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-kelsey's pov-

| saturday september 9 3:19 PM |

"give me my phone sammy" sahar says glaring at him from across the table. "you guys are like kids i swear" stassie says grabbing sahars phone from sammy and handing it to her. "now find what you want to eat" stassie directs them as sam leans back and puts his arm around her.

"babe what are you getting?" jack asks placing his hand on my thigh but takes it off quickly. "babe?" i ask raising my eyebrows surprised he had said it. johnson holds the same look at he glances between jack and i a couple times.

"it. i...i just figured that." "its okay" i say laughing at him trying to explain himself but failed miserably at it. "How cute" stassie says in awe. everyone looks at her and shakes their head. We really should tell her the secret to make her stop thinking it's all real but we'd rather just keep it as us four. "sorry" jack says lowly once everyone takes their focus off of us. "i just wasn't expecting you to call me that" i say biting the inside of my cheeks.

it's been a couple weeks since someone's called me that so i was taken off guard, like everyone else was, when he called me babe.

"me either it kind of just slipped" he whispered so johnson wouldn't hear but i'm sure he was listening to us anyways. "so i'm babe material now" i tease him and he shrugs. "don't get too full of yourself now" he retorts taking a drink of his dr pepper.

"but to answer your question, i'm getting the lasagna" i say looking over at him as i set my menu down in front of me. "you just want to share?" he asks, we had already ate before they thought of an idea to come here for his birthday dinner for just us,so me him and sahar weren't very hungry. "sounds good" i say and he nods.

"oh god" sahar says from next to me as she looks up towards the entrance of the door. following her gaze my eyes meet froy making me heart beat speed up due to nervousness.

trailing behind him was a girl named Tori, not Cindy. He ruined a two year relationship for nothing, seems like they didn't last as long as he had hoped.

he smirks as he snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her closer into him, whispering something in her ear. It didn't bother me as much i thought it would. I feel like i'm starting to finally get over the thought of us. Getting over him wasn't that hard...it was the thought of us and all of our memories we shared, that was the hardest part.

jack places his hand on my thigh and doesn't take it back this time. "just ignore him" he says into my ear like froy had to her.

the waiter comes over to order our food and refill our drinks making me take my eyes off of froy and tori. i hadn't realized i was still staring at them so i'm glad he came when he did.

"come to the bathroom with me" sahar says standing up. i get up and follow her through the maze of tables and to the bathroom.

"jack definitely slipped up" she laughs as she checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she looks good. "i know i wasn't expecting it" i say walking over next to her to do the same. she takes her pointer fingers and wipes them under her lower lash line to get off the mascara that was smudged.

"just actually date" she suggests. i pull my eyebrows together and look at her letting out one high pitched laugh. "we're just friends sahar"

"seriously we haven't even done anything with each other" i clarify and she looks up at me through her lashes. "other than that kiss at johnson's pool party last month" she reminds me.

"that was to get paige to stop pressing us" i say being honest. jack and i haven't brought it up ever since it happened. We both agreed it was nothing, because it was. She's making something out of nothing.

"speaking of paige are her and johnson still
hooking up or whatever?" she asks curiously grabbing the handle to the door, swinging it open. "i don't know, i'll ask" i say and she nods and we head back to our table.

"hey johnson, where's paige?" i ask after our food came so it wasn't obvious that sahar had been talking about him. "her house is guess why?" he asks and i shrug. "just wondering i was thinking you guys weren't together anymore" i say taking a bite of my food as jack gives me a weird look, unsure of why i was questioning johnson.

"nah she got annoying" he says and sahar sighs placing her elbow on the table, then resting her chin on her fist. "that's such a shame" she says making it hard for me to hold in my laugh. she's the worst at trying to flirt, i've always enjoyed watching her attempt to do it. he looks over at her and nods. "no it was bound to happen anyways" he tells her, she nods keeping her eyes on him.

"what's going on" jack whispers to me while they continue the awkward tension filled conversation. "She likes him" i whisper back and he nods smiling. "we need to get them together then" he says as we start to listen in on their conversation more.

"sahar weren't you saying you wanted to go see that new 'us' 'movie earlier?" jack speaks up looking over at her and she nods. "i've been dying to see that movie" johnson tells her and she smiles. "we should go watch it sometime then?" she suggests making me smile.

my bff is growing up.

"sounds like a plan, we can tonight if you'd like. i'll buy" he says and she smiles even wider. "that's perfect"

they continue to talk and laugh making me and jack high five under the table.

"were best wing men anyone could have " i say making jack give me a hell yeah.

Thank u for the votes and comments! love u guys!
