-kelsey's pov-
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| saturday october 9 6:47 PM |

"you literally look adorable" stassie says as jack and i walk in her house to hang out with everyone. "thank you" i say as she embraces me in a hug. "tell her jack!" stassie demands raising her eyebrows at him. "you literally look like adorable" jack says mocking stassies voice making me laugh. "i do not sound like that" she defends crossing her arms. "i like you know don't sound like that" he mocks again but starts twirling an invisible strand of hair causing me to laugh even harder. "fuck you" she laughs. "i mean i have a girl friend so you're like out of luck" he says and she rolls her eyes since he wouldn't talk in his normal voice.

she starts to walk away with us following her and towards the back yard where they had a small fire going since it was a little chilly outside. "there they are" sahar says standing up from johnson's lap and walking over towards us. she embraces both of us in a hug smiling the whole time.

"y'all want a drink?" sammy offers opening up the large cooler next to him. "no i'm good" jack and i both say at the same time making us look at each other and laugh a little.

we both sit down in a chair and listen in on the conversation they were having before we had walked out here. Something about a football game.

"do you need my hoodie?" jack laughs looking at the goosebumps forming on my arms. i had no idea it was an outdoor hang out or i would have definitely dressed warmer. It's no longer hot anymore like it was last month which makes me sad for how fast this year is starting to go by.

"then you'll be cold" i say shaking my head at him. "i'd rather be the one cold, look at you you're freezing" he tells me and i sigh and look at him hesitantly. "just take it" he adds taking off his hoodie, he had on a a grey sweatshirt under his hoodie so i didn't feel as bad for taking it but it was still my fault for not dressing right. i look at him on more time before sighing again and putting his hoodie on making his scent hit me quickly. i smile a little and take it all in, it's one of my favorite scents now, he just smells good.

"what are you guys doing on your two months?" stassie asks looking over at jack and i making us freeze up a little since we definitely weren't expecting that question. "napping" i say and she smiles. "aw i love it" she says looking over at sammy who had his eyes on me as he held onto his his beer can causing me to feel a little awkward and shift in my seat.

"do you have a blanket i could use?" i ask stassie and she nods. "there's some in the closet by the bathroom" she says and i look at jack. "you want to come with me?" i ask him and he stands up along with me and we walk inside.

"sam wouldn't stop staring at me" i lightly laugh as i walk down the hallway to the closet she was talking about. "You want me to say something?" he asks me and i shake my head no. "it was probably nothing" i say and he sighs. "well he was talking about trying to hook up with you when our plan was over...but i told him you're not into that type of stuff." he tells me and i furrow my eyebrows. "aren't him and stassie together?" i ask and he shrugs. "i don't even know" he says grabbing one of the blankets off of the top shelf for me.

we go back out side to see everyone laughing at johnson, it looked like his chair broke on him. "you missed it" sahar says pointing to johnson. "take my seat" i say laughing along and he shakes his head. "then you won't have a chair" he says smiling at the previous events. "i'll just sit in jacks lap" i shrug and jack nods and goes along with my idea.

"you sure?" he asks and i smile. "yes just don't break this one" i tease causing him to playfully roll his eyes at me as he sits down again. i take a seat in jacks lap and throw the blanket on over us as i lay my head against his chest.

-jacks pov-
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"look at how cute that is" sahar says pointing to kelsey who was passed out in my lap. her nostrils would flare every now and then and she's let out really soft snores, it was cute i can't deny that. "i know i need to piss" i laugh lightly as i think about how long i've had to hold it. "just go" nate says furrowing his eyebrows as if it were obvious. "i'd wake her up" i say softly so i won't wake her up and nate shakes his head and makes a whip sound.

"i am not whipped" i defend and he laughs. "you're always posting her, you bought her a heart necklace, did face masks with her, you're always and i mean always with her, and now you won't go pee because you'd have to wake her up" he laughs and i sigh. "there's nothing wrong with any of that, if anything he's doing it right...when you can actually get a girlfriend you can talk. so let him be" stassie speaks up teasing nate and he rolls his eyes. "whipped" he says holding his words before.

after another twenty minutes everyone started to head out. "i'll see you tomorrow bro" sammy says as i stand up with kelsey still asleep in my arms. she didn't move at all, she must have really been tired.

"what are you doing"kelsey says softly as i place her in the passenger seat as easily as i could so i wouldn't wake her up but obviously i failed. "we're leaving" i say unwrapping my arms from around her. "already?" she asks and i laugh. "you kind of slept the whole time." i say and she smiles. "oh yeah"

"i'll be right back i have to pee" i tell her and she nods and gets on her phone as i run inside.

