kelseys pov
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| sunday february 5 3:27 PM |

"kelsey?" i hear a male voice say from behind me. I figured coming to the coffee shop down town would be a perfect place to study since it's been hectic at home because of the new baby and they're all caught up in that...but of course he'd be here at the same time as me and has to ruin the whole environment and great vibe i was feeling.

"what do you want derek?" i sigh turning around to face him. he gave me a slight smile making me furrow my eyebrows. "what?" i repeat my self throwing my head along with my words. "i didn't expect to see you here" he says and i raise my eyebrows. "that makes two of us" i say turning around to look back at my text book so i could continue to write down notes for the test coming up in english next week. jack and i need really good notes so we can pass this test. it's supposed to be the hardest one we've had yet.

"can we talk?" he asks me. i see him move to the chair across the table from the corner of my eyes making me mentally face palm. "there's nothing to talk about derek" i say and he sighs again. "yes about that night" he informs me and i look up at him waiting for him to speak as he takes a seat. I might as well listen to his dumb ass excuse while i'm here. what a way to make my smooth day go better.

"look i'm sorry. ok-" "no listen i'm going to just cut you off right there. i don't think you understand the depth of the situation you put yourself in derek" i laugh a little and he furrows his eyebrows. "what do you mean?" he asks and i dead pan in his direction, unable to speak. his stupidity has absolutely rendered me speechless. I figured he'd know everything since sam have him the run down.

"You literally used one of jacks insecurities to put him down derek. You stooped really low. Froy was my ex boyfriend. Not only did you call me his bitch... which is why jack beat your ass by the way incase you thought you had gotten to him by saying to slept with cindy...which is also a major let down from you to me. You lost all my respect and i honestly don't even know why you're even attempting to apologize" i say calmly then i take a sip of my dragon fruit drink knowing i had just hit him with nothing but the shit he needed to hear.

"i know i fucked up okay. i'm sorry. i miss our friendship kels and i miss hanging with the guys. they won't even talk to me anymore, i have to make this right." he says desperately. "You tried to hurt someone i cherish more than words can describe. This shitty ass apology you're trying to give off isn't going to get you off the hook because you think i'm going to pity you since 'the boys' aren't talking to you. They're holding it down for jack. what are you doing?" i press and he sighs, running his hands through his hair.


"no i've heard enough. i got what i needed to say out. thanks though" i say and look back down at my text book and proceed to pick up my pen to write down more notes.

"whatever" he scoffs and finally leaves me alone.

-jacks pov-

-y'all i'm convinced he's the finest man to walk this earth-
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| 9:01 PM |

i furrow my eyebrows as i read an article title that was posted a few hours ago.

'uprising star jack gilinsky's so called girlfriend found at local starbucks with another guy'

i tap the bolded article and it takes me to a website and shows a picture of kelsey and derek sitting at a table together. what the fuck.

'Kelsey calemime, Jack gilinsky's Girlfriend, was spotted earlier today at the local starbucks with a guy who looked to be around her age. They both had a drink and seemed to get into a heated argument that left the said boy to walk away in a clearly upsetting matter. What could the conversation have held? is it something more than what the eyes can see? stay tuned to Hotgossip for more!'

at the beginning of the small article i was tense and maybe even a little mad but as i read deeper into it i immediately knew what it was about. sam had said something about how derek should be apologizing to us soon. he just had to wait until i was away to man up and finally do it. i laugh a little to my self at how the article thinks they knew what happened.

"jack, you should so join me in the hot tub later" madison says taking A seat by me and placing her hand on my arm again. "i'm good" i say and she sighs. "lighten up some. it'll be fun" she says and i laugh a little. "look i have a girlfriend and i'm not really trying to mess up what we have going on... so i'm not trying to be rude but could you please ease up some" i ask and she scoffs. "you're seriously still with her after the article earlier?" she asks and i raise my eyebrows. "yes? i trust her and besides i already know what that was about so don't worry about me and her" i say starting to get defensive. "Whatever." she says rolling her eyes. "i'll just ask taylor" she says standing up.

thank goodness. it's about time she's left me alone. she's been doing nothing but nag and flirt all week and it was starting to get annoying.

hope you liked this chapter!

idk about it but oh well.

keep voting and commenting! this will probably be the last chapter i post tonight! i'll post more tmrw!
