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-kelsey's pov-

| friday, september 1 5:27 PM |

"someone's eager" i say teasing jack as we wait in line to give the worker our tickets. he looks down at me and laughs. "i've been waiting to go to a dodgers game for like 3 years. so yes i'm eager" he replied and i smile at how excited he was. "well i'm glad i could help" i say truthfully. he throws an arms over my shoulders and pulls him into me as he looks down to me. "thank you" he says sounding like he really meant it.

"Now i need to get something for you" he says still resting his right arm over my shoulders. "jack it was nothing, i had the tickets already." i say and he shakes his head. "yeah but this is a lot" he says looking around and i laugh a little. "it's a token for our friendship" i say and he smiles. "to us" he says pulling his phone out to take a picture on snapchat.

he shows me the picture to see if i approve of it and i nod. he adds it to his story putting his phone back in his pocket as we move up in line to give the woman our tickets. "enjoy the game!" she says as we walk away and smile at her.

we go to find our seats and we watch them warm up by throwing the ball around and stuff like that.

"so i've been thinking maybe you should meet my parents now that they know of you" i say after about ten minutes of us sitting and watching the players. "did she ever tell you how she knew" he asks and i shake my head no. "she never told me" i answer and he laughs. "well i can sometime this weekend if you want me to?" he suggests and i nod. "we can't tell them we're dating or whatever yet. maybe we could just say we're working on it so when we are done with the plan they won't take it as hard... i don't know" i correct my self and he nods again. "no that sounds like a good idea, but my moms already asking me to have you over again to get to know you more" he says looking over at me making me smile as i remember the events that happened that day. it was the most fun i've had in a while with no drama and no thoughts of froy. I smile even wider knowing his mom likes me and didn't think bad of me.

"She's so sweet" i tell him and he smiles "sweetest woman i know" he adds looking back over at the players. "Do you want something to eat?" he asks looking over at me then to the caterer walking around with all kind of foods.

"let's get cotton candy" i suggest and he calls the man over and buys us a large bag of cotton candy. i pull out my wallet to help him pay but he's already handing the guy the money needed for it. "jack i could have helped" i say looking over at him, starting to feel bad that i couldn't. "it was nothing kelsey" he says handing me the bag. i open it up and take a piece and place it in my mouth. "want some?" i ask making him open his mouth as if he was waiting for me to put it in there.

i laugh at him as he waits and open up my snapchat to take a video. i start to place it in his mouth laughing the whole time. "you're such a child" i say ending the video. i post it on my story so jack wasn't the only one who had something on there of us and grab another piece.


"sammy said he's not friends with you anymore now that you invited me instead of him" jack laughs showing me sammy's snapchats i chuckle and take jack's phone away and took a picture of jack and i. i typed out 'fake boyfriends only, srry love' and send it to him making jack laugh at me.

"Hey man look" the guy next to jack says lightly hitting his shoulder as he points to the billboard with us on it labeled kiss cam. jack and i laugh as the people around us start to cheer us on. jack puts his arm around my shoulder then leans in and kisses my cheek giving the camera a cheeky smile and thumbs up like he just scored making me laugh even harder. "i didn't know if we were up for that" he says and i nod agreeing as we watch the camera on the various couples it landed on making me think how lucky they are to be happy like that.

"me either" i say in agreement. he reaches over to grab some cotton candy out of the bag offering it to me. i open my mouth like he had before and wait for him to give it to me but right before it reaches my mouth he shoves it in his and smiles at me. "oops" he says innocently.

"you're such a tease" i say playfully rolling my eyes and he raises his eyebrows. "oh i'm a tease?" he asks motioning down to my somewhat low cut shirt making me laugh.
"no that's just you being a boy." i retort pulling my shirt up making him laugh. "do you want my shirt?" he asks taking off his unbuttoned dodgers jersey that he was wearing over a white t shirt. i shrug as he hands it to me and put it on.

"this is huge on me" i say when it's on and situated. "it doesn't look bad though" he says shrugging and holding a small smile. "i hope not" i say and he laughs. "i wouldn't lie to you" he says making his smile grow bigger, looking me in my eyes for a brief second then focusing on the game. "we're going to win" he says glancing up at the score board to see that the score was eleven to nine and we were up to bat last.

"i'm going for the yankees" i say trying not to laugh when i see his facial expression. "give me my jersey back" he says in all seriousness, sitting up as he sets his elbows on his knees and turns his head in my direction. i start to laugh not being able to hold it back anymore and he looks at me furrowing his eyebrows like he didn't understand why i was laughing. "jack i'm kidding" i say and he smirks leaning back to how he was before he sat up. "you just want to wear my jersey" he says shrugging like it was simple. "damn it you caught me!" i say sarcastically and he laughs refocusing on the game.

"hell yeah" jack says standing up cheering when the game was over since we had won. i smile and he looks over at me motioning for me to stand up with him i shake my head and laugh at how excited he was. this was the happiest i've seen him the past two weeks and honestly it wasn't a bad sight.

he takes a step towards me pulling me up with him. "victory piggy back ride" he says turning around waiting for me to get on his back. "jack i'm going to be too heavy" i say making him turn around and give me a look of disbelief. "don't say that" he says turning back around still waiting. i grab our bag of cotton candy and jump on his back and he begins to walk back to the car.


"thank you, i really enjoyed it" he says as he pulls into my drive way parking his car. "it was nothing i'm glad you came with me. Lord knows sahar wouldn't have" i say thinking about what sahar would say if i had asked her to go to a sport event with me. "well i'm glad you asked" he says as i unbuckle and get out of he car. "oh i almost forgot" i say starting to slide his jersey off and he shakes his head. "no i've got more, keep it you can wear it next time" he says and i smile. "who says i'm going with you again, after all there is always sammy" i tease sarcastically and he shakes his head smiling. "goodnight kelsey" he sighs pretending to be hurt and i laugh lightly. "goodnight jack" i say shutting the door and walk indside ready to go to bed from how tired i was.

"was that the boy your mom was talking about being over the other night" my dad says from the living room making me jump from me not expecting him to be there this late. i look over at my mom smiling to her self as she looked down at the book she's been reading a lot lately. "um yeah..jack" i say and my mom looks up. "so this is the boys name huh" she teases. "are you and jack dating now?" she asks curiously and i shake my head. "as of now we're just friends" i inform them and she nods looking up from her book and right at me. "next time you have him over with out us knowing make sure you guys don't laugh so loud" she says raising her eyebrows and relief flows through out me knowing they didn't go into my room to see us asleep on the same bed. even though we weren't cuddling or anything like that i wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea. "yes ma'am" i say as my dad laughs. "jack as in the boy that was over with sahar after you and froy broke up?" my dad asks beginning to become more interested in the conversation. "yes" i nod and he nods along with me. "He's a nice boy, making sure your okay in a time like that" my dad says and i smile. "yes, very nice" i say and begin to walk over to the stairs to head up to my bed room.

thank u for reading! keep voting and commenting!
