he's so cute omg

kelseys pov
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| tuesday february 14 6:32 PM |

"wow" jack says when i open up the front door. i check him out and smile at his outfit. "you look great" we both say at the same time making us laugh a little. he holds out his hand waiting for me to take it, when i clasp my hand ont his he guides me to the car and opens up my door for me.

"m'lady" he says making me laugh at him. "you're such a dork" i say smiling as i shake my head. It seems like there's never a dull moment between us. yes we fight but i wouldn't want to go through the stuff we do with anyone else. the past few months i've gotten to know him so well and i can only thank sahar for that. This was a gift that i can't thank her enough for.

"so what are our plans for tonight?" i ask since he never told me them. "just wait and see, we'll be there in like five minutes" he says looking over at me as he places his hand on my thigh. "you really do look amazing though" he says. my face starts to heat up and butterflies start to form in my stomach. The same feeling he gave me back in november when he does the littlest things still happens.
"thank you" i smile

soon we were pulling into his drive way, no body seemed to be home. "let me get your door for you" he says holding up his index finger as he quickly gets out and runs over to my side to open the door. when he was in front of the car i decide it's finally time for payback for all the times he's scared me and i honk the horn. he jumps making me laugh really hard. "wow, this is the thanks i get" he teases and i shrug as i get out of the car. i rest my linked hands on the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss which he smiles in. when he smiles into our kisses it makes me go insane. he's actually perfect.

"nope, that was" i say and he smiles again. "come on" he says taking my hand and guiding me into his house. when we walk in i immediately smile as i see the coffee table.

it was all simple but it was the cutest and sweetest thing anyone's done for me. it had a red sheet over it with white rose petals and a candle in between two plates. on the table sat two boxes of pizza hut that had a folded piece of paper, his controllers, and a hershey's triple chocolate brownie platter with two water bottles. "it's not mu-"

"jack it's perfect" i interrupt, still smiling at how nice this all was. "i'd actually prefer to stay in with you than go out and spend a bunch of money." i add and he smiles. "so it's not bad?" he asks nervously, scratching the back of his head as he looks over at his work. "i love it"i say looking down at our linked hands and i start to pull him over to the coffee table.

"what's first on tonight's agenda" i say and he smiles. "well actually i'm kind of hungry so let's eat" he says and i nod as make my way over to one of the plates and take a seat. he opens the top box and places two slices down on my plate then opens the box under it and places two on his. "I don't completely like the idea of your spinach and mushroom pizza but i think i can live with it" he says taking a bite of his pepperoni slice. i laugh as i think about the time when he actually decided to try it and absolutely hated it.

"that's the grossest thing i've ever tried kelsey what the fuck"

"i think i can live with your basic pepperoni" i say playfully rolling my eyes.

i look over at a folded sheet of paper that was once on the pizza box and couldn't help but be eager to know what's in it. "what's that for?" i ask and he smiles nervously as he looks at it. "You'll find out" he says and i throw my head back. "promise?" i ask and he smiles as he holds out his pinkie finger. "pinkie" he tells me making me link our pinkies together and smile up at him.

"i really like all of this" i say before i take a bite of my pizza and look around at everything that he had put together. "I was scared you wouldn't like it..." he laughs making me want to melt. how can you hear his laugh and not want to fall into his arms and adore him.

"it's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me" i answer honestly making him smile. "Well in that case, cheers" he says holding up his water bottle. i do the same and we touch the top of our bottles with each other's and take a drink.

"do you want a piece" he asks after we've basically ate almost all of the pizza." "do i? hell yeah" i say and he laughs as he grabs the butter knife next to him and starts to cut us both a piece of it. "this is so good" i groan as i take a bite. "mom and dad are out of town so i somehow managed to get out of going with them. nate actually helped me think of the idea" he admits and i smile at how he went to his friends about something like this. most guys let their pride get in the way and don't do stuff like that. i'm glad jack did, it means a lot actually. "wait let me correct my self. nate gave me the idea of the pizza when i was telling him what i was thinking of doing" he says and i laugh. "He's so thoughtfull" i say taking another bite of my brownie.

he sighs nervously and reaches for the folded sheet of paper. "don't laugh...please" he says handing it to me. i furrow my eyebrows at him. "why would i laugh" i ask and he shrugs and looks away before looking back at me. "i've never done this before so i didn't know how else to do it"he says. his nervousness made the whole situation cuter and me even more eager to see what's inside.

i unfold the paper and see a bunch of writing written all over it instantly making me smile.

"dear kelsey,
i want to thank you for everything you've done for me ever since august. You have done nothing but support me in everything i've tried to do, even with out knowing how good or bad the outcome will be. you have been there for me a countless amount of times, even if i was being a jerk. you have made me smile so much, most times for no reason...just being with you makes me smile. you have made me laugh more than i thought i ever thought was possible and most of all you've let me be myself. in my opinion nothing says love like that. i don't really know if you feel the same but the past month this feeling has literally filled my entire body. you don't even have to be doing anything, you could just be reading or something and bam that feeling is still there. i remember when it first came, you were laughing at a horrible joke i said to try and impress you. I wasn't really quite sure what it was at first but i know what it is now and i know that it's meant to be. i can't help but think how great this actually is. all the movies you made me watch about this feeling is true and that's only one of the thousands of reasons why i love you.
                                          -love, jack."

this is what he meant by he's never done this before, he's never said i love you to someone he's dated. He did it in the best way he know how to...writing.

"i love you" he says out loud when i look up at him. a wide smile crosses my face and his as well when he sees mine. "jack i love you too"

last chapter:,( BUT read below for NEW BOOK details!!

- i'm thinking about writing a new book! i just need you're opinion on what and who it should be about. so comment what you think and i will try my best to write it!!-


i really hope you enjoyed this book and this chapter, even though it's the last one. I had no idea where or how i should end it but what better way than an i love you.
