0.9 (EDITED)

"Harry Potter."

A mummer went through the hall at the sound of Harry's name. A few Slytherins glared at him as he walked awkwardly towards the three legged stool with thew old wizards hat that sat on it.

The old hat was placed on his head, the brim slipping down over his eyes. For a few seconds, nothing happened. The entire school was staring at him and the hat wasn't doing anything.

"Harry Potter, eh?" Harry jumped at the voice, looking around wildly for the threat. He suddenly realised that the voice was in his head. It was the hat!

"Hmm... Interesting. Very interesting indeed. Very courageous, ambitious, loyal, sneaky, smart. I could truly, put you anywhere." The hat murmured,it's voice was rough, as if he hadn't spoken in many years.

"Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin." Harry chanted under his breath, the last thing he wanted was to share a dorm with blondy and have Ron hate him. Besides, if he ended up in the snake house everyone would think he was the next dark lord or something.

"Not Slytherin eh?" The hat grunted. "Better be GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled the last word out loud, letting everyone else know he was a Gryffindor.

Harry smiled slightly before hurrying to sit at the Gryffindor table where Fred and George were chanting "We got Potter!" Over and over again while they danced in the aisle.

"Alice Potter."

Alice walked quickly up to the stool and sat down quickly, sitting oddly on her bright red hair which was in a high pony tail. Harry would never understand his sister and her love of hair.

The hat seemed to take even longer on her than Harry. Almost a whole five minutes later, a rip opened in the brim of the hat. "GRYFFINDOR!"

Harry sagged in relief. He and Alice were so alike, what if the hat had wanted to out her into that bloody snake house? That would have been absolutely horrible.

To all of their pleasure, Ron was also sorted into Gryffindor and, to Ron's displeasure, so was that Hermione girl.

The other new Gryffindor boys were Dean Thomas, a thought to be muggleborn, Neville Longbottom a pureblood with a bad memory and Seamus Finnegan, an Irish half blood who wouldn't stop talking.

For girls there was Hermione Granger, the bosy bucktoothed muggleborn from the train, Lavender Brown, an already busty half blood, Padma Patil a half blood with a twin in Ravenclaw and Max Light, a quite pureblood who was an orpahn were all in Gryffindor with Alice.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry!" Dumbledor exclaimed, his eyes twinkling.  "A special welcome to our new students! Please keep in mind that the Forbidden Forest is called that for a reason! Also, the third floor corridor is off limits! And remeber, no magic in the hallways! Failure to comply with the rules will result in detention, expulsion or in some cases, death! Now, enjoy your feast!"

Dumbledore clapped his hands and mounds and mounds of food filled then tables. Every food Harry had every wanted was piled in heaps on the tables. Chatter broke out amongst the tables as everyone piled heaps of food onto their plates.

Harry smiled at Alice before he began to eat a small dinner, after years of bot eating much food (if any) they couldn't eat much or they'd get sick to their stomachs.

When desert came, all Harry had was cookie and a small class of pumpkin juice. He couldn't help but laugh as Ron stuffed his face with every cake that was near him, completely ignoring the looks of disgust Hermione was giving him.

"What?" Ron asked as cake flew across the table, hitting Hermione with bits of chocolate cake.

"Urgh! Do you have any manner!?" She demanded, wiping the cake bits off her pale, lightly freckled face.

Harry, Alice, Fred & George all answered at the same time.

