
"Harry I know what you're going to do and you can't. You simply can't!" Hermione half yelled staring at her best friend. "It's being guarded by a giant three headed dog and who knows what else. It's a suicide mission."

Harry shrugged. "I need to do it. You wouldn't understand Mione. I know you mean well but this is something I need to do. If Quirrell gets the stone, we're all dead."

Of course neither of them really understood what he meant. They hadn't been with him at the Flamels. Maybe it was time to tell them
- "There is not only a block on emotions child, but a small piece of evil resides inside your head. We must remove it before you are 13 years of age. But we must evaluate your sister as well. Until we do, we can do nothing for you."-

- "We were testing Dumbledore and his judgement skills and we were meant to give him a fake stone, but he got the true stone. We can not get it back and we are now certain of our death."-

- " It is a dilemma isn't it. We need to remove the evil from your head, but we'll be dead before we'll be able to."-

-"Saving the stone would fix the problem. Seeing as we can't exactly tell Dumbledore we want to the stone back."-

-" Do not bother child. Only one as evil and brilliant as Voldemort could access the stone. "
"So Alice decided she would stay back and be my on the spot assistant using these hand held mirror communicators so she could have access to all the books I might need, and I would go in."

As if without a second thought both of his friends nodded. "Good. So when are we going?" Ron asked, thinking about all the different situations that were awaiting them.

"Tonight- wait. We? No no no no no. You are NOT coming with me."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Don't be thick. You'll die without us. Now off with you. You have Quidditch practice and Ron and I have some studying to do."

Leaving now room for further discussion, Hermione and Ron turned away leaving a shocked Harry behind.
Stumbling in after Quidditch practice covered in dirt and snow, the Quidditch team was sour. Oliver Wood, the captain, was crazy. Their next game was against Hufflepuff and they would continue to the finals. ((See next chapter entitled Quidditch and more)).

"No Oliver!" Katie Bell, a chaser on the team, yelled. "We all need a break! I mean look at Harry! He took a bludger to the stomach durring practice and you wouldn't let him quit until he got the snitch! Fred nearly dislocated his shoulder with your new beater techniques and Alica, Angelina and I are totally loosing our zen with you screaming at us the entire time! We need a break tomorrow. Let us go to Hogsmead and relax for a day."

Oliver had demanded they have a Quidditch practice the next day durring a Hogsmead weekend. Katie had lost her cool and was now in a towering rage. She was not giving up her Hogsmead weekend AND first date with a cute Ravenclaw named Zach.

"Fine! But if we lose to Hufflepuff don't come complaining to me!" Oliver yelled storming up into his dorm room.

Harry rolled his eyes at the dramatics of his team mates. He bid them goodbye before hurrying up the stairs to his room to take a well deserved nap.
Harry had always felt that his dorm at Hogwarts was very comfortable and unique. Each boy had personalized part of their rooms to show their personalities.

Ron had posters of his favourite Quidditch team the Chuddly Cannons and pictures of his family were tacked up on the wall. There was even one of him and Harry leaning agaisnt each other, him explaining something about Chess. His bed was unmade and socks, pants, shirts and ties laid everywhere in an absolute mess.

Neville's was a bit plain, and much tidier than Ron's. There was a small potted plant next to his bed, pictures of different places in the world were tacked up and a framed photo of two people he guessed were his parents sat on his bedside.

Dean had posters of his favourite Football team, pictures of a smiling woman and a two girls all with dark skin and curly hair. His area of the room was pretty messy but not as bad as Ron and Seamus.

Seamus was the messiest our of all of them. His clothes were everywhere, random pages from books and photos were randomly pinned to wall. The only part of his area that was neat were drawings that Dean had done that were perfectly pinned to the wall above his bed.

Harry was what Hermione called "adorably cluttered". He had random pens, papers, drawings and charcoal scattered on his desk. Photos of him, Ron and Hermione were pinned to the left of his bed, on the right were pictures of Alice, a dried Lily and a drawing of a stags horns. When he'd asked Molly about what he could do for his dad, she'd told him about his dad's love of Stags. He believed that they brought him good luck. His bed was half made and three books had been on his pillow. His trunk was closed tight and locked keeping his little possession safe.

On his half made bed, Ron and Hermione were sprawled out on their stomachs, two of the three books were in their hands. Hermione's crazy hair was in a messy bun, a muggle pen shoved through it and Ron's hair was messier than normal and he had ink on his cheek.

"Um. Hello."

His two friends looked up startled. "Harry! Quidditch practice was supposed to end an hour ago! What happened?" Ron asked. He was currently holding the book "fungus and plants: a novel".

"Oliver happened that's what. I got hit in the stomach with a bludger and he wouldn't let me quit until I got the snitch. So the whole group went to the hospital wing because Fred and I were both hurt and the rest needed pepper up potion. It was freezing out there." Harry complained falling into Ron's bed ignoring his protests.

Hermione scrunched up her nose in disgust. "You go bathe. Alice should be back any minute with some new books and we need your little brain to help."

Harry rolled his eyes but walked into the adjoined bathroom none the less.
