0.4 (EDITED)

When they arrived at Molly's house Harry couldn't help but gasp. It was messy, crowded and exactly what a house should be. Not like the Dursleys, where everything was neat and tidy (thanks to them.) But like this, where there were sweaters on the back of chairs and some plates in the sink that had yet to be washed.

This, was house that belonged to a family.

"Its not much." Ron, the youngest boy who was Alice and Harry's age said, his cheeks staining red as he looked around the house, an odd sort of pride in his eyes. "But it's home."

"Its brilliant." Harry whispered. He didn't want to move in fear of this amazing dream to end.

He wasn't sure what it was about these people but he knew that in time, he would be able trust them with almost anything.

"C'mon. I'll show you my room. That's where you'll be staying." Ron said suddenly enthusiastic, excited that people his own age would be around the house for once. "Then mum says you can have a shower before supper, you can borrow some of my clothes, she wants to wash yours."

For once Harry and Alice could be somewhat normal kids, as normal as being magical could be anyways.

Harry took all but one of his daggers and knives out of his trench coat and boots and gave them to Fred, he wouldn't need them anymore, he wasn't on the streets, he was in a house, a home.

"PUT THOSE SOMEWHERE!" He yelled back at Fred as he ran after his new friend, a rare smile gracing his features, making him seem more his age.

Alice gave hers to George, she was desperate to ask Ginny how she got her hair so soft looking and shinny, her greasy hair was making her feel disgusting.

"What do I do with these?" George asked.

"Kill a chicken! I don't care!" Alice yelled as she followed Ginny up to her room, running a distracted hand through her hair, grimacing at how gross it felt.

For the first time she had a friend who could teach her about how to be a girl and not how to survive on a meal a week.

Her brother had done so much for her, almost getting himself killed to protect her. But while he was easily the best brother ever, she never got to do anything child like with him. She'd never stole his toys, or put gum in his hair. She'd never cried because he'd taken her doll or laughed at him when she got her way and he didn't.

And she never would. But now she could do her hair and have fake fashion shows and play with dolls (if Ginny let her of course).

She could be a kid for the first time in her life.


Harry woke up in the now familiar bed with a smile on his face.

It was his and Alice's eleventh birthday. For the first time since he was a year old, he was having a (albeit small) birthday party. He might even get some presents.

For the first time in years, Harry was looking forward to his birthday.

Harry and Alice had been fretting that they weren't magical and that Molly and Arthur were going to return them to the streets ever since the excitement of not living on  . Despite their constant assurances that their names were already on the list for Hogwarts, neither had been able to shake the sliver of doubt that had buried itself in their minds.

When they'd received their letters no more than a week ago, both of their faces had lite up in happiness, they were going to learn magic. They were going to walk in the same places as their parents.

Suddenly someone, two someone's actually, jumped on his stomach, effectively pulling him from his thoughts.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!" Both Ron and Ginny yelled, their red hair clashing horribly with the orange of Ron's room and roof.

Harry struggled to sit up under the weight of the two youngest Weasley's, a small smile finding its way onto his face.

"Thanks guys! Where's Alice?" He asked, giving up on sitting up and choosing to just lay down again and stare at the two Weasley's. While the Weasley all shared the same red hair, almost each had a different eye colour. Ron's were and icy blue while Ginny's were a dark brown like chocolate.

They just smirked as a loud scream came from a floor or two down, most likely from Ginny and Alice's shared room.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FAT LUGS!" Alice's voice came floating up the stairs, and she sounded beyond pissed


Harry couldn't help but laugh as he became aware of his sisters situation. If Ron and Ginny had woken him up by jumping on him, Fred and George must have done the same to Alice.

It was a widely known fact that Fred fancied Alice but for once in his life time was to shy to say anything.

The only one who didn't seem to notice was the Potter girl.

Ron and Ginny both hopped off Harry, giving him a hand up? The three kids half ran down the stairs and poked their heads into Alice and Ginny's room.

