
"EVERLAND" felix shrieked when we reached the entrance.

"thank you so so much, sam" felix hugged me then ran forward to catch up with jeongin who was in front.

"you chose a good place" hyunjin told me and i winked at him making him laughed.

"thanks sam, those boys wanted a break so badly and i was always thinking about going to everland but there wasn't any free time for us" chan patted me on my back.

"its my pleasure, chan" i said and smiled.

since there were ten of us, we had to go in pairs because of the rides and it was not a suprise that my partner was changbin. i blame it all on woojin for saying that he's too chicken so he decided to partner up with jisung who is also another chicken.

"VIKING" i screamed when we were walking towards it.

the other members saw my actions and decided to laughed making me embarrassed.

"woah, u like viking that much?" changbin asked me.

"yep. when i was small, my parents would always bring me to the carnivals and they always have those tiny tiny viking so its my first time riding the big ones" i explained.

"the back seat?" he asked and i nodded my head like a little child.

we went to the back seat and i hold his hand naturally.

i realised what i was doing and immediately let go but he grabbed my hand tight instead.

"i wanna hold your hand" he whispered in my ear, not wanting others to hear.

i blushed throughout the ride and i did screamed a few times, my grip on his hand also did became tighter.

"the ride is too scary, i will never ride that thing again" jisung's hair so messy and he looked so done with life making me stifled a laugh.

hyunjin noticed how i was holding my laughter so he burst out laughing, then i burst out laughing and the rest starting laughing.

"why are we even laughing" minho asked after we all were calm down.

we all shrugged our shoulders and i made eye contact with hyunjin, then he winked. such a dork.

"let's go ride the t–express, its the highlight of this park" seungmin said and we all nodded.

jisung and woojin wanted to back out but i dragged the both of them to the ride making them gave up on not riding.

i tied up my hair to make sure that my hair won't be a mess after the ride but guess what, my hair did got messy after the ride.

we were all sitting in the restaurant cause we felt hungry and we haven't had lunch yet.

i sat near the window and then i turned to the side wanting to look at the menu but i came face to face with changbin.

my face slowly felt hotter and he asked, "what do you want to eat?".

"i haven't look at the menu yet" i said softly and he immediately took one of the menu that minho was reading and pass it to me.

"hey, i was reading that seo changbin" minho retorted.

"share it with jisung" changbin replied and then looked at me.

"that wasn't nice towards your hyung" i told him and he gave me a smile.

"but i was nice to you" he said it with a hint of coolness and that made my heart skip a beat.

"uhh, i want pasta" i turned my gaze to the menu and then pointed to the pasta that i wanted without looking at him.

before he opened his mouth, i pointed to the drink that i wanted and i could see with the corner of my eyes that he nodded to my order and then told chan what we wanted to eat.

"i'm gonna go to the toilet" i said to the boys and they nodded.

i fixed my hair that was half messy due to the ride. i even fixed my lipstick which seungmin bought me even though i don't need it. his excuse was that the colour looks nice on my lips.

i went out from the toilet and the boys were busy discussing until i reached our table, they became quiet.

i was about to say something but the food arrived and i could see how changbin took a big breath that was actually quite weird.

there was a ride that jeongin and i couldn't ride, the tall ass ride that goes up and then suddenly goes down.

after that accident, i got a big phobia of height and jeongin wasn't a person that likes height either. at first changbin wanted to stay with me but when we reached the ride, i could see how his eyes were glowing saying how he wanted to take the ride.

i didn't wanted to be a reason that he couldn't take the ride.

"yang jeongin" i called out his name.

"hmm?" he asked looking at me.

"who did you bet?" i asked making his eyes grew big.

"what do you mean bet?"

"you know what im talking about jeong"

"changbin hyung. because you look like you like him" he replied.

"did all of you bet changbin?" i asked and he shook his head.

"woojin hyung and jisung hyung picked seungmin hyung" he explained.

"but" he said and i gave him the eyes to continue what he were about to say.

"do you like changbin hyung as a guy?" he asked that question.

"i don't know jeong. among all of you, my heart flutters, skip a beat and even beats faster when im with him. its like i like him but i don't wanna admit it" i answered.

"sam,sam" he pat my head like how he pat a puppy.

"the lights are so pretty" i said to myself.

"well, you're pretty" changbin said and hold my hand.

it felt so magical and all the members were at the front making us feel that we're the only ones there.

"do you want to be my girl-"
