
Harry had never liked the floo. Not at all. And being thrown from a fire place at a very fast pace had him sprawling on the floor of a small cottage.

"Hello?" He called, suddenly feeling very awkward as he stood up, brushing soot from his shirt. "Uh, Mr. Flamel?"

An audible thump came from the upstairs of the cottage and within seconds a young looking couple holding wands appeared in the space between the stairs at the kitchen where Harry was.

"Who are you?" The woman demanded. She had long golden hair and bright blue eyes that were currently glaring at him.

"Um. Hi. My name's Harry Potter. I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the Stone."

The woman's wand drooped slightly before she steadied it again.

"How do I know you're Harry Potter? Show me your scar."

Hesitantly Harry lifted his now overly long fringe to reveal the thin pale scar on his fore head.

The man looked at the woman, his eyebrows furrowed as they seemed to have a wordless conversation.

Finally the woman turned back to Harry, a small smile on her painted red lips. "Hullo Harry. I'm your godmother, Penny."
What seemed like hours later Harry stumbled back through the fireplace and back into the warmth of McGonagall's private chambers. Landing on his face as usual.

"Mr. Potter! Now what on earth were you doing using my floo without permission! Favourite student or not it's simply not permitted! If school were still in session you'd have a whole year of detention!" McGonagall looked absolutely enraged. Her usually perfectly kept bun was undone and her robes wrinkly.

"I'm sorry professor but you've got to listen to me. Someone is trying to steal the p-pho-lo-s-si-ph-ph-e-rs stone!" Harry cried stumbling over the new word. "I think it might be Snape but I don't know now. He has no use for it unless he wants to become immortal."

If McGonagall's shocked face was anything to go by, he wasn't supposed to know about the stone.

"I don't know how you found out about the stone but I assure you it's well protected. And Mr. Snape has resigned his teaching position here at Hogwarts to become a private potions master." McGonagall was shocked. She knew the child was smart, but this? It was nearly unbelievable.

"But professor. I'm sure sure of it! Maybe Snape is working for someone? Please professor. Just watch the staff okay? Watch them closely."

McGonagall sighed. "I'll see you next week. Good night Mr. Potter."

Harry let out a slow, frustrated breath but nodded anyways. "Alright. G'night professor."
