Bongbong came home earlier than Leni,he is sitting at the couch scrolling through his instagram account when he suddenly saw Cong. Miro Quimbo's comment on Leni's picture. He stalked his girlfriend's account only to see that in almost every picture of Leni,Miro has his comments and they call each other "boss". He didn't know that they are close to each other. He didn't know Miro personally. He started to feel jealous 😒!

"Mahal!" Leni finally came home. She went to her boyfriend who is currently watching news. She back hugged him and kiss his cheeks. Bongbong didn't react that much,looks like he is too serious watching tv. Leni went to the front and sit beside him,hugged him and leaned her head to his shoulders. "Mahal?" She looked up. Bongbong didn't utter any word. Leni sensed that something is wrong,she sat on his lap(facing him),cupped his face and made him look at her. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." He replied coldly and went back watching tv. By the way he said it,she knew something is wrong. She didn't believe him. "Hmm... Common Mahal tell what's wrong." She demanded. He sighed and finally looked straight to her eyes. "You didn't tell me that you and Cong. Miro are close friends pala?" She frown. "O! What about it?" She's not getting his point. He sighed again. "I saw his comments in your pictures on ig. You look very close. And you called each other "BOSS"?! She finally got where he was coming from.

Miro is one of her closest friends when she was still in congress. They've had a lot of projects together. They supported each other's programs in their respective districts. They even came to the same party that's why it's not inevitable that they became close friends,besides Miro is NOT the only friend she has,she's also very close to other Congressmen.

She sighed. "Mahal,Miro and I are just friends. Okay?" She replied aiming to relieve him. "Are you really that close that you even called each other "BOSS"!? He looked away. "You even replied to his comments,"BOSS"! He continued to emphasize the word "boss". Leni knew that he was seriously jealous about it. She didn't want to fight with him. "Mahal..." She made him looked at her." I'm sorry,okay? Wag kanang magalit. Friends lang talaga kami. We came from the same party diba? We're partners in a lot of projects with other congressmen kasi before that's why we're close ngayon." She explained while caressing his cheeks with her thumb. He didn't utter any word. He just looked at her. "Uy! Mahal. Sorry na kase... Wala naman yon eh. Wag kana magselos." She said stroking his hair and forehead. "Promise I won't reply na to his comments." She raised her right hand. "Hmm. Promise?" He finally replied. She smiled." Yes! Mr. Senator, that's a promise." She confirmed.

He looks at her. By just looking at her eyes he can say that she's saying the truth. He nods and smiled at her. Seeing him smiled at her made Leni feel relieved 😌. She smiled and hug him. "Sorry na ha? I love you 💕."

"I love you too,Mahal" He said after breaking off from the hug. "Hmm... Ang baby ko,masyadong seloso!" She said while initiated a nose-to-nose. He smiled. "I'm sorry 😐" He said and kissed her forehead. She kissed him in the lips 👄 and give him her sweetest smile. He patted her thighs signaling her to stand up. "Sige na Mahal. Magbihis ka na muna." She smiled. She stands up and walk towards their bedroom. "Mahal!" He called her. She turned to him and raise her eyebrows. "One more thing,can you please stop calling him boss?" He asked in a gentle manner. She smirked. "If that's what you want Mahal." She smiled. "Thank you, Mahal." He smiled back.

After changing her clothes,Leni joined Bongbong in watching the news. They talk about what happened during the entire day while cuddling and exchanging some playful kisses 😘.

They love each other very much. They made sure that they have time for each other despite their busy schedules. They try their best to come home early to spend more time with each other. If there are some instances that one of them need to attend important matters that requires to travel abroad,they see to it that they call and text each other. And see each other using FaceTime or skype.

And if there are arguments and fights like that,they made sure that they discuss about it. They avoid making decisions when they are mad or angry with each other. They believe that love is not enough for a relationship to grow and continue,it needs communication and trust to each other.