"Okay you ready?" i ask her when i get back into my car. she doesn't say anything she just lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes again. I'd be lying if i said when she does stuff like this it doesn't get me just a little bit. It was actually the most adorable thing i've ever seen, call me soft or whipped or whatever you want but damn it was cute.

-kelseys pov-
-sorry for so much POV switches this chapter-
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| 1:51 AM |
"hello" i answer still trying to wake up. I have been passed out since jack dropped me off at around nine thirty. I was so tired today and i don't even know why.

"come outside" i hear the person on the other line say sending chills down my back as the words come out as a slur. He hasn't tried to text or call me i'm almost two months.

"froy?" i ask confused as to why he was calling me. i quickly pull my phone away from my ear to check the caller ID to make sure i was heating correctly. "come out side baby" he says again making me roll my eyes at how he called me baby. It's crazy how him calling me that would have my knees feeling like liquid and now it have nothing near that effect.

i hang up the call and begin walking downstairs quietly until i reach the door. why would he even want to come here. he hasn't made any effort in texting or calling me and now he just suddenly shows up at my door.

"hey" he says quietly as i walk out side shutting the door as quietly as i could. "what are you doing here?" i snap walking further away from the house and down near the aide walk so we wouldn't have any chance of waking up anyone in the house.

"i've missed you baby..." he says reaching out to brush his hands through my hair like he used to when we were together. i move away before he could touch me making him stumble a little as he tries to catch his balance. "you're just drunk" i say rolling my eyes. He was always out partying on the weekends getting as fucked up as he could. i can't even remember how many times i've had to help him get to his bed or pick him up because he was too shitfaced to even walk. i saved his ass so many times and all i got in return was maybe two or three thank you and him cheating on me. What a great outcome that was.

"I know" he shrugs and i furrow my eyebrows. "then what are you doing here?"i say sighing out of frustration. "i was thinking maybe we could work out whatever this fight thing is that we're going through and be in love again" he tells me making me laugh a little to my self and raise my eyebrows at how he had said fight. "we weren't in love froy. Love isn't one sided. Love is giving your complete all to someone and them giving it it to you in return. we may have been in love at some point but eventually it's stopped. i gave it all but you...you gave me shit froy" i say tearing up a little as i start to remember how heart broken i was a few months ago.

"yet here i am saying I love you kelsey. It's you. we can get through this i know we can. we've always been so close and i hate not being able to tell you how my day was or even getting to hear your laugh. This shit right here, us not even on talking terms, is killing me" he says desperately. I shake my head at him and he lets out a small sigh. "if you loved me you wouldn't have done what you did" i tell him. "hell i don't even know why you did it. i put in everything." i say and he stays quiet.

"we hooked up once at an end of the year party after that we just kind of kept hooking up. I hate myself for it i really do. just please forgive me so we can forget about this whole thing baby." he says lowly. "forgiving you is easy at this point, but forgetting what you did? are you fucking crazy. and stop calling me baby." i state and he bites the insides of his cheeks for a split second. "so basically you're telling me we're over? you don't love me or miss me we're just over?" he asks raising his eyebrows and i stay quiet and think about what he had said.

i start to think about all the amazing times we had together and all the bad times we had shared, those memories were soon taken over by jack. and only jack. From the times he helped me when i was crying over froys sorry ass to where we're at now, worry free and enjoying life together more than anything else that's going on in our lives.

jack had once told me that someday i'd forget what missing him feels like and somewhere through out all the times jack and i had shared i did. i did forget about what missing froy feels like. i guess I missed him until i realized there really wasn't anything to miss but the peace i felt before i knew him, which is now found and i'm completely content with everything going on in my life at the moment. All that time i spent thinking about him was soon replaced and consumed by jack and i couldn't think him more.

"No froy, i don't miss you or love you anymore. i still care about you but not like how i did before." i say feeling completely stable and at complete peace now that i'm getting the closure i've always needed but never had. "Because of jack right?" he says raising his eyebrows at me waiting for my answer. "Yes, because of jack" i say smiling some and he shakes his head as he takes a few steps back. "whatever, have fun getting fucked over in the long run. he's not shit" froy says as he gets into the passenger side of his truck making me laugh some at how he had nothing better to say or do so he insulted jack. i wave a little as Froy and his friend Alex pull out of my drive way and begin driving down the street.

i guess it took letting go to realize i was holding onto nothing, This has by far been the best night of my school year so far.

hey guys! be sure and check out my other jack gilinsky book called reckless! it had good feed back as well so i'm sure you would enjoy it.

TYSM for all the reads, votes and comments! love u guys! 3K??💓
