Prologue (Edited)


Harry and Alice Potter.






Those are five words to describe the seven year old Potter twins.

After their parents died when they were little more than a year old, they were sent to live with their aunt and uncle and their one year old son Dudley.

The Dursleys had hated them for as long as they could remember. They had never sent them to school for more than a month. They Claimed that Petunia was homeschooling them after they pulled them out of the primary school they'd been attending.

But of course Petunia wasn't homeschooling them, she couldn't have cared less about the two 'freaks' that slept under the staircase.
Harry James Potter woke up to a sharp pain in his side.

"Goddammit!" He swore, stumbling over the word. Their lack of schooling had resulted them in having slow and choppy speech and not being able to spell more than a few basic words.

For the third time that week, a spring and broke through the ratty mattress and punctured his already bloody and bandaged side.

Grumbling angrily he pulled a small roll of gauze from under his pillow and began to carefully wrap yet another layer of the white cloth around his pale and skinny frame.

"Harry?" A soft voice murmured in the dark of the cupboard they slept in.

"Yea Alice?" Harry answered quietly, cursing in his mind. He hasn't meant to wake her again, she needed sleep. Unlike Harry who could go for a week without not much more than and hour of sleep.

Alice Lily was Harry's twin sister, yet they looked absolutely nothing alike.

Harry had messy black hair, bright green eyes and a tall slim build that was constantly covered in bruises and scrapes and scars, inflicted by his psycho uncle.

Alice had long curly red hair that was matted in certain places, full of dirt, cobwebs and greasy, hazel eyes that were suken into her pale face that was splattered with freckles that stood stark against her pale face and a short slim build that had a few cuts and bruises, but less than Harry as Harry took as many beatings for her as he could.

"Whats wrong?" She whispered as quietly as she could, in fear or their aunt and uncle hearing which would result in yet another beating.

"Bloody mattress." He grumbled, the word bloody coming chopped and hard.

Alice stood up as much as she could and unwrapped the gauze, examining the wound with careful hands gently prodding the area around the new slice, ignoring his hiss of pain.

"Nothing bad. Did you clean it?" She asked distractedly, her words slurring together.

Harry shook his head slowly.

"No...." His gaze was so innocent, no one would have never guessed the things that had happened to him, or the things he would do

Alice shook her head, slapping his currently none injured arm lightly.

"Bloody idiot." She chided, grabbing the rubbing alcohol and cleaning the wound.

Once she was done Harry sighed angrily, letting out a big breath of air.

"Ali, we can't live like this. I mean c'mon, we sleep under the stair case!"

Alice sighed, knowing her brother was right.

"Your right but..... Where are we going to go?" Alice couldn't see what they were going to do, if they left the hell they were currently in.

Harry frowned, emptying out his old (used) school bag that his aunt had found in a bin at a second hand store in London, leaving a black leather bound book that his teacher had given to him, just like she'd given the whole class, and a few pens he'd salvaged from the ground outside.

"Anywheres better then here." Harry growled, his voice thick.

Alice, following his example began to unpack her old school bag (also used) leaving her red leather bound book and some pens as well.

With nimble fingers Harry opened the the lock on the door, together they crept down the hallway and into the kitchen where they ate whatever they could, cooked or not, before stuffing any preservatives into their bags.

They grabbed a few water bottles, their clothes (which were just a few pieces of Dudley's old clothes ) from their 'room' and a 50 pound note each from their aunt's purse.

That night they left number 4 Privite drive for the last time.

At age seven the Potter twins ran away.

(A/N) so I am going to be changing the format of this story as well as making it better, please bear with me as I go through this, lengthening chapters etc. Thanks guys

~ mysecret_mindplace
