
Damn, I got Dumbledore again. I have eight of him. Here, you have him." Ron tossed Harry the Wizard's chocolate frog card before returning to eating his Christmas candy stash.

Harry glanced at the card intrigued. He didn't know much about the Headmaster, other than what others had told him of course. And what better way to practice his reading skills than to read the card? McGonagall would be pleased if even understood most of it as a bonus.

As he skimmed over the card two words stood out agaisnt the rest.

'....His partner Nicolas Flamel.....'

"Hey Ron. Do you know about Nicolas Flamel?" Harry asked. He forced his voice to sound neutral, slightly questioning if anything.

"Yah, Charlie was obsessed with him for a few years. Some old Alchemist. He created the Philosophers Stone with Dumbledore years ago. The stone creates the elixir of life. You become immortal. Not to mention it turns any metal into solid gold. Old Nic lives with his wife somewhere in Whales. Has for at least four hundred years."
"Alice, I need a way to get to Whales."

"Harry you're crazy! Your plan is to find a- oh what's the expression - a bullet in haystack?" She asked. She was staring at her brother as if he was crazy. "You want me to distract McGonagall during our lesson so you can sneak into her own room, use her floo and zoom off to Whales to find some 600 year old man?"

"Yes. I need to know if he's hiding the Stone here."

Alice sighed. Sometimes she wondered how bad he was affected by their life. "Harry, why, why on earth do you need to know?"

Harry bit his lip awkwardly looking away. As good as he was at lying to other people, he couldn't do it to Alice.

"I saw Snape on the Forbidden corridor a while ago. His leg was all messed up and he was limping for weeks after. I think it was that Dog."

"And you didn't tell me? And don't you say you forgot because we both know you didn't!" Alice was obviously not happy with her brother.

"I didn't want to involve you right away Ali! Besides I barley had any proof. What was the point?"

Alice opened her mouth before closing it again. Something in Harry's story wasn't adding up.

"Why do you even suspect it's this stone? It could be anything really." Alice bore her hazel eyes into Harry's green ones with a ferocity that even she didn't know she possessed.

Harry looked down, scuffing his old shoes on the ground. "I heard the teachers talking about the 'stone'." He said, adding quotation marks around the word stone. "They were talking about obstacles and the giant dog. The just said the Philosophers Ph-il-o-os-i-ph-phers but I'm thinking they were just talking about the stone."

Alice sighed, staring at her brother. "And what does this have to do with us? I mean honestly Harry. If Snape steals the stone, he gets fired and all is good."

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "C'mon Ali. Please?"

He knew Alice couldn't win against his puppy dog face. And as expected, five seconds later Alice screamed in frustration. "Fine! But if we get expelled it's on you!"
Drones by Muse just came on the TV yess

Okay Hi! TD is close to being done ahhhhh!! So this is a new chapter. 20 whole chapters! Wow cool. So yah! Hope you enjoyed!
