jacks pov
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| monday december 1, 10:32 AM |

"i'm nervous" i admit as i rub the palm of my hands against my jeans. although i spent countless amount of hours researching what i should know before i go to this meeting, i wasn't quite sure what to expect. i hate doing things that i won't know the outcome with but that's just life i guess. I would love to have kelsey here with me right now, she was good at making me less nervous. i automatically feel at ease when she's around and i've never experienced that before.

before jack could speak up a younger woman came out of the door ahead of us. she looked to be about twenty five, no older. "Mr. king will see you now" she informs us. we stand up and walk through the door she had just came out of and we see him, David King, the owner of king labels.

"hey boys, take a seat. make yourselves comfortable" he smiles, standing up at his desk holding out his hand for us to shake. i was intimidated by his outfit and how tall he was. i definitely didn't wear a suit. my outfit was just a simple white tee with jeans and some converse.

"let's cut to the chase" he starts after we've shaken his hand and taken a seat. him saying that made my heart drop, i didn't know what was going to come out of his mouth. johnson and i look at eachother quickly then refocus back on him. "your music is good. obviously you're both young and new to this oncoming career, but king labels would love to have you." he says clasping his hands together as he leans back in his office like chair.

a smile started to form on my lips at his complements but i resisted and held it back to seem more business like.

"I assume you don't know what your job would actually be and how this all goes so i'll give you the run down if you'd like" david suggests. "that'd be great" i speak up, johnson nodding along to my words.

"Well you came off as the singer-songwriter type... am i correct?" he asks us. "yes sir, weve wrote everything so far." johnson answers. david nods.

"We sell your music and arrange and manage tours and concerts while you write, sing and perform. obviously we can supply a writer for you if needed." he explained with a small laugh at his last statement. johnson and i both nod, not knowing what to say. we were both still in shock that we even had this offer. it was still all so crazy to us.

"that sounds amazing" johnson says knowing i was too busy trying to grasp onto the concept that one of our dreams was taking action right in front of us. we've stayed up countless amount of nights in johnsons basement over the past few years just singing and sometimes we'd even write but we never thought they were good enough that people would want to listen to us or even sign us.

"You will make more money during concerts and while touring than you would selling albums and songs so it's crucial to try and get you out there as much as possible." david explains more in depth. "how would that work with us still being in school and all?" i ask and he nods. "we can arrange online classes with your school if that's available and if not we could be able to hold everything until this summer.." he says trailing off. he seemed to like the online classes idea more so than the holding off until the summer one. "i'm sure we could do it online" johnson says catching onto what he meant. "perfect." he smiles

"and on tours and concerts we will provide everything you need for you... Food, hotel, security, transportation..all of it." he goes on. it was all like a dream. you'd think i would be waking up at any minute and have to start getting ready for school then head off to pick
up kelsey. i let off an involuntary smile as her name crosses my mind. "thank you, this is all so crazy to us. it means a lot" johnson laughs a little as he gets more comfortable in his seat. he was obviously better with this type of stuff than i was. He's even got us out of trouble so many times with how well he can handle stuff.
"of course! we like to go for what we want and like and your skills meet the criteria...maybe even exceeding it" david tells us.

"so should we get to the signing?" he asks standing up. johnson and i both stand up with a nod and follow him over to a separate desk with a large paper on it.

"sign here and your initials there" he says pointing to the places. i grab the pen from his hand and sign and then initial, johnson follows my actions. "welcome to king records" david smiles sincerely. johnson and i couldn't help but let out a wide smile as we look at eachother. this really just happened.

"So we can start today on releasing a single..or we can start any other day you'd like. it's all on your time" he says and johnson and i both smile. "today sounds excellent" johnson says. "thought so, follow me" david replies.

we follow him through his office doors, down the hall and into a smaller room with computers everywhere. a tall guy welcomed us when we entered. "dwayne" he introduces himself, holding out his hand. "jack" we both say at the same time. "jack and jack... kind of catchy actually" he says making david raise his eyebrows. "love it...stage name?" he suggests. johnson and i both look at eachother and shrug. "sounds good to me" johnson says nodding.

"Dwayne here will basically help you create an album cover.he's going to upload and help more with your original song. I'll leave you guys to it" david says walking off and waving at us.

"so personally i was more with the song Beg... i feel like that'd be a good attention grabber for you guys." dwayne starts as he starts playing the song. he starts pushing buttons and adjusting certain volumes all throughout the song as jack and i listen in closely and watch him as he does everything.

"i dig it" i smile at him when he finished. i wish kelsey was here to experience this with me. i know she would have enjoyed it. i probably would have been more talkative during the meeting if she was here. i would have been less nervous.

"That was crazy. i love it" johnson smiles. This has by far been one of the best experiences we have been through together

lol i definitely winged it on how this type of stuff goes. but i hope u enjoyed the chapter even tho it was a lil boring.
