kelseys pov
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| Thursday december 31 11:44 PM |

"she's got the fatter ass sam. hands down. there's no debating." nate says as sam and him both have one of their usual arguments over who's ass was fatter as they both stare at two girls asses across the party. sammy stares for a few minutes and looks over at me. "kelsey will end the debate. tell us kelseys who's ass is fatter??" he says as if he desperately needed my opinion. i sigh and turn around to look. taking a drink of my beer i examine them to be the good friend i am and end this feud. not only for them but for the sake of everyone else's around us.

"the brunette." i answer honestly and nate gasps. "fuck you" he says in my direction making me laugh. "jack tell her the blondes ass is fatter" nate says and jack raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. "no no no. i'm not a part of this" he laughs as he looks over at nate. "okay i'll let you win this one sammy." nate gives in and we all smile now that the argument is over. "okay now tell me this, ass or tits" sammy instigates making all of us groan. "we're gonna leave you to it" johnson says as we all stand up and leave sammy and nate to their endless arguments.

"let's hope the enter the new year leaving these arguments behind" sahar laughs as we look back in their direction to see them going at it for the fourth time tonight.

"they never run out of topics" i laugh as i watch sam clap his hands together as if he were proving a point. "i need another drink" i say to jack as i lookat my empty bottle. "i'll go with you" he says and innod as he takes my hand in his. "i can't believe it's already about to be new years. this year has flown by so fast" he admits like he was trying to take everything in. "It was going by slow then we started hanging out and it all went by fast from there" i join in and he nods. "that's actually the same way i feel" he laughs. he grabs another bottle for me and opens it for me since i never can.

"wow my knight in shining armor" i say sarcastically and he shrugs. "your hot ass knight in shining armor." he retorts and i shrug. "okay fine i'll give you th-" i say but instantly stop when i bump into someone, spilling a little bit of my beer on them. "i'm so sorry" i say and look up to meet eyes with cindy. instantly i roll my eyes. "Right" she deadpans looking down at her white shirt that had a little bit of a tanned color to it now. "jack get you're girlfriend in control, obviously she's jealous we ever had a thing. well before i got with her boyfriend" she smirks. you'd think it'd bother me but it didn't. at all.

i feel at peace with the whole thing like i had the past few months. this is the first time anyone's actually brought the situation up to me in a long time. 

"nobody asked for your input cindy" i say grabbing jacks hand and start to walk away to ignore the situation. i honestly didn't want to fight, i've had a wonderful day with everyone then she came along and had to put a dent into the day.

"don't let her get to you baby" jack says when we're away from her. i let out a sigh and look across the room to see she was still looking at us with a smirk. everything in me wanted to just kiss jack and look at her and smirk but i don't want to use him for that.

"I won't, lets just have fun" i smile and we join our group again. They were all cheering on sahar who was using the beer bong. she honestly looked bad ass. "That's my best friend! hell yeah" i smile when she's finished. she lets out a big burp making nate and sammy high five her. "a solid 9" they both say at the same time, finally their on the same page about something. the continue to tell her how proud they were of her for the burp and how she chugged it. "their like kids" jack laughs making me nod in agreement.





"happy new year!!" everyone cheers with excitement. Not everyone in the room liked eachother but it seemed as if they put their differences away and came together to have a good vibe for the countdown. jack pulls me into a kiss while everyone else does the same to their significant other or even just a random person that was near them.

"happy new year baby" jack smiles down, making eye contact with me. it felt like we were the only two in the room. all the sounds of cheering and confetti guns popping all around us seemed to fade away. i couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach from the way he looked at me. The way he looked at me made me feel like i was the only thing that mattered at that moment.

"hey man happy new year!" a random guy from beside jack and i says as he pays jacks shoulder. "yeah you too" jack smiles as he looks away from me to see who it was. "who's that?" i ask and he laughs. "no idea" he says and pulls me in for another kiss. "this is going to sound cheesy" he laughs pulling away and i playfully roll my eyes. "it always is with you" i tease him. It was cute how he always seemed to get nervous when he was about to flirt with me or compliment me.

"ouch" he says sarcastically. "now i'm not going to tell you" he adds crossing his arms and i smile at him. "i take it back" i laugh and he sighs. "fine."

"i was just going to tell you you're like one of the best things that's happened to me in a long time." he tells me making my heart explode. nobodies ever told me that before and honestly it felt amazing to hear someone say that.


keep up the votes and comments!! let me know how you feel about what's going on! i need to know so i can write the book properly! tysm for all the reads and all that!

be sure to check out my other book "reckless" it's also a jack gilinsky fanfic!
