you planning to hold her hand the whole day," minho asked and then covered his hand to cover what he just said.

"it's okay minho," i said.

"im gonna hold her hand until the last..." he couldn't continue his words.

"hey, bin " i said and looked at him who was doodling on my hand with his hand.

since the 'sending me back home' operation can only be done at night time as chan usually does his videos during that timing, we decided to watch a movie.

i wanted to watch a miracle in cell no.7 but jisung stopped me saying its a bad movie and i just listened to him without asking why. in the end, we all watch an avengers marathon that lasted until 7 pm.

"we still have time right?" minho asked and chan nodded.

"do you want to go anywhere?" woojin looked at me.

"let's go hangang river " i almost said for the last time but i stopped myself not wanting the situation to get gloomy. 

"sam" i turned around to see who called me.

"nothing" seungmin said. it was something but i knew he would tell me soon.

i whispered to changbin making him nod and let go of our hands that were clasped together. i catch up to seungmin who was talking to jeongin.

"hey jeong, im gonna steal seung for a while" jeongin nodded and went to walk with chan.

"what do you want to tell me, bestie?" i asked and he stopped walking. 

the members continued to walk to the convenience store. 

"the memories i made with you was fun and i wish that it will stay forever, but that sucks right? all of us wanna keep a piece of you but that all will be gone since we won't remember you after you leave. " he forces his words since he was holding back his tears.

"seung, how did you?" i asked and immediately gave him a hug.

"i went to the shop without you knowing and the person told me this piece of information.  why didn't you tell us eunseo?" he voice cracked and i patted his back.

"so that none of you will hold me back to prevent those memories from disappearing, especially him. if he knows about him losing his memories about me, that would make him devastated and i rather keep that info hidden," i explained.

"don't mention it to anyone okay," i said and he nodded. he let go of me and looked at my face for the last time.

"now, let's go to your boyfriend and the others" i nodded my head.

"baby" changbin hugged me as soon as i reached the convenience store.

the ten of us laughed, made jokes and create the last few memories together while eating. 

we all slowly walked to the entertainment building to get into chan's building

to send me home.

"are you ready?" chan asked and i nodded when changbin suddenly rushed to me.

"wait!" he said and kissed me right in front of the members. a goodbye kiss.

he then hugged me giving his warmth and i sniffed the smell of his cologne that i will definitely miss.

a goodbye hug.

we let go of each other and he touches my face scanning at it for the last time making sure that he won't forget every piece of it.

a goodbye look.

our foreheads leaned together, we both softly said," i love you changbin/ eunseo".

a goodbye 'i love you'.

he then let go and went to the corner to stay with where the other members are.

"i hope you all will be fresh tomorrow and thank you so much" i said and passed chan a letter.

"read it with everyone after you all reached home," i said and saw seungmin's tears when i glanced at him.

the others also started to cry except for chan who had to stay calmed and changbin who was fighting with his tears to show that he's strong.

changbin's eyes were already red and i mouthed 'i love you' at him and he did the same.

"im gonna start" chan said and i nodded. 

i opened my phone and saw a glitch. it's working.

i loaded the vlive app and clicked on chan's live. there was another glitch.

i pressed the 'like' button and my body started to feel weird. 

"AHH" i screamed because there was a shock making me dropped my phone.

this is really goodbye.

i looked at changbin and gave him my last smile before i disappeared.