"FRED! GEORGE! GET. OFF!" Alice screamed, thrashing around under the two boys.

"WHAT DO YOU TWO EAT!? BRICKS!?" She was getting extremely frustrated and, in a burst of energy shoved both boys off resulting in her falling onto Fred, her hands resting on his chest.

"Morning!" He said with a grin, his cheeks filling with color.

"Git." She groaned, rolling off of him, not bothering to get up off the floor.

Fred hoped that no one saw his face flame up as red as a tomato as he excused himself quickly.

He really needed a shower.


"Happy birthday!" Molly exclaimed hugging both Harry and Alice tightly, probably cracking a few of their ribs.

"Thanks Mrs. Weasley." They said in sync. Everyone at the table other than Fred and George rolled their eyes. Having one set of twins in the house was as weird as it was with their whole "twin telepathy" thing, but two was just absurd.

"Hagrid will come by tomorrow, professor Dumbledore wants you to go get your school supplies with him, alright?" Molly said, looking at both of them carefully. She didn't understand why the two couldn't just go with the rest of the Weasley's shopping, but Dumbledore had been dead set that they go with the friendly half giant.

Harry grimaced as he remembered the last time he'd met the old professor. It had ended with him throwing a knife at his head.

"That's alright Mrs. Weasley. " Alice answered smiling, answering for both of them.

Molly smiled and shooed them both towards the table, ordering them to eat as much fiid as they could, they were still far too skinny

Harry smiled happily as Molly fussed over them in such a motherly manner, forgetting about senile old men and angry fat people and sat down in his regular spot next to Alice and Ron as he began to pile food onto his plate.

The day went by quickly with games of Quidditch and exploding snaps, wars of pranking and hours of swimming. With laughs and smiles and happy thoughts.

Harry and Alice were sure that this was the best birthday they would ever have.


After supper the Weasley family plus Alice and Harry sat at the table to enjoy a feast of chicken, turkey, beans, broccoli, bacon, Yorkshire pudding and potatoes and of course, Harry's favourite treacle tart.

When everyone had had their fill plus more, the presents were handed to the birthday twins.

Soon, everyone (mostly Ron) wad begging to see the cake that Molly had made (and then to eat it of course).

So once again, the large group sat down at the table, the lack of space not bothering anyone as they all sang happy birthday to Harry and Alice (at different times and tunes mind you) loudly.

Alice and Harry smiled and laughed, the blushes that covered their cheeks stood stark against their pale cheeks.

"Thanks guys!" Alice giggled,bher eyes shinning bright. This was the best birthday she could remember.

In front of both Harry and Alice was a giant vanilla cake with red icing with the words "HAPPY 11TH HARRY AND ALICE" in green and gold letters across the top. 14 enchanted Quidditch player figurines zoomed around the top of the cake, yelling things randomly like "Harry Birthday!" Or "Smelly feet!" (Thanks to Fred and George)

Ginny stood up from her seat and hugged Alice, saying happy birthday, a smile on her face.

Then, she turned to Harry and kissed his cheek lightly.

"Happy birthday." She said with a small, embarrassed smile, her cheeks staining red.

Harry's hand shot to his lip which he tugged at like he always did when he was nervous, a habit he'd picked up from his dad.

"Thanks." He said quietly, smiling at the girl.


The atmosphere at the burrow was happy and warm that night. Mugs of hot cocoa where drunk and cookies were eaten. Jokes were told and stories retold.

And when the clock on the mantel struck 12, everyone one bid the rest good night and the troop of 9 marched up the stairs to their respective bedrooms, stomachs full and minds void of bad thoughts.

Yes, Harry thought, he lived a privileged life.

(This one is probably my favourite chapter I've ever written. Sorry it's a bit late though. I had major writers block when I reached the part where Ginny and Ron wake Harry up. Well, I hope you enjoy this much longer chapter!)
