
Ah, if it isn't my favourite students."

Harry smiled at his all time favourite professor.

Professor McGonagall was a Scottish woman who'd been teaching transfiguration for years. It was quite obvious she favoured her two students more than anyone.

"Hello professor. How're you?" Alice asked. Her mask of pure innocence was in overdrive and she looked like a little angel. While she looked calm, on the inside she was cursing her brother to hell.

"I'm well. Now, today we're going to learn about-." Alice cut her off, coughing awkwardly.

"Er, professor.... I have a few questions that aren't exactly school related." Alice mumbled, her cheeks turning pink.

McGonagall sighed but smiled none the less. "Yes child?" She asked. Her stern teaching façade disappearing in an instant as she looked at her favourite students.

"I um, well ah, some girls in my d-dorm were talking about the 'girl talk' and I- I didn't know what it was. T-they all seemed really surprised I d-didn't." Alice stuttered out, cursing her brother in her mind."

McGonagall sighed but smiled. "Well I could help if you want?" At Alice's nod she turned to Harry. "Why don't you go wait in my personal quarters and work on page 89? The password is lions."

Harry couldn't believe his luck! This was going to be so much easier! "Alright professor."

He winked at Alice before sauntering towards the tapestry that lead to McGonagalls chambers.
Harry looked at his long list of possible names of Nicholas's house. He's tried complicated Latin names, Welsh, and even some German but nothing had worked. He was on the last name on the list that was more wishful thinking. Flamel household.

Throwing more green powder into the roaring fire, he stepped in and whisper- yelled "Flamel household!"

For the first time that night he felt the familiar swooping sensation and he was spinning quickly towards an unknown destination.
This is so short whoops
