
Today was Harry's first Quidditch game and he was terrified, but not as terrified as Alice it seemed. Alice, who had begun to read up on Quidditch with Hermione's help, and found out how dangerous the game was.

"Maybe you should sit this game out, you've never even seen a real game." Alice was trying to convince Harry -who was beginning to feel sick thinking about the game- to sit his game out.

"No! I'll be fine. Besides I've played a bunch of times at the burrow."

"Four feet off the ground!" Alice wailed, gaining the attention of others at the Gryffindor table.

"Alice, I'll be okay, okay? Nothing's going to happen."
Harry lay in the hospital wing, grinning at a furious Alice. "Well, I am a professional liar aren't I?"
Alice hated her brother sometimes. As much as she loved him, she hated him. She could fake being good with people, but she wasn't. Harry on the other hand was slowly getting better with people and had a few good friends.

She was spending the day brooding in the library(again). This time over the fact that Harry, Ron and Hermione were off exploring again. They'd invited her along of course, but she felt as though she was interrupting their time together. She only ever really talked to Harry, and maybe Ron, but she knew she made them feel awkward so she tried to stay away as much as possible.

"Excuse me, but your blocking the shelf."

Alice looked up sharply to see Max Light, a girl in her dormitory staring at her. She had mocha coloured skin, her thick black rimmed glasses sat on her head and her curly black hair was twisted up in a knot on top of her head and a pile of books floated behind her, following her as she moved.

"Sorry." She mumbled, stepping aside, looking down. For some reason she wanted to cry. Was she just always in the way? Is that how Harry saw her? Did everyone see her like that?

"Hey, Alice, you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Max's voice was filled with sympathy, and for once, Alice wanted it. And damnit it all to hell if she didn't get it.

"No, I'm not! My brother hates me, he has friends, I don't! He spends his weekends ex-exploring and I spend them alone in the library reading textbooks!" Her face was probably red and blotchy, her eyes puffing, not unlike a crack head named Ed that she used to know.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't have any friends either. But, um, we could be friends?" Max sounded a little awkward, if not hopeful.

Alive couldn't help but smile. "Yah, yah I'd like that. S-sorry I blew up there though, I'm usually not so emotional."

Before Max could answer, Madame Pince, the cranky old librarian, came over and snapped at them for being too loud. The two girls quickly apologised and hurried to leave the library, Max's floating books still following them.
Hello Wattpaders, so here is a new chapter. Hope you liked it!
